410 research outputs found

    BroncoVote: Secure Voting System Using Ethereum’s Blockchain

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    Voting is a fundamental part of democratic systems; it gives individuals in a community the faculty to voice their opinion. In recent years, voter turnout has diminished while concerns regarding integrity, security, and accessibility of current voting systems have escalated. E-voting was introduced to address those concerns; however, it is not cost-effective and still requires full supervision by a central authority. The blockchain is an emerging, decentralized, and distributed technology that promises to enhance different aspects of many industries. Expanding e-voting into blockchain technology could be the solution to alleviate the present concerns in e-voting. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based voting system, named BroncoVote, that preserves voter privacy and increases accessibility, while keeping the voting system transparent, secure, and cost-effective. BroncoVote implements a university-scaled voting framework that utilizes Ethereum’s blockchain and smart contracts to achieve voter administration and auditable voting records. In addition, BroncoVote utilizes a few cryptographic techniques, including homomorphic encryption, to promote voter privacy. Our implementation was deployed on Ethereum’s Testnet to demonstrate usability, scalability, and efficiency

    Autopsy findings of fatal retroperitoneal hemorrhage after traumatic rupture of bilateral renal angiomyolipoma

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    the present work reports the autopsy findings of a unique case characterized by fatal retroperitoneal hemorrhage following the traumatic rupture of bilateral renal angiomyolipomas. renal angiomyolipomas are generally benign tumors with an unpredictable clinical course, ranging from asymptomatic to sudden rupture and hemorrhagic shock. they may be associated with genetic disorders such as tuberous sclerosis complex. the case under investigation is unprecedented in the medical literature due to its bilateral nature and fatal outcome. autopsy analysis revealed an extensive retroperitoneal hemorrhage originating from bilateral ruptured tumors. microscopic examination found features consistent with bilateral renal angiomyolipoma. circumstantial information identified a traffic accident before the death, considering it as the cause of the tumors' traumatic rupture. In this case, due to the severity of the situation, immediate medical measures-such as fluid resuscitation, coagulopathy correction, and surgical treatment, which are usually lifesaving-could not be performed. this led to the patient being declared dead at the scene of the crash

    The Amino Acid Permeases AAP3 and AAP6 Are Involved in Root-Knot Nematode Parasitism of \u3cem\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/em\u3e

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    The root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, is an obligate parasite which depends entirely on the host plant for its nutrition. Root-knot nematodes induce the formation of a highly specialized feeding site consisting of several giant cells surrounded by a network of vascular tissues. Nutrients, including amino acids and sugars, are transferred apoplastically from the vascular tissues to the feeding site. Using Arabidopsis thaliana lacking the vascular-expressed amino acid permeases (AAP) AAP3 or AAP6, we demonstrate that disruption of amino acid transport can affect nematode parasitism. Nematode infestation levels are significantly reduced on the aap3 and aap6 mutants. AAP3 and AAP6 act distinctly in the transport of amino acids to the feeding site, as demonstrated by differences in their carrying capacity profiles. Furthermore, analyses of promoter: β-glucuronidase lines show different expression patterns for AAP3 and AAP6 in infected roots. In the aap3-3 mutant, part of the decrease in infestation is connected to a defect in early infection, where juveniles enter but then leave the root. Both aap3-3 and aap6-1 produce fewer females and produce more adult male nematodes. Additionally, detrimental effects are observed in the nematodes harvested from aap3-3 and aap6-1 mutants, including decreased egg hatching and infectivity and lower levels of lipid reserves. The transport of amino acids by AAP3 and AAP6 is important for nematode infection and success of the progeny

    Health Management in Italian prisons during Covid 19 OUTBREAK: a focus on the second and third wave

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    The SARS-CoV-2 spread is a threatening and challenging issue for correctional systems worldwide because of many factors, particularly overcrowding and of the intrinsic characteristics of the population. The prevention measures adopted by the Italian Government were aimed to protect and preserve both inmates’ and prison workers’ health. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the adopted strategies. Methods: Data regarding Italian prisons’ occupation and prisoners’ population from January 2019 to June 2021, as well as the cumulative weekly increase of confirmed cases and the number of doses of vaccine administered among the population of inmates, the prison workers, and Italian population from November 2020 to the end of June 2021, were collected. Results: Prisons’ occupation dropped from 120% to 106% after the beginning of the pandemics. The confirmed cases between inmates were consistently lower than among the Italian population and prison workers. A time-series chart showed a time lag of one week between the peaks of the different population. Conclusions: The containing strategies adopted by the Italian correctional system have proved their effectiveness in terms of the prevention and protection of both inmate and staff health

    The relative impact of vision impairment and cardiovascular disease on quality of life: the example of pseudoxanthoma elasticum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To investigate the impact of pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), a rare hereditary disease of concurrent vision impairment (VI) and cardiovascular complications (CVCs), on vision-related (VRQoL) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>VRQoL and HRQoL were assessed using the Impact of Vision Impairment (IVI) questionnaire and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) in 107 PXE patients. Patients were stratified into four groups: A = no VI or CVC; B = CVCs only; C = VI only; and D = both VI and CVCs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Following Rasch analysis, the IVI was found to function as a vision-specific functioning and emotional well-being subscale, and the SF-36 as a health-related physical functioning and mental health subscale. The presence of VI and CVC were significant predictors of vision-specific functioning and emotional well-being (p < 0.001), with a clinically meaningful decrement in vision-specific functioning in patients with VI. No associations were found for the SF-36 Physical Functioning and Mental Health scores between any groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Vision impaired patients with PXE report significantly poorer vision-specific functioning than PXE patients without VI. In contrast, the relative impact of PXE on reported general HRQoL was much less. Our results suggest that vision impairment has the larger impact on QoL in this sample.</p

    Obesity as a social phenomenon: A narrative review

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    BACKGROUND: obesity is one of the most prevalent diseases all over the world. Because of its high social impact, the broadest possible approach on several levels - and not limited only to clinical aspect - is needed to better understand and face the challenges obesity poses to public health. OBJECTIVES: to analyse, through the main evidence, the so- cial impact of weight excess in the general population and the actions aimed at mitigating its negative effects. DESIGN: narrative review. SETTING: data obtained from the sources included in the study were gathered and analyzed in five macroareas: Health Inequality, Society, Work, Impact on Social Medicine (focused on the Italian model), and Social Costs. RESULTS: each category showed a bilateral relationship with obesity having a significant impact for the community. CONCLUSIONS: for each field, various actions should be taken at institutional level. Many recommendations and actions have already been taken worldwide, but they alone seem to be not enough. This work points out that, in order to combat obesity and bring about a slowdown of this pandemic, the en- tire scientific community and institutions must work together to identify and design programmes that are truly effective

    The application of ceramsite ecological floating bed in aquaculture: its effects on water quality, phytoplankton, bacteria and fish production

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    In recent years, biological floating bed technology has been applied increasingly in aquaculture ponds. In this study we developed a novel floating bed made from ceramsite and studied its effect on water quality, phytoplankton, bacteria and fish growth. Water quality was effectively regulated and controlled in ceramsite floating bed (CFB) ponds with an average transparency of 23.18 cm, ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) of 2.30 mg L-1, total nitrogen (TN) of 5.09 mg L-1 and total phosphate (TP) of 1.32 mg L-1 which are lower than in control ponds without CFB. Increased phytoplankton species diversity, bacterial number, metabolic activity and microbial diversity was observed with CFB. At the end of growth stage, feed conversion ratio (FCR) was reduced with a total fish yield of 14,838 kg ha-1 at a survival rate of 77.2% in CFB ponds, which is significantly higher than control (P < 0.05). These results emphasize the potential of ecological floating bed to improve water quality, microalgal diversity, reduce the risk of harmful algal blooms and increase the number, activity and diversity of microorganisms as well as fish yield