3 research outputs found

    Anti-stress activity of Ocimum sanctum and alprazolam in animal models

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    Background: Stress is the physiological, psychological and behavioral response by individuals when they perceive a lack of equilibrium between the demands placed upon them and their ability to meet those demands, which over a period of time leads to ill health. There are several ways of coping with stress. Some techniques of time management may help a person to control stress.Methods: Forced swim test- mice were randomized into two groups according to the body weights. Each group contains six animals. Each individual animal was allowed to swim inside the jar (25-12-25 cm) containing fresh water up to 15 cm height. Mice were allowed swim for 6 min. After initial struggle to escape the animal became immobile. Total immobility period was measured. Rotarod test- mice were randomized into two groups according to body weights. Each group contains six animals. Rats were placed on the lanes. Latency period was recorded at which each rat falls off the rod.Results: In first experiment, anti-stress activity of Ocimum sanctum in mice was demonstrated by measuring the immobility period during forced swim test and in the second experiment the measurement of the latency period of rats in rotarod apparatus was performed. Both the experimental procedures were compared with standard anti stress drug alprazolam.Conclusions: The present study suggests that Ocimum sanctum possess significant anti stress activity but less when compared to alprazolam

    Comparative Assessment and Merit Appraisal of Thermally Assisted Machining Techniques for Improving Machinability of Titanium Alloys

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    Computer vision is presently a very relevant and important tool in both industrial manufacturing and mobile robots. As human vision is the most relevant sense to feed the brain with environmental information for decision making, computer-vision is nowadays becoming the main artificial sensor in the domains of industrial quality assurance and trajectory control of mobile robots