160 research outputs found

    Microstructure and velocity of field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces moving under stochastic dynamics with local energy barriers

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    We study the microscopic structure and the stationary propagation velocity of (1+1)-dimensional solid-on-solid interfaces in an Ising lattice-gas model, which are driven far from equilibrium by an applied force, such as a magnetic field or a difference in (electro)chemical potential. We use an analytic nonlinear-response approximation [P.A. Rikvold and M. Kolesik, J. Stat. Phys. 100, 377 (2000)] together with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. Here we consider interfaces that move under Arrhenius dynamics, which include a microscopic energy barrier between the allowed Ising/lattice-gas states. Two different dynamics are studied: the standard one-step dynamic (OSD) [H.C. Kang and W. Weinberg, J. Chem. Phys. 90, 2824 (1992)] and the two-step transition-dynamics approximation (TDA) [T. Ala-Nissila, J. Kjoll, and S.C. Ying, Phys. Rev. B 46, 846 (1992)]. In the OSD the effects of the applied force and the interaction energies in the model factorize in the transition rates (a soft dynamic), while in the TDA such factorization is not possible (a hard dynamic). In full agreement with previous general theoretical results we find that the local interface width under the TDA increases dramatically with the applied force. In contrast, the interface structure with the OSD is only weakly influenced by the force, in qualitative agreement with the theoretical expectations. Results are also obtained for the force-dependence and anisotropy of the interface velocity, which also show differences in good agreement with the theoretical expectations for the differences between soft and hard dynamics. Our results confirm that different stochastic interface dynamics that all obey detailed balance and the same conservation laws nevertheless can lead to radically different interface responses to an applied force.Comment: 18 pages RevTex. Minor revisions. Phys. Rev. B, in pres

    Numerical Study of a Mixed Ising Ferrimagnetic System

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    We present a study of a classical ferrimagnetic model on a square lattice in which the two interpenetrating square sublattices have spins one-half and one. This model is relevant for understanding bimetallic molecular ferrimagnets that are currently being synthesized by several experimental groups. We perform exact ground-state calculations for the model and employ Monte Carlo and numerical transfer-matrix techniques to obtain the finite-temperature phase diagram for both the transition and compensation temperatures. When only nearest-neighbor interactions are included, our nonperturbative results indicate no compensation point or tricritical point at finite temperature, which contradicts earlier results obtained with mean-field analysis.Comment: Figures can be obtained by request to [email protected] or [email protected]

    Magnetic Behavior of a Mixed Ising Ferrimagnetic Model in an Oscillating Magnetic Field

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    The magnetic behavior of a mixed Ising ferrimagnetic system on a square lattice, in which the two interpenetrating square sublattices have spins +- 1/2 and spins +-1,0, in the presence of an oscillating magnetic field has been studied with Monte Carlo techniques. The model includes nearest and next-nearest neighbor interactions, a crystal field and the oscillating external field. By studying the hysteretic response of this model to an oscillating field we found that it qualitatively reproduces the increasing of the coercive field at the compensation temperature observed in real ferrimagnets, a crucial feature for magneto-optical applications. This behavior is basically independent of the frequency of the field and the size of the system. The magnetic response of the system is related to a dynamical transition from a paramagnetic to a ferromagnetic phase and to the different temperature dependence of the relaxation times of both sublattices.Comment: 10 figures. To be published in Phys.Rev

    Absence of First-order Transition and Tri-critical Point in the Dynamic Phase Diagram of a Spatially Extended Bistable System in an Oscillating Field

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    It has been well established that spatially extended, bistable systems that are driven by an oscillating field exhibit a nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition (DPT). The DPT occurs when the field frequency is on the order of the inverse of an intrinsic lifetime associated with the transitions between the two stable states in a static field of the same magnitude as the amplitude of the oscillating field. The DPT is continuous and belongs to the same universality class as the equilibrium phase transition of the Ising model in zero field [G. Korniss et al., Phys. Rev. E 63, 016120 (2001); H. Fujisaka et al., Phys. Rev. E 63, 036109 (2001)]. However, it has previously been claimed that the DPT becomes discontinuous at temperatures below a tricritical point [M. Acharyya, Phys. Rev. E 59, 218 (1999)]. This claim was based on observations in dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of a multipeaked probability density for the dynamic order parameter and negative values of the fourth-order cumulant ratio. Both phenomena can be characteristic of discontinuous phase transitions. Here we use classical nucleation theory for the decay of metastable phases, together with data from large-scale dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of a two-dimensional kinetic Ising ferromagnet, to show that these observations in this case are merely finite-size effects. For sufficiently small systems and low temperatures, the continuous DPT is replaced, not by a discontinuous phase transition, but by a crossover to stochastic resonance. In the infinite-system limit the stochastic-resonance regime vanishes, and the continuous DPT should persist for all nonzero temperatures

    Dynamic Phase Transition in a Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Model in an Oscillating Field

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    The Ginzburg-Landau model below its critical temperature in a temporally oscillating external field is studied both theoretically and numerically. As the frequency or the amplitude of the external force is changed, a nonequilibrium phase transition is observed. This transition separates spatially uniform, symmetry-restoring oscillations from symmetry-breaking oscillations. Near the transition a perturbation theory is developed, and a switching phenomenon is found in the symmetry-broken phase. Our results confirm the equivalence of the present transition to that found in Monte Carlo simulations of kinetic Ising systems in oscillating fields, demonstrating that the nonequilibrium phase transition in both cases belongs to the universality class of the equilibrium Ising model in zero field. This conclusion is in agreement with symmetry arguments [G. Grinstein, C. Jayaprakash, and Y. He, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2527 (1985)] and recent numerical results [G. Korniss, C.J. White, P. A. Rikvold, and M. A. Novotny, Phys. Rev. E (submitted)]. Furthermore, a theoretical result for the structure function of the local magnetization with thermal noise, based on the Ornstein-Zernike approximation, agrees well with numerical results in one dimension.Comment: 16 pp. RevTex, 9 embedded ps figure

    Projected multicluster model with Jastrow and linear state dependent correlations for 12≤A≤1612 \leq A \leq 16 nuclei

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    Variational wave functions based on a Margenau-Brink cluster model with short range and state dependent correlations, and angular momentum projection are obtained for some nuclei with 12≤A≤1612 \leq A \leq 16. The calculations have been carried out starting from the nucleon-nucleon interaction by using the Variational Monte Carlo method. The configuration used consists of three alpha clusters located at the apexes of an equilateral triangle, and an additional cluster, not necessarily of alpha type, forming a tetrahedron. This cluster is located at the top of its height. Short-range and state dependent correlations are included by means of a central Jastrow factor and a linear operatorial correlation factor respectively. Angular momentum projection is performed by using the Peierls-Yoccoz operators. Optimal structures are obtained for all the nuclei studied. Some aspects of our methodology have been tested by comparing with previous calculations carried out without short range correlations. The binding energy, the root mean square radius, and the one- and two-body densities are reported. The effects of correlations on both the energy and the nucleon distribution are analyzed systematically.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Decay of metastable phases in a model for the catalytic oxidation of CO

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    We study by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations the dynamic behavior of a Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model with CO desorption for the reaction CO + O →\to CO2_2 on a catalytic surface. Finite-size scaling analysis of the fluctuations and the fourth-order order-parameter cumulant show that below a critical CO desorption rate, the model exhibits a nonequilibrium first-order phase transition between low and high CO coverage phases. We calculate several points on the coexistence curve. We also measure the metastable lifetimes associated with the transition from the low CO coverage phase to the high CO coverage phase, and {\it vice versa}. Our results indicate that the transition process follows a mechanism very similar to the decay of metastable phases associated with {\it equilibrium} first-order phase transitions and can be described by the classic Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami theory of phase transformation by nucleation and growth. In the present case, the desorption parameter plays the role of temperature, and the distance to the coexistence curve plays the role of an external field or supersaturation. We identify two distinct regimes, depending on whether the system is far from or close to the coexistence curve, in which the statistical properties and the system-size dependence of the lifetimes are different, corresponding to multidroplet or single-droplet decay, respectively. The crossover between the two regimes approaches the coexistence curve logarithmically with system size, analogous to the behavior of the crossover between multidroplet and single-droplet metastable decay near an equilibrium first-order phase transition.Comment: 27 pages, 22 figures, accepted by Physical Review

    Response of a catalytic reaction to periodic variation of the CO pressure: Increased CO_2 production and dynamic phase transition

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    We present a kinetic Monte Carlo study of the dynamical response of a Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model for CO oxidation with CO desorption to periodic variation of the CO presure. We use a square-wave periodic pressure variation with parameters that can be tuned to enhance the catalytic activity. We produce evidence that, below a critical value of the desorption rate, the driven system undergoes a dynamic phase transition between a CO_2 productive phase and a nonproductive one at a critical value of the period of the pressure oscillation. At the dynamic phase transition the period-averged CO_2 production rate is significantly increased and can be used as a dynamic order parameter. We perform a finite-size scaling analysis that indicates the existence of power-law singularities for the order parameter and its fluctuations, yielding estimated critical exponent ratios β/ν≈0.12\beta/\nu \approx 0.12 and γ/ν≈1.77\gamma/\nu \approx 1.77. These exponent ratios, together with theoretical symmetry arguments and numerical data for the fourth-order cumulant associated with the transition, give reasonable support for the hypothesis that the observed nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition is in the same universality class as the two-dimensional equilibrium Ising model.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted in Physical Review
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