273 research outputs found

    Electronic spectra of polyatomic molecules with resolved individual rotational transitions

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    The density of rotational transitions for a polyatomic molecule is so large that in general many such transitions are hidden under the Doppler profile, this being a fundamental limit of conventional high resolution electronic spectroscopy. We present here the first Doppler-free cw two-photon spectrum of a polyatomic molecule. In the case of benzene, 400 lines are observed of which 300 are due to single rotational transitions, their spacing being weil below the Doppler profile. The resolution so achieved is 1.5 X 10'. Benzene is a prototype planar molecule taken to have D •• symmetry in the ground as weil as in the first excited state. From our ultra-high resolution results it is found that benzene in the excited SI state i8 a symmetrical rotor to a high degree. A negative inertial defect is found for the excited state. The origin of this inertial defect is discused

    C-projective geometry

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    We develop in detail the theory of (almost) c-projective geometry, a natural analogue of projective differential geometry adapted to (almost) complex manifolds. We realise it as a type of parabolic geometry and describe the associated Cartan or tractor connection. A Kähler manifold gives rise to a c-projective structure and this is one of the primary motivations for its study. The existence of two or more Kähler metrics underlying a given c-projective structure has many ramifications, which we explore in depth. As a consequence of this analysis, we prove the Yano- Obata Conjecture for complete Kähler manifolds: if such a manifold admits a one parameter group of c-projective transformations that are not affine, then it is complex projective space, equipped with a multiple of the Fubini-Study metric.</p

    C-projective geometry

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    We develop in detail the theory of (almost) c-projective geometry, a natural analogue of projective differential geometry adapted to (almost) complex manifolds. We realise it as a type of parabolic geometry and describe the associated Cartan or tractor connection. A Kähler manifold gives rise to a c-projective structure and this is one of the primary motivations for its study. The existence of two or more Kähler metrics underlying a given c-projective structure has many ramifications, which we explore in depth. As a consequence of this analysis, we prove the Yano- Obata Conjecture for complete Kähler manifolds: if such a manifold admits a one parameter group of c-projective transformations that are not affine, then it is complex projective space, equipped with a multiple of the Fubini-Study metric.</p

    Investigation of marmoset hybrids (Cebuella pygmaea x Callithrix jacchus) and related Callitrichinae (Platyrrhini) by cross-species chromosome painting and comparative genomic hybridization

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    We report on the cytogenetics of twin offspring from an interspecies cross in marmosets (Callitrichinae, Platyrrhini), resulting from a pairing between a female Common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus, 2n = 46) and a male Pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea, 2n = 44). We analyzed their karyotypes by multi-directional chromosome painting employing human, Saguinus oedipus and Lagothrix lagothricha chromosome-specific probes. Both hybrid individuals had a karyotype with a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 45. As a complementary tool, interspecies comparative genomic hybridization (iCGH) was performed in order to screen for genomic imbalances between the hybrids and their parental species, and between Callithrix argentata and S. oedipus, respectively. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Investigation of modified nanopore arrays using FIB/SEM tomography

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    The investigation of electrochemical processes at the interface of two immiscible electrolyte solutions (ITIES) is of great interest for sensing applications, and serves as a surrogate to the study of biological transport phenomena, e.g. ion channels. Alongside e-beam lithography, focused ion beam (FIB) milling is an attractive method to prototype and fabricate nanopore arrays that support nanoITIES. Within this contribution, we explore the capability of FIB/scanning electron microscopy (SEM) tomography to visualize the actual pore structure and interfaces at silica-modified nanoporous membranes. The nanopores were also characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) using ultra-sharp AFM probes to determine the pore diameter, and using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, providing additional information on the elemental composition of deposits within the pores. Si-rich particles could be identified within the pores as well as at the orifice that had faced the organic electrolyte solution during electrochemical deposition. The prospects of the used techniques for investigating the interface at or within FIB-milled nanopores will be discussed

    Kognitiv-psychoedukative Gruppenintervention bei stationären Patienten mit depressiven Erkrankungen – Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Pilotstudie

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    Background: Psychoeducational interventions that provide disorder-related information in a goal-oriented and structured manner have been integrated in psychiatric and psychotherapeutic approaches. The present cognitive psychoeducational group programme for inpatients with affective disorders is based on a multidimensional functional illness concept which covers aspects of vulnerability, stressors and coping strategies. It covers information about the disorder and its treatment options, building up rewarding activities, cognitive restructuring and relapse prevention. Materials und Methods: This programme was developed and modified at the University of Munich, Department of Psychiatry (LMU). A feasibility study was set up in a follow-up single group design and analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were performed. A total of 231 patients participated in 46 groups. Results: 125 patients evaluated the effectiveness of the programme and its treatment strategies. The group programme was widely accepted among patients that were pharmacologically and psychotherapeutically treated: more than three quarters of the patients rated its contents to be informative, helpful and applicable to everyday living. Conclusions: Inpatients with affective disorders may already benefit from a structured group programme if it takes into account their cognitive and motivational deficits. The group leaders' didactic and psychotherapeutic strategies as well as the patients' exchanging ideas with each other play a central role. In the course of further investigations the programme was differentiated for patients with major depression or bipolar disorders

    FIB and MIP: understanding nanoscale porosity in molecularly imprinted polymers via 3D FIB/SEM tomography

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    We present combined focused ion beam/scanning electron beam (FIB/SEM) tomography as innovative method for differentiating and visualizing the distribution and connectivity of pores within molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) and non-imprinted control polymers (NIPs). FIB/SEM tomography is used in cell biology for elucidating three-dimensional structures such as organelles, but has not yet been extensively applied for visualizing the heterogeneity of nanoscopic pore networks, interconnectivity, and tortuosity in polymers. To our best knowledge, the present study is the first application of this strategy for analyzing the nanoscale porosity of MIPs. MIPs imprinted for propranolol – and the corresponding NIPs – were investigated establishing FIB/SEM tomography as a viable future strategy complementing conventional isotherm studies. For visualizing and understanding the properties of pore networks in detail, polymer particles were stained with osmium tetroxide (OsO4) vapor, and embedded in epoxy resin. Staining with OsO4 provides excellent contrast during high-resolution SEM imaging. After optimizing the threshold to discriminate between the stained polymer matrix, and pores filled with epoxy resin, a 3D model of the sampled volume may be established for deriving not only the pore volume and pore surface area, but also to visualize the interconnectivity and tortuosity of the pores within the sampled polymer volume. Detailed studies using different types of cross-linkers and the effect of hydrolysis on the resulting polymer properties have been investigated. In comparison of MIP and NIP, it could be unambiguously shown that the interconnectivity of the visualized pores in MIPs is significantly higher vs. the non-imprinted polymer, and that the pore volume and pore area is 34% and approx. 35% higher within the MIP matrix. This confirms that the templating process not only induces selective binding sites, but indeed also affects the physical properties of such polymers down to the nanoscale, and that additional chemical modification, e.g., via hydrolysis clearly affects that nature of the polymer
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