47 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Tomato Infectious Chlorosis Virus Penyebab Penyakit Klorosis Pada Tanaman Tomat Di Cipanas Jawa Barat Melalui Perunutan Nukleotida Gen Protein Selubung Utama

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    Identification of tomato infectious chlorosis virus, the causal agent of chlorosis disease on tomato in Cipanas West Java by sequencing of main coat protein gene nucleotide. Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) causes chlorosis on tomato. Tomatoes infected by this virus shows interveinal yellowing, necrotic, bronzing, brittleness, and declining in productivity. This study aims to identify the causal agent of chlorotic disease on tomato by sequencing the coat protein gene. The methods involve collecting infected plants, total RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, DNA amplification, visualization of the results of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and phylogenetic analysis using BLAST, clustal w, Bioedit v, MEGA v 6:06. RT-PCR using spesific primers (CP-F TICV Bam and TICV R-Hind) amplified a DNA band of 792 bp, which has been successfully sequenced and identified as TICV. Nucleotide sequences homology analysis showed that TICV Indonesia_TWJ isolate Cipanas is the same strain as TICV from other countries (99.4 – 100%), such as Spain, Greece, USA, France, and Italy

    Pengaruh Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan, Lama Tinggal Wisatawan dan Tingkat Hunian Hotel terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat pada Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali

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    Bali Province is a that rely on tourism sector as a source of revenue contribute large enough on local revenue and public welfare. The purpose of this research is to analyze the number of tourist visit, remained tourists, and occupancy rate for hotels to community welfare by regional real income on regency/city in Bali Provinces. This reasearch used secondary data the data time series beginning in 2010 - 2015. Data collection is done through observation on publication of the BPS Bali Provinces and of Tourism Bali Province. Analysis techniques that used path analysis. Based on analysis of the obtained the result that the number of visits tourists and occupancy rate for hotels have had a positive impact and significant on local revenue, while remained tourists no effect on local revenue in districts in Bali province. The number of tourist visits, remained tourists, occupancy rate for hotels have had a positive impact and significant in community welfare, while local revenue no effect on the welfare of the community in districts in Bali Province. Local revenue as variable mediation relations the number of tourist visits, remained tourists and occupancy rate for hotels influential in community welfare

    Produksi Antiserum Dan Kajian Serologi Chrysanthemum B Carlavirus (Cvb)

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    Antiserum production and serological assay of Chrysanthemum B Carlavirus (CVB). Virus identification based on spesific reaction between antigen and antibody in serological assay has been widely applied as a tool for plant virus detection. The aims of this research is to produce antiserum of the CVB by Guinea pig immunization using purified CVB of Cianjur isolate. The antiserum was used further for the serological test. Serological methods for detection of CVB were I-ELISA, TBIA, western blot and ISEM. The result showed that Guinea pig immunization using 150 Β΅g of purified virus was able to produce 10.75 ml of antiserum. The antiserum produced had high sensitivity for detection of CVB when examined by I-ELISA and TBIA. Besides its low cost, TBIA allows the samples to be blotted on the nitrocellulose membranes in the field and storage of the membranes for later processing in the laboratory. This feature makes it the metode of choice for large-scale CVB surveying

    Identifikasi Patotipe Globodera Rostochiensis Menggunakan Klon Diferensial

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    Identification of Globodera rostochiensis using differential clones. Potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, is a relatively new pathogen in Indonesia that becomes a constraint to potato production. To manage the parasite effectively, it is very important to identify the pathotype of G. rostochiensis populations. Therefore, this research was carried out to identify G. rostochiensis pathotypes. Four G. rostochiensis samples, consisting of three samples from East Java and one sample from Central Java, were identified using a set of differential clones. The result showed that G. rostochiensis samples from East Java were new pathotype, whereas the sample from Central Java was Ro1 pathotype

    Toward Improvement of Resistance Testing Reliability

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    Periodically conducting a benchmark test with estimated uncertainty is important to improve the quality of resistance predictions and understand the influence of instrumentation, testing procedures and analysis techniques. The LHI-007 Ro-Ro Ferry ship model, made available by the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN), was used for benchmark testing from 2010 to 2018 at the Indonesian Hydrodynamic Laboratory. Comparisons were made between filtering the resistance data with a low-pass filter and with a Kalman filter. This work shows how benchmark tests can be used to track test performance over a longer period and proposes techniques to improve the uncertainty in the resistance results

    Penetapan Kadar Parasetamol Dan Tramadol Dalam Tablet Anti Nyeri Dengan Thin Layer Chromatography (Tlc)- Spektrofotodensitometri

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    Telah dikembangkan penetapan kadar parasetamol dan tramadol dalam tablet antinyeri secara simultan menggunakan teknik TLC-Spektrofotodensitometri, menggunakan fase gerak kloroform: etanol: asam formiat (7:3:0,05 v/v/v) dan diukur pada panjang gelombang 275 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fase gerak kloroform:etanol;asam formiat 7:3:0,05 memberikan pemisahan terbaik. Tramadol linier pada rentang konsentrasi 500-1000 ng dengan LOD dan LOQ sebesar 23,4 ng dan 78,2 ng. Parasetamol linier pada rentang konsentrasi 5000-10000 ng dengan LOD dan LOQ sebesar 337,9 ng dan 1126,4 ng. Metode penetapan kadar sampel tablet Ultracet memiliki nilai akurasi dan presisi yang cukup baik (tramadol = 91,65%; KV = 1,7% dan parasetamol = 99,35%; KV = 1,1%) namun perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai optimasi metode ekstraksi, jarak penotolan serta jarak pengembangannya

    Eliminasi Carnation Mottle Virus Menggunakan Senyawa Antiviral Pada Kultur Jaringan Anyelir (Dianthus Caryophyllus L.)

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    Carnation mottle virus (CarMV) merupakan salah satu virus penting pada tanaman anyelir dan semua kultivar anyelir yang ditanam di Jawa Barat terinfeksi oleh virus ini. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan metode eliminasi CarMV yang efektif untuk membebaskan planlet anyelir dari virus. Inisiasi eksplant terinfeksi dilakukan pada media MSO dan perbanyakan planlet dilakukan pada media perbanyakan MS yang mengandung 1,0 ppm BA dan 0,5 ppm kinetin (MSZ). Metode eliminasi CarMV yang diuji terdiri atas perlakuan 2-thiourasil dan amantadin dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, dan 30 ppm, dan ribavirin 5 ppm sebagai pembanding. Tunas apikal planlet ditanam pada media perlakuan (MSZA). Setelah tunas tumbuh, meristem terminal diambil 0,5 mm untuk ditanam pada media MSZ. Kultur meristem terminal dari planlet pada perlakuan 2- thiourasil menghasilkan planlet bebas virus sebesar 0 – 57%. Konsentrasi 2-thiourasil 25 ppm menghasilkan persentase planlet bebas virus tertinggi, namun perlakuan tersebut toksik pada tanaman. Perlakuan amantadin menghasilkan 25,0 – 54,55% planlet bebas virus. Di antara perlakuan yang diuji, perlakuan antiviral amantadin dengan konsentrasi 5 – 30 ppm lebih optimal menghasilkan planlet anyelir bebas CarMV dan tidak toksik terhadap tanaman. Perlakuan amantadin 5 – 20 ppm mampu menghambat virus lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan 2-thiourasil pada konsentrasi yang sama. Amantadin 5 – 30 ppm menghasilkan tingkat penghambatan virus sebesar 42,94 – 59,57%, sedangkan 2-thiourasil sebesar -8,18 – 63,03%. Senyawa 2-thiourasil dan amantadin berpotensi sebagai agen antiviral untuk mendapatkan tanaman anyelir bebas CarMV