5 research outputs found

    Stress in elementary school students: its relationship with reading

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    Antecedentes: Numerosas investigaciones mantienen la relaci贸n entre los alumnos con dificultades de aprendizaje y el estr茅s. La lectura tiene dos componentes importantes: la comprensi贸n y la decodificaci贸n (errores y velocidad). Objetivo: Nuestro estudio pretende averiguar la relaci贸n existente entre el estr茅s en la escuela y la lectura. Participantes: Se evalu贸 un grupo de 30 estudiantes de cuarto de primaria. El 56,7% eran chicos y el resto chicas, el 36,7 % estaban escolarizados en modalidad PIP cuya lengua base del programa es el castellano y el resto en modalidad PIL cuya base del programa es el valenciano, aunque tambi茅n son castellanohablantes. La media del CI era 103 y la media de edad, 118 meses. Las pruebas administradas fueron el Raven-color para el CI, las subpruebas de comprensi贸n de textos, lectura de palabras y pseudopalabras del Prolec-R, y el test IECI para medir el estr茅s acad茅mico. No se encontraron diferencias entre el tipo de escolarizaci贸n en comprensi贸n lectora. Resultados: Se analizaron las relaciones entre el estr茅s acad茅mico y la comprensi贸n lectora y no se encontr贸 una relaci贸n significativa entre las variables. Por otra parte, se correlacionaron la variable de estr茅s acad茅mico con las variables aciertos de palabras y de pseudopalabras y velocidad de palabras y pseudopalabras. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre la variable estr茅s acad茅mico y aciertos de palabras, y entre la variable estr茅s acad茅mico y el tiempo empleado para leer dichas palabras. Conclusiones: Se comprueba la relaci贸n entre el estr茅s y el acceso al l茅xico en la decodificaci贸n y la velocidad, tal y como otros estudios hab铆an demostrado.Background: Numerous studies maintain the relationship between students with learning difficulties and stress. Reading has two major components: reading comprehension and decoding (errors and speed). Objective: The aim of this study is to find out the relationship between stress at school and reading. Participants: A group of 30 students from fourth grade of elementary school were evaluated. The 56.7% were boys and the rest were girls, the 36.7% were enrolled in PIP modality which basis language of the program is Spanish and the rest in PIL modality which basis of the program is Valencian but they are also Spanish speakers. The average IQ was 103 and the average age was 118 months. The administered tests were Raven-Color for the IQ, the reading comprehension subtests, reading of words and pseudowords from PROLEC-R and IECI test to measure academic stress. No differences were found between the modality of school attendance (PIP or PIL) in reading comprehension. Results: The relationship between academic stress and reading comprehension were analyzed and no significant relationship between the variables was found. Moreover, the academic stress variable was correlated with the word and the pseudo-words variables, and reading speed in words and pseudo-words. Significant correlations between academic stress and word variable were found, and between academic stress variable and the time taken to read these words. Conclusions: the relationship between stress and lexical access in reading, decoding and speed is proved, as other studies had shown

    Comparative study of the sensory integration vulnerabilities of children with ASD based on the socialization context

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    Introducci贸n: Las vulnerabilidades de integraci贸n y modulaci贸n sensorial en los ni帽os con TEA posiblemente no se manifiesten por igual en los diferentes contextos de socializaci贸n, dadas las limitaciones en la generalizaci贸n y la hiperselectividad que habitualmente caracteriza a este trastorno. Objetivo: Comparar la percepci贸n por parte de los padres (entorno familiar) y la percepci贸n por parte de los maestros (entorno escolar) de un grupo de ni帽os con TEA (n=41), en tres tipos de vulnerabilidad de modulaci贸n sensorial (hiperresponsividad, hiporesponsividad y b煤squeda de sensaciones) en las diferentes modalidades sensoriales. M茅todo: Se utiliz贸 el Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) -versi贸n hogar y versi贸n escuela- y se realiz贸 un an谩lisis por 铆tems para poder obtener las puntuaciones en cada tipo de vulnerabilidad dentro de cada sistema sensorial, para cada contexto. Resultados: En el entorno familiar se obtuvieron puntuaciones m谩s disfuncionales solo en las medidas de b煤squeda sensorial en visi贸n y conciencia corporal, mientras que en el entorno escolar se obtuvieron puntuaciones m谩s disfuncionales en las medidas de hiperresponsividad olfatoria y gustativa, hiporesponsividad visual y b煤squeda sensorial en tacto, olfato y gusto. Conclusi贸n: En el contexto escolar parecen darse m谩s vulnerabilidades de integraci贸n y modulaci贸n sensorial que en el contexto familiar, especialmente en las modalidades sensoriales del olfato y gusto. En definitiva, se confirma la presencia de diferencias en las distintas vulnerabilidades de integraci贸n y modulaci贸n sensorial en algunas modalidades sensoriales en funci贸n del contexto. Es por ello que resulta necesario evaluar cada tipo de vulnerabilidad en cada uno de los diferentes contextos de socializaci贸n de los ni帽os con TEA.Introduction: Sensory integration and modulation vulnerabilities of children with ASD may not manifest equally in the different contexts of socialization, given the limitations in the generalization and the hyper-selectivity that usually characterizes this disorder. Objective: To compare the parents (family environment) and the teachers (school environment) perception of a group of children with ASD (n = 41) in three types of sensory modulation vulnerability (over-responsivity, under-responsivity and sensation seeking) in the different sensory modalities. Method: The Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) 鈥揾ome version and classroom version- was used and analysis was performed item by item in order to obtain scores for each type of vulnerability in each sensory system for each context. Results: In the family environment more dysfunctional scores were obtained only in the measures of sensory seeking in vision and body awareness, while in the school environment more dysfunctional scores were obtained in the measures of olfactory and gustatory over-responsivity, visual under-responsivity and sensory seeking in touch, smell and taste. Conclusion: In the school environment more sensory integration and modulation vulnerabilities seem to be present than in the family environment, especially what refers to the smell and taste sensory modalities. In short the presence of differences in the different sensory integration and modulation vulnerabilities of some sensory modalities depending on the context is confirmed. That is why it is necessary to evaluate each type of vulnerability in each of the different socialization contexts of children with ASD