56 research outputs found

    Towards quantum computational logics

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    Quantum computational logics have recently stirred increasing attention (Cattaneoetal.inMath.Slovaca54:87–108,2004;Leddaetal.inStud.Log.82(2):245–270,2006; Giuntini et al. in Stud. Log. 87(1):99–128, 2007). In this paper we outline their motivations and report on the state of the art of the approach to the logic of quantum computation that has been recently taken up and developed by our research group

    Approximate transformations of bipartite pure-state entanglement from the majorization lattice

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    We study the problem of deterministic transformations of an \textit{initial} pure entangled quantum state, ψ|\psi\rangle, into a \textit{target} pure entangled quantum state, ϕ|\phi\rangle, by using \textit{local operations and classical communication} (LOCC). A celebrated result of Nielsen [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{83}, 436 (1999)] gives the necessary and sufficient condition that makes this entanglement transformation process possible. Indeed, this process can be achieved if and only if the majorization relation ψϕ\psi \prec \phi holds, where ψ\psi and ϕ\phi are probability vectors obtained by taking the squares of the Schmidt coefficients of the initial and target states, respectively. In general, this condition is not fulfilled. However, one can look for an \textit{approximate} entanglement transformation. Vidal \textit{et. al} [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{62}, 012304 (2000)] have proposed a deterministic transformation using LOCC in order to obtain a target state χopt|\chi^\mathrm{opt}\rangle most approximate to ϕ|\phi\rangle in terms of maximal fidelity between them. Here, we show a strategy to deal with approximate entanglement transformations based on the properties of the \textit{majorization lattice}. More precisely, we propose as approximate target state one whose Schmidt coefficients are given by the supremum between ψ\psi and ϕ\phi. Our proposal is inspired on the observation that fidelity does not respect the majorization relation in general. Remarkably enough, we find that for some particular interesting cases, like two-qubit pure states or the entanglement concentration protocol, both proposals are coincident.Comment: Revised manuscript close to the accepted version in Physica A (10 pages, 1 figure

    Entanglement as a semantic resource

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    The characteristic holistic features of the quantum theoretic formalism and the intriguing notion of entanglement can be applied to a field that is far from microphysics: logical semantics. Quantum computational logics are new forms of quantum logic that have been suggested by the theory of quantum logical gates in quantum computation. In the standard semantics of these logics, sentences denote quantum information quantities: systems of qubits (quregisters) or, more generally, mixtures of quregisters (qumixes), while logical connectives are interpreted as special quantum logical gates (which have a characteristic reversible and dynamic behavior). In this framework, states of knowledge may be entangled, in such a way that our information about the whole determines our information about the parts; and the procedure cannot be, generally, inverted. In spite of its appealing properties, the standard version of the quantum computational semantics is strongly "Hilbert-space dependent". This certainly represents a shortcoming for all applications, where real and complex numbers do not generally play any significant role (as happens, for instance, in the case of natural and of artistic languages). We propose an abstract version of quantum computational semantics, where abstract qumixes, quregisters and registers are identified with some special objects (not necessarily living in a Hilbert space), while gates are reversible functions that transform qumixes into qumixes. In this framework, one can give an abstract definition of the notions of superposition and of entangled pieces of information, quite independently of any numerical values. We investigate three different forms of abstract holistic quantum computational logic

    Representing continuous t-norms in quantum computation with mixed states

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    A model of quantum computation is discussed in (Aharanov et al 1997 Proc. 13th Annual ACM Symp. on Theory of Computation, STOC pp 20–30) and (Tarasov 2002 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35 5207–35) in which quantum gates are represented by quantum operations acting on mixed states. It allows one to use a quantum computational model in which connectives of a four-valued logic can be realized as quantum gates. In this model, we give a representation of certain functions, known as t-norms (Menger 1942 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 37 57–60), that generalize the triangle inequality for the probability distributionvalued metrics. As a consequence an interpretation of the standard operations associated with the basic fuzzy logic (H´ajek 1998 Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic (Trends in Logic vol 4) (Dordrecht: Kluwer)) is provided in the frame of quantum computatio

    A first-order epistemic quantum computational semantics with relativistic-like epistemic effects

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    Quantum computation has suggested new forms of quantum logic, called quantum computational logics. In these logics well-formed formulas are supposed to denote pieces of quantum information: possible pure states of quantum systems that can store the information in question. At the same time, the logical connectives are interpreted as quantum logical gates: unitary operators that process quantum information in a reversible way, giving rise to quantum circuits. Quantum computational logics have been mainly studied as sentential logics (whose alphabet consists of atomic sentences and of logical connectives). In this article we propose a semantic characterization for a first-order epistemic quantum computational logic, whose language can express sentences like "Alice knows that everybody knows that she is pretty". One can prove that (unlike the case of logical connectives) both quantifiers and epistemic operators cannot be generally represented as (reversible) quantum logical gates. The "act of knowing" and the use of universal (or existential) assertions seem to involve some irreversible "theoretic jumps", which are similar to quantum measurements. Since all epistemic agents are characterized by specific epistemic domains (which contain all pieces of information accessible to them), the unrealistic phenomenon of logical omniscience is here avoided: knowing a given sentence does not imply knowing all its logical consequences

    Introduction: Logical Pluralism and Translation

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    Generalized coherence vector applied to coherence transformations and quantifiers

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    One of the main problems in any quantum resource theory is the characterization of the conversions between resources by means of the free operations of the theory. In this work, we advance on this characterization within the quantum coherence resource theory by introducing the generalized coherence vector of an arbitrary quantum state. The generalized coherence vector is a probability vector that can be interpreted as a concave roof extension of the pure states coherence vector. We show that it completely characterizes the notions of being incoherent, as well as being maximally coherent. Moreover, using this notion and the majorization relation, we obtain a necessary condition for the conversion of general quantum states by means of incoherent operations. These results generalize the necessary conditions of conversions for pure states given in the literature, and show that the tools of the majorization lattice are useful also in the general case. Finally, we introduce a family of coherence quantifiers by considering concave and symmetric functions applied to the generalized coherence vector. We compare this proposal with the convex roof measure of coherence and others quantifiers given in the literature.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures (close to the published version

    Multi-class classification based on quantum state discrimination

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    We present a general framework for the problem of multi-class classification using classification functions that can be interpreted as fuzzy sets. We specialize these functions in the domain of Quantum-inspired classifiers, which are based on quantum state discrimination techniques. In particular, we use unsharp observables (Positive Operator-Valued Measures) that are determined by the training set of a given dataset to construct these classification functions. We show that such classifiers can be tested on near-term quantum computers once these classification functions are “distilled” (on a classical platform) from the quantum encoding of a training dataset. We compare these experimental results with their theoretical counterparts and we pose some questions for future research

    Probability Measures and projections on Quantum Logics

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    The present paper is devoted to modelling of a probability measure of logical connectives on a quantum logic (QL), via a GG-map, which is a special map on it. We follow the work in which the probability of logical conjunction, disjunction and symmetric difference and their negations for non-compatible propositions are studied. We study such a G G -map on quantum logics, which is a probability measure of a projection and show, that unlike classical (Boolean) logic, probability measure of projections on a quantum logic are not necessarilly pure projections. We compare properties of a GG-map on QLs with properties of a probability measure related to logical connectives on a Boolean algebra

    Irreversibilty and Universality in Quantum Computation

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