570 research outputs found

    Introduction to Schola Viuida

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    An overview of Professor Jacqueline Carlon’s scholarship and career, in the context of a brief historical overview of the “Communicative” or “Active Latin” movement

    Delayed birth of distillable entanglement in the evolution of bound entangled states

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    The dynamical creation of entanglement between three-level atoms coupled to the common vacuum is investigated. For the class of bound entangled initial states we show that the dynamics of closely separated atoms generates stationary distillable entanglement of asymptotic states. We also find that the effect of delayed sudden birth of distillable entanglement occurs in the case of atoms separated by a distance comparable with the radiation wavelength.Comment: published versio

    Putting on a Fronto: Persona and Patterns of Language in Fronto’s Correspondence

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    The subject of this chapter is the language of letters exchanged between Fronto and correspondents, specifically those linguistic means by which Fronto and his epistolary correspondents construct a persona and maintain and negotiate relationships. Analysis of the frequency of (Latin to Greek) code-switches, the diversity, or range of unique, address-terms, letter openings and closings used, and the type and frequency of requests show how Fronto’s relationship with Marcus Aurelius changes over time; and offer us one way to measure differences in Fronto’s epistolary relationship with the other correspondents

    Asymptotics of large eigenvalues for a class of band matrices

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    We investigate the asymptotic behaviour of large eigenvalues for a class of finite difference self-adjoint operators with compact resolvent in l2l^2

    Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Bent-Core Liquid Crystals

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    By molecular modeling we demonstrate that the nematic long-range order discovered in bent-core liquid crystal systems should reveal further spatially homogeneous phases. Two of them are identified as a tetrahedratic nematic (NTN_T) phase with D2dD_{2d} symmetry and a chiral tetrahedratic nematic (NTN_T^*) phase with D2D_2 symmetry. These new phases were found for a lattice model with quadrupolar and octupolar anisotropic interactions using Mean Field theory and Monte Carlo simulations. The phase diagrams exhibit tetrahedratic (TT), NTN_T and NTN_T^* phases, in addition to ordinary isotropic (II), uniaxial nematic (NUN_U) and biaxial nematic (NBN_B) phases. To our knowledge, this is the first molecular model with spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in non-layered systems.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Porous Selective Laser Melted Ti and Ti6Al4V Materials for Medical Applications

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    This chapter characterises scaffolds manufactured in line with the make-to-order concept according to individual needs of each patient. The clinical data acquired from a patient during computer tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance or using traditional plaster casts is converted by a computer into a virtual solid model of a patient’s loss. The model, through the multiplication of a unit cell, is converted into a porous model on the basis of which an actual object is manufactured with the method of selective laser melting (SLM) from Ti/Ti6Al4V powders. The created scaffold is characterised by good mechanical properties, which is confirmed by the results of the performed tensile and compressive strength tests. The material is additionally subjected to surface treatment consisting of the deposition of atomic layers of titanium dioxide with nanometric thickness

    Гендерна сегрегація – стереотип та проблема сучасного розвитку вітчизняного ринку праці

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    The article covers the main aspects of gender segregation, and also defines the main forms of its dissemination, factors and causes of its existence in the domestic labour market. Gender segregation is revealed to reflect to a certain extent the uneven distribution of employees of the same gender between different types of labour activity in the labour market and in the sphere of employment, thereby creating unevenness in the filling of a certain professional environment by men and women. The authors have found that the existence and distribution of gender segregation is associated with the presence of a number of social stereotypes regarding the use and application of the male and female labour in various spheres and branches of labour activity. Gender segregation is determined to be a stereotype and a problem that is inherent in the contemporary development of the domestic labour market in relation to the occupation of male and female employees of a specific niche in a professional or sectorial pyramid. The market is proved to be important for introducing effective measures for the domestic labour promoting changes in public stereotypes concerning the gender distribution of quality, the level of employment and wages of the representatives of the two genders. It is found that female position in the labour market of Ukraine is less favourable than male position because of the market competitive mechanism, the presence of direct barriers for their employment, and strangely enough because of this reproductive function. Due to the latter reason, some employers often consider female work as less useful and effective, since females have to combine their professional activities with maternity and family responsibilities. That in turn causes a certain stereotype in the working female behaviour as they, being aware of employers' prejudicial attitude, do not strive to achieve something in their life. They are ready in advance to accept any unfavourable offers, concerning their wages, working conditions without defined working hours and visible career promotion or the other restriction of women's rights. Thus, the stereotype of position (discrimination created by the employer) and behaviour (self-restriction created by a working woman) is proved to appear simultaneously on the labour market of Ukraine, which allows maintaining operating mechanisms of gender segregation and the presence of which does not provide possibility to occupy the same positions for women and men.Висвітлено основні аспекти гендерної сегрегації, визначено основні форми її поширення, чинники і причини існування на вітчизняному ринку праці. З'ясовано, що гендерна сегрегація певною мірою відображає нерівномірний розподіл працівників однієї статі між різними видами трудової діяльності на ринку праці та у сфері зайнятості, створюючи цим самим нерівномірність наповнення певного професійного середовища чоловіками та жінками. Встановлено, що існування та поширення гендерної сегрегації пов'язане з наявністю низки суспільних стереотипів щодо використання та застосування праці жінок і чоловіків у різних сферах та галузях трудової діяльності. Визначено, що гендерна сегрегація – це стереотип та проблема, яка притаманна сучасному розвитку вітчизняного ринку праці щодо зайняття жінками та чоловіками певної ніші у професійній чи галузевій піраміді. Установлено, що для вітчизняного ринку праці важливим є питання впровадження дієвих заходів, що сприятимуть зміні суспільних стереотипів стосовно гендерного розподілу якості, рівня зайнятості та заробітної плати осіб двох статей. З'ясовано, що становище жінок на ринку праці України є менш сприятливим, ніж у чоловіків, насамперед через дію ринкового конкурентного механізму, наявність прямих бар'єрів для їх зайнятості, і як не дивно, репродуктивну функцію. Доведено, що на ринку праці України одночасно присутні стереотипи становища і поведінки, які дають змогу зберігати діючі механізми гендерної сегрегації, і наявність яких не дає змоги жінкам займати на рівні з чоловіками однакове становище