49,046 research outputs found

    Common Visual Representations as a Source for Misconceptions of Preservice Teachers in a Geometry Connection Course

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    In this paper, we demonstrate how atypical visual representations of a triangle, square or a parallelogram may hinder students’ understanding of a median and altitude. We analyze responses and reasoning given by 16 preservice middle school teachers in a Geometry Connection class. Particularly, the data were garnered from three specific questions posed on a cumulative final exam, which focused on computing and comparing areas of parallelograms, and triangles represented by atypical images. We use the notions of concept image and concept definition as our theoretical framework for an analysis of the students’ responses. Our findings have implication on how typical images can impact students’ cognitive process and their concept image. We provide a number of suggestions that can foster conceptualization of the notions of median and altitude in a triangle that can be realized in an enacted lesson

    Alpha-Particle Irradiation-Induced Change in Bronchopulmonary Macrophage Morphology, In Vitro

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    Bronchopulmonary macrophages, isolated from canine lungs by saline lavage and grown in tissue culture for short periods, were acutely irradiated with a range of doses of either Americium-241 alpha particles (0.03-48 Gy) or 250 keV x-rays (0.5-24 Gy). Following a 24-hour reincubation and expression period, cells were examined for radiation-induced changes in overall viability, as well as in cell morphology and ultrastructure. Results indicated that neither quality of radiation had much effect on cell viability over dose ranges examined, but substantial changes in cell volume, surface topography, and cytoplasmic features were noted, especially in the alpha-particle-irradiated specimens. Results support the concept that the limiting plasma membrane of the targeted macrophage is a sensitive subcellular target for ionizing radiation, especially high-linear-energy-transfer heavy particles

    SEM of Canine Chromosomes: Normal Structure and the Effects of Whole-Body Irradiation

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    Canine chromosomes are not only numerous (38 autosomal pairs), but they are small (compared to human chromosomes) and morphologically similar as well. Analysis of the canine karyotype by light microscopy (LM) of banded chromosomes is, thus, difficult, and the literature on the canine karyotype is scanty. In this study, we describe examination of chromosomes from normal and chronically irradiated dogs with the scanning elect ran microscope (SEM). Metaphase chromosomes from bone marrow aspirates were Giemsa-banded with either 0.025% trypsin alone or 0.1% trypsin preceded by 10% H2O2 and prepared for SEM. Examination of chromosomes from normal dogs revealed cylindrical chromosome profiles with well-defined chromatids and centromeres. The chromosome arms were consistently marked by periodic grooves that had complementary structures on sister chromatids and may represent the trypsin-sensitive chromatic regions. The quality of the preservation varied from preparation to preparation and depended on the concentration and time of trypsin treatment. Chromosomes from irradiated dogs revealed translocations, deletions, and gaps. We conclude that SEM produces images superior to LM images of canine chromosomes; SEM images can be used not only to identify individual chromosomes, but also to identify genetic lesions in the chromosomes of chronically irradiated dogs. We further conclude that the two Giemsa-banding protocols used in the present study produced variable results, although 0.025% trypsin alone appeared to give better and more consistent results than 0.1% trypsin preceded by 10% H2O2

    Fabric anisotropy & DEM informed two-surface hyperplasticity : constitutive formulation, asymptotic states & experimental validation.

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    In geotechnical analysis continuum idealisations of the bulk material still provide the most appropriate approach for engineers designing large-scale structures. In this area, the most successful framework for describing the behaviour of soils is Critical State (CS) soil mechanics. However, the findings from discrete element method (DEM) analysis, such as the uniqueness of the CS, can provide invaluable information in the development such models. This paper details the key concepts behind a two-surface hyperplasticity model (?) whose development was informed by recent DEM findings on the uniqueness of the CS. Asymptotic states of the model will be confirmed and the DEM-continuum-experimental loop will be closed through comparison of the developed model with experimental data on coarse-grained particulate media. This will demonstrate, that providing the previous stress history is accounted for, the proposed model is suitable for a variety of particulate media

    Las tapas y titulares del Semanario Marcha : una puerta grande a la argumentación

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    El Semanario Marcha aparece en Montevideo el 23 de junio de 1939, y sigue editándose hasta el 22 de noviembre de 1974, cuando es clausurado definitivamente por la dictadura militar. La vocación de interpretar la información de actualidad, se resume en el primer lema de Marcha: “Toda la semana en un día". Y la adscripción a un proyecto político-ideológico en el segundo: “Navegare Necesse, Vivere Non Necesse". Marcha está en la génesis de muchas otras publicaciones contemporáneas y posteriores (algunas en forma más directa, como Crisis en Buenos Aires y Brecha en Montevideo, ya en democracia). Dice Jorge Rivera, en su libro sobre periodismo cultural: “ninguna publicación del Río de la Plata puede desconocer su marca, su estilo y su lección de rigor periodístico". Sus tapas y contratapas, la pregnancia y el sentido del logotipo y el lema, así como el poder de síntesis y creatividad de los titulares constituyen elementos en parte responsables del impacto y la incidencia que el semanario tenía en la opinión pública. Es (también) a través de esas tapas que Marcha ha quedado inscripta en la memoria colectiva, y en ellas el mito encuentra su imagen y su síntesis. Ponencia presentada en: IV JORNADAS DE HISTORIA DE LAS IZQUIERDAS: “Prensa política, revistas culturales y emprendimientos editoriales de las izquierdas latinoamericanas", CEDINCI (Centro de Documentación e Información de la Cultura de Izquierda). Buenos Aires, IDES, 14, 15 y 16 de noviembre de 2007

    40th anniversary of the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Cuyo in the formation of the human dental resource

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    La formación del recurso humano odontológico representa todo un desafío en el siglo XXI. Los avances tecnológicos, el desarrollo de nuevos materiales y técnicas de rehabilitación han influido en la pertinencia de los planes de estudio, la flexibilidad de las carreras y la necesidad de acompañar esos cambios con la velocidad con la que aparecen, para lograr un profesional que reúna las competencias básicas, clínicas y humanísticas que la odontología requiere. Por otra parte, la práctica dental es una actividad interdisciplinaria de salud, donde al menos, requiere de un equipo formado por el Odontólogo, el Asistente dental y el Protesista dental.The formation of the human dental resource represents a challenge in the 21st century. Technological advances, the development of new materials and rehabilitation techniques have influenced the relevance of curricula, the flexibility of careers and the need to accompany those changes with the speed with which they appear, to achieve a professional that brings together the basic, clinical and humanistic competencies required by dentistry. On the other hand, dental practice is an interdisciplinary health activity, where at least it requires a team formed by the dentist, dental assistant and dental prosthodontics.Fil: Di Nasso, María del Carmen Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Odontologí