1,122 research outputs found

    Inhaled sodium cromoglycate to treat cough in advanced lung cancer patients.

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    C-fibres probably represent the common final pathway in both ACE inhibitors and neoplastic cough. A recent report demonstrated that inhaled sodium cromoglycate is an effective treatment for ACE inhibitors' cough; this effect might be due to the suppression of afferent unmyelinated C-fibres. We tested the hypothesis that inhaled sodium cromoglycate might also be effective in lung cancer patients who presented with irritative neoplastic cough. Twenty non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients complaining of cough resistant to conventional treatment were randomised to receive, in a double-blind trial, either inhaled sodium cromoglycate or placebo. Patients recorded cough severity daily, before and during treatment, on a 0 to 4 scale. The efficacy of treatment was tested with the Mann-Whitney U-test for non-parametric measures, comparing the intergroup differences in the measures of summary of symptom scores calculated in each patient before and after treatment. We report that inhaled sodium cromoglycate can reduce cough, also in NSCLC patients and that such reduction, observed in all patients treated, is statistically significant (P < 0.001). Inhaled sodium cromoglycate appears to be a cost-effective and safe treatment for lung cancer-related cough

    Vitamin D: Mechanism of action and biological effects in uterine fibroids

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    Uterine fibroids (UFs) are the most common benign gynecological tumors. It was esti-mated that fifty percent of women presenting with UFs has symptomatology that negatively in-fluences their quality of life. Pharmacological and/or surgical treatments are frequently required, depending on the woman’s desire to preserve fertility, with a high impact on healthcare costs. Generally, the use of currently available pharmacological treatments may lead to side effects. Therefore, there is a growing interest in a natural and safe approach for UFs. In recent years, epi-demiological studies reported a vitamin D deficiency in patients with UFs raised interest in the potential biological effects of vitamin D supplementation. In vitro studies proved vitamin D efficacy in inhibiting UFs growth by targeting pathways involved in the regulation of various biological processes, including proliferation, extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, DNA repair, signaling and apoptosis. However, clinical studies supported only in part the beneficial effects of vitamin D supplementation in reducing UFs growth and tumor volume. Randomized controlled trials and large population studies are mandatory as the potential clinical benefits are likely to be substantial

    Auditory time thresholds in the range of milliseconds but not seconds are impaired in ADHD

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    The literature on time perception in individuals with ADHD is extensive but inconsistent, probably reflecting the use of different tasks and performances indexes. A sample of 40 children/adolescents (20 with ADHD, 20 neurotypical) was engaged in two identical psychophysical tasks measuring auditory time thresholds in the milliseconds (0.25–1 s) and seconds (0.75–3 s) ranges. Results showed a severe impairment in ADHD for milliseconds thresholds (Log10BF = 1.9). The deficit remained strong even when non-verbal IQ was regressed out and correlation with age suggests a developmental delay. In the seconds range, thresholds were indistinguishable between the two groups (Log10BF = − 0.5) and not correlated with milliseconds thresholds. Our results largely confirm previous evidence suggesting partially separate mechanisms for time perception in the ranges of milliseconds and seconds. Moreover, since the evidence suggests that time perception of milliseconds stimuli might load relatively less on cognitive control and working memory, compared to longer durations, the current results are consistent with a pure timing deficit in individuals with ADHD

    The economic benefit of timely, adequate, and adherence to Parkinson's disease treatment: the Value of Treatment Project 2

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    Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic progressive neurological disorder with a high psychosocial and economic burden. As part of the European Brain Council (EBC)-led Value of Treatment project, this study aimed to capture the economic benefit of timely, adequate, and adherence to PD treatment. Methods: The EBC Value of Treatment Initiative combined different stakeholders to identify unmet needs in the patients’ journey according to Rotterdam methodology. The economic evaluation focused on three major topics identified as major gaps: start of treatment; best treatment for advanced disease; and adherence to treatment. Two separate healthcare systems (Germany and the UK) were chosen. Cost-effectiveness was determined by using decision-analytical modelling approaches. Effectiveness was expressed as quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). Results: Treatment intervention in PD was found to be cost-effective regardless of the initial health state of the patient receiving the treatment. Cost savings were between -€1000 and −€5400 with 0.10 QALY gain and -€1800 and -€7600 with 0.10 QALY gain for Germany and the UK, respectively. Treatment remains cost-effective within the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence thresholds. Availability of adequate treatment to more patients was also found to be cost-effective, with an ICER of €15,000–€32,600 across country settings. Achieving the target adherence to treatment would generate cost-savings of €239,000–€576,000 (Germany) and €917,000–€2,980.000 (UK) for every 1,000 patients treated adequately. Conclusions: The analyses confirmed that timely, adequate, and adherence to PD treatment will not only improve care of the patients but is also cost-effective across healthcare systems. Further studies with a distinct identification of gaps in care are necessary to develop better and affordable care

    Resting state functional thalamic connectivity abnormalities in patients with post-stroke sleep apnoea: a pilot case-control study

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    OBJECTIVE: Sleep apnoea is common after stroke, and has adverse effects on the clinical outcome of affected cases. Its pathophysiological mechanisms are only partially known. Increases in brain connectivity after stroke might influence networks involved in arousal modulation and breathing control. The aim of this study was to investigate the resting state functional MRI thalamic hyper connectivity of stroke patients affected by sleep apnoea (SA) with respect to cases not affected, and to healthy controls (HC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: A series of stabilized strokes were submitted to 3T resting state functional MRI imaging and full polysomnography. The ventral-posterior-lateral thalamic nucleus was used as seed. RESULTS: At the between groups comparison analysis, in SA cases versus HC, the regions significantly hyper-connected with the seed were those encoding noxious threats (frontal eye field, somatosensory association, secondary visual cortices). Comparisons between SA cases versus those without SA, revealed in the former group significantly increased connectivity with regions modulating the response to stimuli independently to their potentiality of threat (prefrontal, primary and somatosensory association, superolateral and medial-inferior temporal, associative and secondary occipital ones). Further significantly functionally hyper connections were documented with regions involved also in the modulation of breathing during sleep (pons, midbrain, cerebellum, posterior cingulate cortices), and in the modulation of breathing response to chemical variations (anterior, posterior and para-hippocampal cingulate cortices). CONCLUSIONS: Our preliminary data support the presence of functional hyper connectivity in thalamic circuits modulating sensorial stimuli, in patients with post-stroke sleep apnoea, possibly influencing both their arousal ability and breathing modulation during sleep

    Combining Decision Procedures for Sorted Theories

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    Abstract. The Nelson-Oppen combination method combines decision procedures for theories satisfying certain conditions into a decision pro-cedure for their union. While the method is known to be correct in the setting of unsorted first-order logic, some current implementations of it appear in tools that use a sorted input language. So far, however, there have been no theoretical results on the correctness of the method in a sorted setting, nor is it obvious that the method in fact lifts as is to logics with sorts. To bridge this gap between the existing theoretical results and the current implementations, we extend the Nelson-Oppen method to (order-)sorted logic and prove it correct under conditions sim-ilar to the original ones. From a theoretical point of view, the extension is relevant because it provides a rigorous foundation for the application of the method in a sorted setting. From a practical point of view, the extension has the considerable added benefits that in a sorted setting the method’s preconditions become easier to satisfy in practice, and the method’s nondeterminism is generally reduced.

    Adhesion formation after intracapsular myomectomy with or without adhesion barrier.

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    Objective: To show the prevention of adhesion formation by placing an absorbable adhesion barrier after intracapsular myomectomy. Design: Prospective blinded observational study. Setting: University-affiliated Hospitals. Patient(s): Patients R18 years old with single or multiple uterine fibroids removed by laparoscopic or abdominal intracapsular myomectomy. Intervention(s): A total of 694 women undergoing laparoscopic or abdominal myomectomy were randomized for placement of oxidized regenerated cellulose absorbable adhesion barrier to the uterine incision or for control subjects without barriers. The presence of adhesions was assessed in 546 patients who underwent subsequent surgery. MainOutcomeMeasure(s): Theprimaryandsecondaryoutcomesoftheanalysiswerethepresenceandseverityof adhesions for four groups: laparotomy with barrier, laparotomy without barrier, laparoscopy with barrier, and laparoscopy without barrier. Result(s): Therewasahigherrateofadhesionsinlaparotomywithoutbarrier(28.1%)comparedwithlaparoscopy with no barrier (22.6%), followed by laparotomy with barrier (22%) and laparoscopy with barrier (15.9%). Additionally, the type of adhesions were different, filmy and organized were predominant with an adhesion barrier, and cohesive adhesions were more common without an adhesion barrier. Conclusion(s): Oxidized regenerated cellulose reduces postsurgical adhesions. Cohesive adhesions reduction was noted in laparoscopy

    Interleukin-6, interleukin-1β, and tumor necrosis factor α in menstrual effluents as biomarkers of chronic endometritis.

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    Objective: To assess the relationship between chronic endometritis (CE) and proin␣ammatory cytokine levels in menstrual ef␣uents and to develop a simple noninvasive test for screening CE. Design: Case-control study. Setting: Academic center. Patient(s): Sixty-four women referred to our center for infertility. Intervention(s): Of␣ce hysteroscopy; endometrial biopsy; collection of menstrual blood at subsequent cycle. Main Outcome Measure(s): Interleukin (IL) 6, IL-1b, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) a concentrations in menstrual ef␣uents. Result(s): Thirty-sixoutof64infertilewomenhadhistologicallyprovenCE.Theremaining28womenwereincludedascontrols.IL-6, IL-1b, and TNF-a levels were markedly higher in menstrual ef␣uents of women with CE compared with control subjects. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed a good CE screening capacity for all of the cytokines. The combined evaluation of either IL-6/TNF-a or IL-6/IL-1b increased the diagnostic capacity of the test, which reached a 100% sensitivity and a negative predictive value of 100 when at least one cytokine was found to exceed its cutoff value; it also reached a 100% speci␣city and a positive predictive value of 100 in cases of positivity of both cytokines. Logistic regression analysis con␣rmed the IL-6/TNF-a– based model as a signi␣cant predictor of CE. Conclusion(s): Proin␣ammatorycytokinelevelsareincreasedinmenstrualef␣uentsofwomen with CE. A test dosing IL-6 and TNF-a seems to have a high screening capacity for CE. (Fertil Steril! 2014;101:242–7. !2014 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

    Reuse of building components. Assessment system to support decisions in indoor re-layout interventions.

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    Compared to other industrial fields, the construction sector, although encouraged by a framework of international policies that push towards spreading circular economy principles, still needs to adopt new ‘closed cycle’ resource management models. Among the barriers that hinder this transition is the limited availability of tools and methods to determine the overall outcomes of circularity actions. Although metrics to evaluate the degree of circularity of processes and products are currently available, tools that allow the evaluation of the environmental benefits achievable through the reuse of products and systems have yet to be widespread. The paper proposes a simplified method for quantifying the environmental benefits that can derive from the reuse practices of building components in building re-layout projects

    Socioeconomic impact of restless legs syndrome and inadequate restless legs syndrome management across European settings

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    Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is one of the most common neurological disorders. It describes an irresistible urge to move the legs, mostly manifested in the evening and at night, which can lead to severe sleep disturbance. As part of the European Brain Council (EBC)-led Value-of-Treatment project, this study aimed at capturing the socioeconomic impact of RLS related to the inadequate diagnosis and treatment across different European healthcare settings. The economic burden of RLS was estimated using the published EBC framework of analysis in three separate European Union healthcare systems (France, Germany, and Italy). The RLS care pathway was mapped to identify the unmet needs of patients. Based on specific patient stories, the economic impact of correctly diagnosing RLS and changing between inadequate and target treatment was calculated using appropriate scenario analysis. RLS proved to be a significant personal and social burden, when epidemiological data, high prevalence of RLS, and its need for treatment are combined. By looking at the savings emerging from the provision of optimal care management (timely and correct diagnosis, evidence-based therapy, avoidance of therapy-related complications such as augmentation), the authors foresee substantial economic savings with the achievement of adequate diagnosis and treatment of RLS. Education about RLS is urgently needed for all subspecialties involved in RLS patient care as well as the general public. Equally important, the search for new causal treatment strategies should be intensified to reduce suffering and substantial societal cost