587 research outputs found

    Indoor exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and dampness: respiratory symptoms in Sardinian children- DRIAS study

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    Indoorexposuresathome,environmentaltobaccosmoke(ETS)andmould/dampnessadverselyaffect respiratoryhealthofchildren.DisturbiRespiratorinell’InfanziaeAmbienteinSardegna(DRIAS) (RespiratorySymptomsinchildrenandtheEnvironmentinSardegna,Italy)aimsatrelatingthe prevalenceofrespiratoryandallergicsymptomstoindoorexposuresinSardinianchildren. DRIAS,across-sectionalinvestigationofrespiratorysymptoms/diseases,usedamodifiedversionof ISAACquestionnaire,included4122childrenattending29primaryschoolsintheschoolyear 2004–2005. If bothparentssmoketheprevalenceforcurrentwheezeandcurrentasthmaisalmostdoubledin comparisonwithneversmokers,forpersistentcoughandphlegmaroleissuggestedwhenonlymother smokes.Amongmotherssmokinginpregnancy,theprevalenceofcurrentwheezeandcurrentasthmais increased. ExposuretoETSandfamilyatopyhaveajointeffectresultinginanalmosttriplingof prevalenceforcurrentwheezeandmorethanfourtimesforcurrentasthma.Exposureto‘‘dampness’’ (mouldordampness)bothduringthefirstyearoflifeandcurrentlyisassociatedwithincreased prevalenceofcurrentwheeze,persistentcoughorphlegmandcurrentrhino-conjunctivitis;ifexposure is onlyduringthefirstyearoflifeadoublingormoreofprevalenceisobservedforcurrentwheeze, current asthma,andpersistentcoughorphlegm. DRIASresultsaddevidencetothecausalroleofchildhoodexposuretoETSinthedevelopmentof respiratorysymptoms(cough,phlegm,andwheezing)andasthma.ThejointeffectofETSandfamily atopyiscorroborated.Theresultsstrengthentheevidenceforacausalassociationbetween‘‘dampness’’ and respiratoryhealth,pointingtoitspossibleindependentroleincausingasthma,along-lasting exposureentailsadoubledprevalenceforbothasthmaticandbronchitissymptoms

    Clinical characteristics and management of cancer-associated acute venous thromboembolism: findings from the MASTER Registry.

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    Background: Clinical characteristics and management of acute deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (PE) have been reported to be different in patients with and without cancer. The aim of this paper was to provide information on clinical characteristics and management of acute venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer by means of a large prospective registry. Design and Methods: MASTER is a multicenter registry of consecutively recruited patients with symptomatic, objectively confirmed, acute venous thromboembolism. Information about clinical characteristics and management was collected by an electronic data network at the time of the index event. Results: A total of 2119 patients were enrolled, of whom 424 (20%) had cancer. The incidence of bilateral lower limb deep vein thrombosis was significantly higher in patients with cancer than in patients without cancer (8.5% versus 4.6%; p<0.01), as were the rates of iliocaval thombosis (22.6% versus 14%; p<0.001), and upper limb deep vein thrombosis (9.9% versus 4.8%; p<0.001). Major bleeding (3.3% versus 1.1%; p=0.001), in-hospital treatment (73.3% versus 66.6%; p=0.02) and inferior vena cava filter implantation (7.3% versus 4.1%; p=0.005) were significantly more frequent in patients with cancer, in whom oral anticoagulants were less often used (64.2% versus 82%; p<0.0001). Conclusions: The clinical presentation of acute venous thromboembolism is different and often more extensive in cancer patients than in patients free from malignancy. Moreover, the management of the acute phase of venous thromboembolism is more problematic in cancer patients, especially because of a higher rate of major bleeding and the need for implantation of inferior vena cava filters

    Salvia spp. Essential oils against the arboviruses vector aedes albopictus (diptera: Culicidae): Bioactivity, composition, and sensorial profile—stage 1

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    Mosquito-borne arboviruses diseases cause a substantial public health burden within their expanding range. To date, their control relies on synthetic insecticides and repellents aimed to control the competent mosquito vectors. However, their use is hampered by their high economic, environmental, and human health impacts. Natural products may represent a valid eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides to control mosquitoes, and mosquito-borne parasitic diseases. The aim of this work was to combine the chemical and sensorial profiles with the bioactivity data of Salvia spp. essential oils (EOs) to select the most suitable EO to be used as a repellent and insecticide against the invasive mosquito Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae), vector of pathogens and parasites, and to describe the EOs smell profile. To do this, the EOs of four Salvia species, namely S. dolomitica, S. dorisiana, S. sclarea, and S. somalensis were extracted, chemically analyzed and tested for their bioactivity as larvicides and repellents against Ae. albopictus. Then, the smell profiles of the EOs were described by a panel of assessors. The LC50 of the EOs ranged from 71.08 to 559.77 ”L L−1 for S. dorisiana and S. sclarea, respectively. S. sclarea EO showed the highest repellence among the tested EOs against Ae. albopictus females (RD95 = 12.65 nL cm−2), while the most long-lasting, at the dose of 20 nL cm−2, was S. dorisiana (Complete Protection Time = 43.28 ± 3.43 min). S. sclarea EO showed the best smell profile, while S. dolomitica EO the worst one with a high number of off-flavors. Overall, all the EOs, with the exception of the S. dolomitica one, were indicated as suitable for “environmental protection”, while S. dorisiana and S. sclarea were indicated as suitable also for “Body care”

    Volatilome analyses and in vitro antimicrobial activity of the essential oils from five south african helichrysum species

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    Helichrysum genus was used in folk South African medicine to treat various human disorders. As a part of our on-going research addressing the exploitation of South African plants belonging to this genus, five species were investigated for their volatile and antimicrobial activities. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the essential oils (EOs) were analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Microdilution was the method used for assessing both antimycotic and antibacterial activities, which was also tested by Kirby-Bauer agar disc diffusion. Total monoterpenes (TMs) dominated the VOCs of four species (H. trilineatum (70.6%), H. edwardsii (79.3%), H. cooperi (84.5%), and H. pandurifolium (57.0%)). H. cooperi and H. edwardsii EOs showed the predominance of TMs (68.2% and 84.5%, respectively), while H. pandurifolium and H. trilineatum EOs were characterized by the prevalence of TSs (86.5% and 43.6%, respectively). H. odoratissimum EO evidenced a similar amount of both TMs (49.5%) and TSs (46.4%). Microsporum canis was more sensitive to these EOs. The lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was observed with H. pandurifolium and H. edwardsii EOs (0.25%). H. pandurifolium and H. trilineatum had a good effect on Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 5%). These findings open new perspectives for the exploitation of these natural compounds for application in cosmetics and pharmaceutics

    Antifungal activity and chemical composition of seven essential oils to control the main seedborne fungi of cucurbits

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    none9siEssential oils represent novel alternatives to application of synthetic fungicides to control against seedborne pathogens. This study investigated seven essential oils for in vitro growth inhibition of the main seedborne pathogens of cucurbits. Cymbopogon citratus essential oil completely inhibited mycelial growth of Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum and Alternaria alternata at 0.6 and 0.9 mg/mL, respectively. At 1 mg/mL, Lavandula dentata, Lavandula hybrida, Melaleuca alternifolia, Laurus nobilis, and two Origanum majorana essential oils inhibited mycelia growth of A. alternata by 54%, 71%, 68%, 36%, 90%, and 74%, respectively. S. cucurbitacearum mycelia growth was more sensitive to Lavandula essential oils, with inhibition of ~74% at 1 mg/mL. To determine the main compounds in these essential oils that might be responsible for this antifungal activity, they were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). C. citratus essential oil showed cirtal as its main constituent, while L. dentata and L. nobilis essential oils showed eucalyptol. The M. alternifolia and two O. majorana essential oils had terpinen-4-ol as the major constituent, while for L. hybrida essential oil, this was linalool. Thus, in vitro, these essential oils can inhibit the main seedborne fungi of cucurbits, with future in vivo studies now needed to confirm these activities.openMoumni M.; Romanazzi G.; Najar B.; Pistelli L.; Amara H.B.; Mezrioui K.; Karous O.; Chaieb I.; Allagui M.B.Moumni, M.; Romanazzi, G.; Najar, B.; Pistelli, L.; Amara, H. B.; Mezrioui, K.; Karous, O.; Chaieb, I.; Allagui, M. B

    PRS72 How Much Would the Universal Uptake of Gold Recommendations for Italian COPD Patients Cost?

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    Antimicrobial activity and composition of five rosmarinus (Now salvia spp. and varieties) essential oils

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    Salvia rosmarinus Spenn. and Salvia jordanii J.B.Walker are aromatic evergreen shrubs belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Their aerial parts have been used since ancient times as natural preservatives. The present study reported the investigation of the chemical profile and the extraction yield of the essential oils (EOs) obtained from the dried aerial parts of four cultivars of Salvia rosmarinus (‘Boule’; ‘Vicomte de Noailles’; ‘Gorizia’; ‘Joyce de Baggio’) and the species S. jordanii, together with their antibacterial and antifungal activities. The phytochemical investigation evidenced a predominance of oxygenated monoterpenes in all the samples (57.5–77.1%), except in ‘Boule’, in which the hydrocarbon form prevailed (50.2%). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the matrix taxa × compounds showed that nine compounds have a significant discriminating function between the samples. ‘Vicomte de Noailles’ was characterized by high amounts of camphor and 14-hydroxy-9-epi-(E)-caryophyllene, while ‘Gorizia’ and Jord differed in their predominance of camphene, borneol, bornyl acetate, and α-humulene. Lastly, ‘Boule’ and ‘Joyce de Baggio’ segregated separately and were characterized by high amounts of α-pinene, myrcene, and verbenone. The selected EOs presented a moderate antibacterial activity on the tested bacterial strains and resulted not active on the tested yeast species

    Consensus Panel Recommendations for the Pharmacological Management of Pregnant Women with Depressive Disorders

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    Introduction: The initiative of a consensus on the topic of antidepressant and anxiolytic drug use in pregnancy is developing in an area of clinical uncertainty. Although many studies have been published in recent years, there is still a paucity of authoritative evidence-based indications useful for guiding the prescription of these drugs during pregnancy, and the data from the literature are complex and require expert judgment to draw clear conclusions. Methods: For the elaboration of the consensus, we have involved the scientific societies of the sector, namely, the Italian Society of Toxicology, the Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology, the Italian Society of Psychiatry, the Italian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Italian Society of Drug Addiction and the Italian Society of Addiction Pathology. An interdisciplinary team of experts from different medical specialties (toxicologists, pharmacologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists, neonatologists) was first established to identify the needs underlying the consensus. The team, in its definitive structure, includes all the representatives of the aforementioned scientific societies; the task of the team was the evaluation of the most accredited international literature as well as using the methodology of the “Nominal Group Technique” with the help of a systematic review of the literature and with various discussion meetings, to arrive at the drafting and final approval of the document. Results: The following five areas of investigation were identified: (1) The importance of management of anxiety and depressive disorders in pregnancy, identifying the risks associated with untreated maternal depression in pregnancy. (2) The assessment of the overall risk of malformations with the antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs used in pregnancy. (3) The evaluation of neonatal adaptation disorders in the offspring of pregnant antidepressant/anxiolytic-treated women. (4) The long-term outcome of infants’ cognitive development or behavior after in utero exposure to antidepressant/anxiolytic medicines. (5) The evaluation of pharmacological treatment of opioid-abusing pregnant women with depressive disorders. Conclusions: Considering the state of the art, it is therefore necessary in the first instance to frame the issue of pharmacological choices in pregnant women who need treatment with antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs on the basis of data currently available in the literature. Particular attention must be paid to the evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio, understood both in terms of therapeutic benefit with respect to the potential risks of the treatment on the pregnancy and on the fetal outcome, and of the comparative risk between the treatment and the absence of treatment; in the choice prescription, the specialist needs to be aware of both the potential risks of pharmacological treatment and the equally important risks of an untreated or undertreated disorder
