606 research outputs found

    The status of Orobanche crenata in Sicily and preliminary observations on Orobanche crenata susceptibility in Vicia faba

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    Since more than 10 years we are recording Orobanche crenata populations variations and testing traditional remedies to assess their applicability in a low impact agriculture that may be applied also in developing countries. Starting from the observation that often in C Sicily dense fields of Broadbean show lower Broomrape infestation, we did some preliminary observations on Orobanche crenata susceptibility in Vicia faba var. faba and Vicia faba var. equina with different agricultural techniques. First results show a higher resistance of the latter sowed at higher densities


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    Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is the typical cereal crop in semi-arid Italian environments, and Sicily, is one of the regions of southern Italy where the cultivation of durum wheat is very spread. The thesis was the comparison of 14 genotypes of durum wheat located in 11 locations typical of the Sicilian cropland in the years 2006-2011. The analysis of the results has allowed to study the productive and qualitative behavior of the tested genotypes. In addition, the study of interaction genotype-environment, has allowed to verify the yield stability in quantity and the quality of the grain by the individual genotypes

    A rare Giant Killian-Jamieson diverticulum in a 97-year-old female. Considerations and multidisciplinary treatments in a symptomatic patient

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    The purpose of this publication is to describe the clinical and imaging findings of rare symptomatic giant Killian-Jamieson diverticulum (KJD) detected in a 97-year-old female patient and discuss diagnostic and therapeutic protocols to be implemented. The clinical history began implementing anamnesis and physical examination, followed by laryngoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, sonographic examination and subsequently a double-contrast pharyngoesophagram evaluations, to our symptomatic old patient with results of typically KJD, with maximal dimension of 5 cm. The KJD was successfully treated with a surgical approach, esophagomyotomy in addition to a diverticulopexy; these techniques were used for adequate visualization of the tissue bridge of the diverticulum and protection of the surrounding tissue during dissection of the tissue bridge. Our patient has benefit from the operation immediately, with resolution of the disease. The follow-up (on-going), up to now, showed no recurrence of the pathological and no complications, making sure the authors of the efficacy of the surgical treatment. According to the authors the surgical treatment was the only procedure to cure the patients and, to date, our successful experience suggests that only surgical approach can be a safe and effective method for the treatment of symptomatic giant KJD, due to its close proximity to the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the concern of possible nerve injury

    Evaluation of environmental quality of mediterranean coastal lagoons using persistent organic pollutants and metals in thick-lipped grey mullet

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    The evaluation of past and present anthropogenic impacts affecting the ecological quality status of transitional ecosystems is crucial from the perspective of protecting them from further deterioration, and to evaluate remediation and restoration measures. Contamination patterns of thick-lipped grey mullet from two Mediterranean coastal lagoons within a protected area in Italy were assessed and compared in order to evaluate their overall quality status and to collect information that can provide useful feedback on management choices aimed at enhancing environmental quality and biodiversity conservation. The quality status of the two lagoons was evaluated by an environmental assessment methodology based on indicators of direct and indirect human pressures, while a broad range of analyses were carried out to determine the presence and concentration of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and metals in fish muscle tissue. A good quality status resulted for both lagoons, and an overall limited anthropogenic impact in the surrounding area. This could account for POPs and metal contamination levels found in mullet, although limited, and relating to their patterns. The overlap of results achieved with the two evaluation approaches can provide support for management choices in Mediterranean lagoon environments, especially for those committed to the protection and conservation of biodiversity

    Combinatorial entropy behaviour leads to range selective binding in ligand-receptor interactions

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    From viruses to nanoparticles, constructs functionalized with multiple ligands display peculiar binding properties that only arise from multivalent effects. Using statistical mechanical modelling, we describe here how multivalency can be exploited to achieve what we dub range selectivity, that is, binding only to targets bearing a number of receptors within a specified range. We use our model to characterise the region in parameter space where one can expect range selective targeting to occur, and provide experimental support for this phenomenon. Overall, range selectivity represents a potential path to increase the targeting selectivity of multivalent constructs

    Macrophage Targeting pH Responsive Polymersomes for Glucocorticoid Therapy

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    Glucocorticoid (GC) drugs are the cornerstone therapy used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Here, we report pH responsive poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine)–poly(2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PMPC–PDPA) polymersomes as a suitable nanoscopic carrier to precisely and controllably deliver GCs within inflamed target cells. The in vitro cellular studies revealed that polymersomes ensure the stability, selectivity and bioavailability of the loaded drug within macrophages. At molecular level, we tested key inflammation-related markers, such as the nuclear factor-κB, tumour necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1β, and interleukin-6. With this, we demonstrated that pH responsive polymersomes are able to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of loaded GC drug. Overall, we prove the potential of PMPC–PDPA polymersomes to efficiently promote the inflammation shutdown, while reducing the well-known therapeutic limitations in GC-based therapy

    Caratterizzazione e valutazione dell\u2019attivit\ue0 anti proliferativa di nuovi sistemi per il drug carrier Allosite-sali triazolici/cardanolo

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    Da precedenti studi \ue8 stato valutato che i nanotubi di allosite modificati con sali triazolici (f-HNT), sono dei promettenti sistemi carrier per molecole biologiche1. In questo lavoro si riportano i risultati ottenuti studiando gli f-HNT come carrier per il cardanolo, molecola con interessanti attivit\ue0 biologiche. L\u2019interazione fra il cardanolo e gli f-HNT \ue8 stata valutata tramite HPLC, spettroscopia FTIR, analisi termogravimentrica, misure di angolo di contatto e microscopia a scansione elettronica. Infine sono stati studiati sia il rilascio del cardanolo dal sistema che gli effetti citotossici del complesso f-HNT/Cardanolo verso linee cellulari di epatocarcinoma. I dati sperimentali ottenuti mostrano che l\u2019allosite risulta un promettente sistema atto al drug carrier

    Le varietà di sorgo da granella consigliate per le semine 2017

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    Nel 33º anno di prove di confronto tra ibridi di sorgo da granella sono stati realizzati 5 campi sperimentali, 2 nel Nord, 2 in Italia centrale e 1 in Sicilia. Le rese medie sono risultate simili a quelle del 2015, pur con notevoli differenze tra i diversi areali di coltivazion

    Needs, expectations and consequences for the child growing up in a family with a parent with mental illness

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    Parental mental illness is considered one of the strongest risk-factors for development of offspring psychopathology. The lack of pan-European guidelines for empowering children of parents with mental illness led to EU project CAMILLE - Empowerment of Children and Adolescents of Mentally Ill Parents through Training of Professionals working with children and adolescents. The first task in this project, was to analyse needs, expectations and consequences for children, with respect to living with a parent with mental illness. The aim this paper is to report results of these analyses. The qualitative research was conducted in England, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland and Scotland (N=96). There were 3 types of focus groups: (1) professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers), (2) adult children and partners of a person with mental illness, (3) parents who have experienced mental illness during their parenthood. Framework analysis method was used. Results of the study highlighted that the main consequences for children of parental mental illness were role reversal, emotional and behavioural problems, lack of parent’s attention and stigma. The main needs of these children were emotional support, security and multidisciplinary help. Implications for practice are: (1) professionals working with parents with mental illness should be aware of the specific consequences for the children; (2) to empower children they should focus on them, but not excluding parents from the parental roles; (3) the multi-agency collaboration is necessary; (4) schools should provide counselling and teach staff and students about mental health problems to reduce stigm
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