70 research outputs found

    Dielectric Hysteresis, Relaxation Dynamics, and Non-volatile Memory Effect in Carbon Nanotube Dispersed Liquid Crystal

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    The self-organizing properties of nematic liquid crystals (LC) can be used to template carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on a macroscopic dimension. The nematic director field, coupled to the dispersed CNT long-axis, enables controlled director reorientation using well-established methods of LC alignment techniques, such as patterned-electrode-surface, electric fields, and magnetic fields. Electric field induced director rotation of a nematic LC+CNT system is of potential interests due to its possible applications as a nano electromechanical system. The relaxation mechanism for a LC+CNT composite, on the removal of the applied field, reveals the intrinsic dynamics of this anisotropic system. Dielectric hysteresis and temperature dependence of the dielectric constant coherently shows the ferroelectric-type behavior of the LC+CNT system in the nematic phase. The strong surface anchoring of LC molecules on CNT walls results in forming local isolated pseudo-nematic domains in the isotropic phase. These domains, being anisotropic, respond to external fields, but, do not relax back to the original state on switching of the field off, showing non-volatile memory effect.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Calorimetric study of the nematic to smectic-A phase transition in octylcyanobiphenyl-hexane binary mixtures

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    The continuous nematic to smectic-A (N-SmA) phase transition has been studied by high-resolution ac-calorimetry in binary mixtures of the liquid crystal octylcyanobiphenyl(8CB) and a non-mesogenic, low-molecular weight, solvent n-hexane(hex) as a function of temperature and solvent concentration. Heating and cooling scans about the N-SmA transition temperature were repeatedly performed on pure and six 8CB+hex samples having hexane molar concentration ranging from x_{hex}= 0.02 to 0.12. All 8CB+hex samples in this range of x_{hex} remain macroscopically miscible and exhibit an N-SmA heat capacity peak that shifts non-monotonically to lower temperature and evolves in shape, with a reproducible hysteresis, as x_{hex} increases. The imaginary part of heat capacity remains zero up to x^{TCP}_{hex}\simeq 0.07$ above which the distinct peak is observed, corresponding to a jump in both the real and imaginary enthalpy. A simple power-law analysis reveals an effective exponent that increases smoothly from 0.30 to 0.50 with an amplitude ratio A^{-}/A^{+}\rightarrow 1 as x_{hex}\rightarrow x^{TCP}_{hex}. This observed crossover towards the N-SmA tricritical point driven by solvent concentration is consistent with previous results and can be understood as weakening of the liquid crystal intermolecular potential promoting increased nematic fluctuations

    High-resolution x-ray study of the nematic - smectic-A and smectic-A - smectic-C transitions in 8barS5-aerosil gels

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    The effects of dispersed aerosil nanoparticles on two of the phase transitions of the thermotropic liquid crystal material 4-n-pentylphenylthiol-4'-n-octyloxybenzoate 8barS5 have been studied using high-resolution x-ray diffraction techniques. The aerosils hydrogen bond together to form a gel which imposes a weak quenched disorder on the liquid crystal. The smectic-A fluctuations are well characterized by a two-component line shape representing thermal and random-field contributions. An elaboration on this line shape is required to describe the fluctuations in the smectic-C phase; specifically the effect of the tilt on the wave-vector dependence of the thermal fluctuations must be explicitly taken into account. Both the magnitude and the temperature dependence of the smectic-C tilt order parameter are observed to be unaffected by the disorder. This may be a consequence of the large bare smectic correlation length in the direction of modulation for this transition. These results show that the understanding developed for the nematic to smectic-A transition for octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) and octyloxycyanobiphenyl (8OCB) liquid crystals with quenched disorder can be extended to quite different materials and transitions.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Binary separation in very thin nematic films: thickness and phase coexistence

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    The behavior as a function of temperature of very thin films (10 to 200 nm) of pentylcyanobiphenyl (5CB) on silicon substrates is reported. In the vicinity of the nematic/isotropic transition we observe a coexistence of two regions of different thicknesses: thick regions are in the nematic state while thin ones are in the isotropic state. Moreover, the transition temperature is shifted downward following a 1/h^2 law (h is the film thickness). Microscope observations and small angle X-ray scattering allowed us to draw a phase diagram which is explained in terms of a binary first order phase transition where thickness plays the role of an order parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRL on the 26th of Apri

    Two new topologically ordered glass phases of smectics confined in anisotropic random media

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    We show that smectic liquid crystals confined in_anisotropic_ porous structures such as e.g.,_strained_ aerogel or aerosil exhibit two new glassy phases. The strain both ensures the stability of these phases and determines their nature. One type of strain induces an ``XY Bragg glass'', while the other creates a novel, triaxially anisotropic ``m=1 Bragg glass''. The latter exhibits anomalous elasticity, characterized by exponents that we calculate to high precision. We predict the phase diagram for the system, and numerous other experimental observables.Comment: 4 RevTeX pgs, 2 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Smectic ordering in liquid crystal - aerosil dispersions I. X-ray scattering

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    Comprehensive x-ray scattering studies have characterized the smectic ordering of octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) confined in the hydrogen-bonded silica gels formed by aerosil dispersions. For all densities of aerosil and all measurement temperatures, the correlations remain short range, demonstrating that the disorder imposed by the gels destroys the nematic (N) to smectic-A (SmA) transition. The smectic correlation function contains two distinct contributions. The first has a form identical to that describing the critical thermal fluctuations in pure 8CB near the N-SmA transition, and this term displays a temperature dependence at high temperatures similar to that of the pure liquid crystal. The second term, which is negligible at high temperatures but dominates at low temperatures, has a shape given by the thermal term squared and describes the static fluctuations due to random fields induced by confinement in the gel. The correlation lengths appearing in the thermal and disorder terms are the same and show strong variation with gel density at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of the amplitude of the static fluctuations further suggests that nematic susceptibility become suppressed with increasing quenched disorder. The results overall are well described by a mapping of the liquid crystal-aerosil system into a three dimensional XY model in a random field with disorder strength varying linearly with the aerosil density.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Hydrogen-bonded Silica Gels Dispersed in a Smectic Liquid Crystal: A Random Field XY System

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    The effect on the nematic to smectic-A transition in octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) due to dispersions of hydrogen-bonded silica (aerosil) particles is characterized with high-resolution x-ray scattering. The particles form weak gels in 8CB creating a quenched disorder that replaces the transition with the growth of short range smectic correlations. The correlations include thermal critical fluctuations that dominate at high temperatures and a second contribution that quantitatively matches the static fluctuations of a random field system and becomes important at low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, 4 postscript figures as separate file

    Calorimetric study of the isotropic to nematic phase transition in an aligned liquid crystal nano-colloidal gel

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    A high-resolution calorimetric study of the specific heat (C p ) has been carried out for the isotropic to nematic phase transition in an aligned liquid crystal (octylcyanobiphenyl -8CB) and aerosil nano-colloid gel. A stable alignment was achieved by repeated thermal cycling of the samples in the presence of a strong uniform magnetic field, which introduces anisotropy to the quenched random disorder of the silica gel. In general, the specific heat features of the I2N transition in aligned (anisotropic) gel samples are consistent with those seen in random (isotropic) gel samples, namely the observance of two C p peaks and non-monotonic transition temperature shifts with increasing silica concentration. However, larger transition temperature shifts with silica density, modification of the phase conversion process in the two-phase coexistence region, and a larger effective transition enthalpy are observed for the aligned samples. The lower-temperature aligned C p peak is larger and broader while exhibiting less dispersion than the equivalent peak for the random gel. This may be a consequence of the alignment altering the evolution from random-dilution-dominated to random-field-dominated effects. The exact origin of the larger transition temperature shifts is uncertain but the larger enthalpy suggests that the nematic state is different in the aligned system than in random gels. The general non-monotonic behaviour of the transition temperature is interpreted using dimensional analysis as a combination of an effective elastic stiffening of the liquid crystal combined with a liquid crystal and aerosil surface interaction energy