801 research outputs found

    Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using a Switched-Beam Antenna

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    Search for the most stable massive state in superstring theory

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    In ten dimensional type II superstring, all perturbative massive states are unstable, typically with a short lifetime compared to the string scale. We find that the lifetime of the average string state of mass M has the asymptotic form T < const.1/(g^2 M). The most stable string state seems to be a certain state with high angular momentum which can be classically viewed as a circular string rotating in several planes ("the rotating ring"), predominantly decaying by radiating soft massless NS-NS particles, with a lifetime T = c_0 M^5/g^2. Remarkably, the dominant channel is the decay into a similar rotating ring state of smaller mass. The total lifetime to shrink to zero size is ~ M^7. In the presence of D branes, decay channels involving open strings in the final state are exponentially suppressed, so the lifetime is still proportional to M^5, except for a D brane at a special angle or flux. For large mass, the spectrum for massless emission exhibits qualitative features typical of a thermal spectrum, such as a maximum and an exponential tail. We also discuss the decay properties of rotating rings in the case of compact dimensions.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. Correction on lifetime of average stat

    Layer by layer - Combining Monads

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    We develop a method to incrementally construct programming languages. Our approach is categorical: each layer of the language is described as a monad. Our method either (i) concretely builds a distributive law between two monads, i.e. layers of the language, which then provides a monad structure to the composition of layers, or (ii) identifies precisely the algebraic obstacles to the existence of a distributive law and gives a best approximant language. The running example will involve three layers: a basic imperative language enriched first by adding non-determinism and then probabilistic choice. The first extension works seamlessly, but the second encounters an obstacle, which results in a best approximant language structurally very similar to the probabilistic network specification language ProbNetKAT

    Involutive Categories and Monoids, with a GNS-correspondence

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    This paper develops the basics of the theory of involutive categories and shows that such categories provide the natural setting in which to describe involutive monoids. It is shown how categories of Eilenberg-Moore algebras of involutive monads are involutive, with conjugation for modules and vector spaces as special case. The core of the so-called Gelfand-Naimark-Segal (GNS) construction is identified as a bijective correspondence between states on involutive monoids and inner products. This correspondence exists in arbritrary involutive categories

    The Expectation Monad in Quantum Foundations

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    The expectation monad is introduced abstractly via two composable adjunctions, but concretely captures measures. It turns out to sit in between known monads: on the one hand the distribution and ultrafilter monad, and on the other hand the continuation monad. This expectation monad is used in two probabilistic analogues of fundamental results of Manes and Gelfand for the ultrafilter monad: algebras of the expectation monad are convex compact Hausdorff spaces, and are dually equivalent to so-called Banach effect algebras. These structures capture states and effects in quantum foundations, and also the duality between them. Moreover, the approach leads to a new re-formulation of Gleason's theorem, expressing that effects on a Hilbert space are free effect modules on projections, obtained via tensoring with the unit interval.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2011, arXiv:1210.029

    Mutational screening of splicing factor genes in cases with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa.

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    PURPOSE: Mutations in genes encoding proteins from the tri-snRNP complex of the spliceosome account for more than 12% of cases of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). Although the exact mechanism by which splicing factor defects trigger photoreceptor death is not completely clear, their role in retinitis pigmentosa has been demonstrated by several genetic and functional studies. To test for possible novel associations between splicing factors and adRP, we screened four tri-snRNP splicing factor genes (EFTUD2, PRPF4, NHP2L1, and AAR2) as candidate disease genes. METHODS: We screened up to 303 patients with adRP from Europe and North America who did not carry known RP mutations. Exon-PCR and Sanger methods were used to sequence the NHP2L1 and AAR2 genes, while the sequences of EFTUD2 and PRPF4 were obtained by using long-range PCRs spanning coding and non-coding regions followed by next-generation sequencing. RESULTS: We detected novel missense changes in individual patients in the sequence of the genes PRPF4 and EFTUD2, but the role of these changes in relationship to disease could not be verified. In one other patient we identified a novel nucleotide substitution in the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of NHP2L1, which did not segregate with the disease in the family. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of clearly pathogenic mutations in the candidate genes screened in our cohort suggests that EFTUD2, PRPF4, NHP2L1, and AAR2 are either not involved in adRP or are associated with the disease in rare instances, at least as observed in this study in patients of European and North American origin

    Dimensional crossover in topological matter: Evolution of the multiple Dirac point in the layered system to the flat band on the surface

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    We consider the dimensional crossover in the topological matter, which involves the transformation of different types of topologically protected zeroes in the fermionic spectrum. In the considered case, the multiple Dirac (Fermi) point in quasi 2-dimensional system evolves into the flat band on the surface of the 3-dimensional system when the number of atomic layers increases. This is accompanied by formation of the spiral nodal lines in the bulk. We also discuss the topological quantum phase transition at which the surface flat band shrinks and changes its chirality, while the nodal spiral changes its helicity.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Design of an Innovative Tractor-Operated Seeder for Mat Type Paddy Nursery

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    This study contains the design approach, development details, and field evaluation of an innovative tractor-operated seeder for sowing mat type paddy nursery. In order to design and select the various components of mat type nursery seeder, the fundamentals of farm machinery design were taken into due consideration. The machine comprises of soil cutting unit, inclined conveyor unit, screw type conveyor auger, sieving unit, compaction roller, polythene sheet laying unit, soil metering and seed metering unit. The basic criteria for design were to prepare a soil bed with a width of 1000 mm and width of cut of channel 240 mm on both sides of the bed to irrigate the prepared soil bed. The soil cutting unit and conveyor unit were designed based upon amount of soil required on soil bed to have 20–30 mm soil mat bed thickness and seed metering unit was designed to deliver 2–3 seeds∙cm−2 on the bed. The machine was fabricated based on design calculations and then evaluated in laboratory as well as actual field conditions. During field evaluation of this machine, it was found that the coefficient of uniformity for seed spread was 7.33%, coefficient of uniformity for soil spread 5.67%, fuel consumption 39.6 l.ha−1 and actual field capacity 0.11 ha∙h−1 with 1.7 km∙h−1 forward speed of machine. Labour saving using the designed tractor-operated seeder was observed to be 86.4% as compared to the manual method of sowing mat type nursery using steel frames

    Role of surface roughness in hard x-ray emission from femtosecond laser produced copper plasmas

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    The hard x-ray emission in the energy range of 30-300 keV from copper plasmas produced by 100 fs, 806 nm laser pulses at intensities in the range of 10151016^{15}-10^{16} W cm2^{-2} is investigated. We demonstrate that surface roughness of the targets overrides the role of polarization state in the coupling of light to the plasma. We further show that surface roughness has a significant role in enhancing the x-ray emission in the above mentioned energy range.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Yang-Mills gauge anomalies in the presence of gravity with torsion

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    The BRST transformations for the Yang-Mills gauge fields in the presence of gravity with torsion are discussed by using the so-called Maurer-Cartan horizontality conditions. With the help of an operator \d which allows to decompose the exterior spacetime derivative as a BRST commutator we solve the Wess-Zumino consistency condition corresponding to invariant Chern-Simons terms and gauge anomalies.Comment: 24 pages, report REF. TUW 94-1