450 research outputs found

    Integration of Geochemical and Electrical Studies for Groundwater Quality in Parts of Hyderabad, A.P., India

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    Abstract In this paper an attempt is made to integrate the results of geo-electrical and geochemical studies and introduces the concept of IGQI which minimize the noise and enhance the signals over arising geochemical background. Integration of these methods are tested over the study areas (i) OU and surrounding area (ii) Katedan area will be combined with a view to critically analyzing the integration thus effected to traced the contaminated zones. Based on the IGQI, some prominent zones are coincided with the contaminated zones i.e. Ramanthapuram, North of Musi river, Uppal, Peddacheruvu, Nacharam, Mallapur, RKPuram cheruvu and Nadimi cheruvu in study area I and Katedan IDA, APAU and Sivarampally in study area II. Keywords: Integrated geochemical quality indicator (IGQI), Vertical Electrical Soundings(VES), Qualitative analysis Please Cite This Article As: G. Udaya Laxmi and G. Ramadass. 2010. Integration of Geochemical and Electrical Studies for Groundwater Quality in Parts of Hyderabad, A.P., India. J. Exp. Sci. 1(6):32-35

    Effects of fentanyl on isobaric ropivacaine in subarachnoid anaesthesia for lower abdominal and lower extremity surgeries

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    Background:The addition of fentanyl to ropivacaine has shown to improve the quality of analgesia without compromising its benefits such as early mobilization and early voiding. This study evaluated the effects of adding fentanyl 25 mcg to isobaric ropivacaine 0.75% for spinal anaesthesia with regards to the onset of sensory block, maximum sensory level reached and the time to achieve it, time to two dermatome segment regression, onset of motor block, time for maximum motor blockade, duration of motor block, hemodynamic parameters and incidence of side effects.Methods: Hundred patients, male and female, ASA I or ASA II, aged 18 to 65 years scheduled for elective lower abdominal and lower extremity surgeries were randomized into two groups. Group R (control group) received 0.75% isobaric ropivacaine 22.5 mg (3 ml) and Group RF (study group) received 0.75% isobaric ropivacaine 22.5 mg (3 ml) and 25 mcg of fentanyl (0.5 ml). Intra operatively, sensory blockade was assessed by pin-prick method and motor parameters were assessed by modified Bromage scale at different time intervals. Haemodynamic parameters were monitored and side effects were also recordedResults: Both groups were comparable with respect to age, height, weight and duration of surgery. There was no significant difference in hemodynamics, onset of sensory and motor block, peak level of block, recovery from motor block, return of micturition and incidence of side effects with the addition of fentanyl to ropivacaine. There was a significant prolongation of the duration of sensory block (250.8±20.7 VS 362.1±15.1* min) and postoperative analgesia (320.56+15.32 VS462.41±38.42 *min) in Group RF (P < 0.001).Conclusions: It was concluded that the addition of 25 mcg fentanyl to 22.5mg of 0.75% isobaric ropivacaine for spinal anaesthesia significantly increases the duration of sensory block and decreases the rescue of analgesia with better hemodynamic stability, early recovery and mobilization.

    Triple Frequency Operated Microstrip Patch Antenna for Communication in Multibands

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    Volume 1 Issue 1 (March 2013

    Formulation and Evaluation of Colon Specific Drug Delivery of Press Coated Esomeprazole Tablets

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    The basic aim of the present investigation is to formulate and evaluate colon specific press coated tablets of Esomeprazole .Esomeprazole tablets were successfully prepared using enteric coated polymers ethyl cellulose and HPMC pthallate by first preparing the core tablets and then press coated with polymers. study of the preformulation charcteristics and FTIR studies indicates that there was no interaction between Esomeprazole and excipients used&nbsp; in the formulation .Invitro release profiles of optimized form of F6 were found to showed delayed release pattern in a very customized manner which was very much required for the colon specific drug delivery. . In vitro release profiles of optimized formulation of Esomeprazole controlled release tablets (F-6) were found to be improvised and followed zero - order kinetics, hence the release of the drug from the dosage form was independent of concentration and followed Higuchi model, and hence release of drug from press coated tablet was by diffusion mechanism. The drug delivery system was designed to deliver the drug at such a time when it was needed nocturnal time

    Use of intramyometrial carbetocin in caesarean myomectomy to reduce hemorrhage

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    Traditionally myomectomy is avoided during caesarean delivery because of potential excessive blood loss. As the size increases, blood supply of leiomyomas also increases in pregnancy, and specifically at term due to the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin. Carbetocin is an oxytocin analog. It is long acting and is effective in preventing blood loss. It has been used in myomectomy to prevent blood loss in non-pregnant uterus. We present a case report where it is used intramyometrial route during caesarean section. A 30-year-old multigravida of 38 weeks period of gestation with previous caesarean section, presented in labor. Her recent ultra sound report showed single live intrauterine fetus of 35 weeks 3 days with a single posterior wall fibroid. The woman requested for myomectomy along with caesarean delivery as she had heavy menstrual bleeding caesarean section was done and myomectomy was planned along with the caesarean section. Intramyometrial carbetocin 100 mcg was used to prevent excessive blood loss. The patient had an uneventful post-operative period. Intramyometrial carbetocin is an effective method to reduce blood loss in myomectomy during caesarean delivery


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    The active SFCL can too suppress rapid-circuit current caused with a three-phase grounded fault effectively, and also the power system’s safety and reliability could be improved. Furthermore, combined with the loss of the space between your fault location and also the SFCL’s installation position, the present-restricting performance increases. To be able to calculate the overvoltages caused within the other two phases, the symmetrical component method and sophisticated sequence systems may be used. It ought to be noticed that, for that distribution system with isolated neutral-point, the reactance ratio m is generally bigger than four. In consideration that applying superconducting fault current limiter can be an achievable solution, within this paper, the results of the current compensation type active SFCL in it are studied through theoretical derivation and simulation. The simulation results reveal that the active SFCL can enjoy an apparent role in restraining the fault current and overvoltage; also it can lead to staying away from damage around the relevant distribution equipment and enhance the systems safety and reliability. Throughout the study process, cellular the alterations within the locations from the DG units attached to the system, the DG units injection capacities and also the fault positions, the active SFCLs current-restricting and overvoltage suppressing characteristics are generally simulated in MATLAB

    A Prospective Observational Study on Rational Use of Antibiotics for Paediatric Patients with Respiratory Tract Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Background: Antibiotic drug overuse and inappropriate antibiotic drug selection are associated with increased drug resistance among respiratory pathogens (most notably, Streptococcus pneumoniae), possible progression to chronic disease, and increased treatment costs.[1] The selection of an antibiotic for prophylaxis should be based on known or likely target pathogens, for a short duration of time. Objective: To evaluate Rational use of antibiotics in Paediatric patients suffering from Respiratory tract&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; infections. Method: It was Prospective, observational study conducted by random selection of patients. Based on diagnosis, the study population was categorized into 2 groups: Upper respiratory tract infections and Lower respiratory tract infections. The study population was interviewed after obtaining written informed consent for information like demographics, diagnosis, treatment and antibiotics prescribed. Results and Discussion: In our study population, it was observed that male patient (74%) were higher than female patients (26%). Total number of antibiotics prescribed during the study period is 83. Most commonly prescribed antibiotic was Augmentin (Amoxicillin +Clavulanic acid) of dose (450mg IV BD) which is the combination drug, i.e, more effective than individual antibiotic drugs. Conclusion: In the present study it is observed that 4-different classes of antibiotics-Pencillins,Cephalosporins,Macrolides and Aminoglycosides were prescribed and used for different Respiratory diseases.The percentage of average antibiotic utilization is highest in Lower Respiratory Tract Infection with (55.22%).Mostly used Antibiotic in males for both LRTI and URTI is Augmentin with the percentage of (52%) and (80%) respectively.Where as in females it is observed that in both LRTI and URTI mostly used Antibiotic is Augmentin with percentage of (38.8%) and( 80%) respectively.Overall Second mostly used antibiotic is Ceftriaxone. Keywords: pediatrics, lower and upper respiratory tract infections, antibiotics.&nbsp

    Dental Prosthetic Status and Prosthetic Needs of Patients Visiting Gandaki Medical College, Western Nepal

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    Introduction: The study of prosthetic status and prosthetic need will help us to find out the degree of treatment required in the population which will help to frame the health care services. Objective: The objective of the study was to find out the prosthetic status, prosthetic need in different age groups and their correlation with socio-economic status in patients visiting Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dental Surgery, Gandaki Medical College, Pokhara, Nepal. Materials and Methods: The patients visiting Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dental Surgery, Gandaki Medical College, Pokhara, Nepal were screened. The demographic profile of the patients was obtained and clinical examination for prosthetic status and prosthetic need was done based on WHO method. Results: There were total of 309 patients who visited the department during the study period. There were 133 (43%) male and 176 (57%) female patients. The majority of patients had no prosthesis in upper arch 78.6% and 83.8% in lower arch. The number of patients with replacement of missing teeth in upper arch was 66 (21.4%) and in lower arch were 50 (16.2%). There were 159 (51.5%) of patients requiring one or the other form of prosthesis in upper arch and 161 (52.1%) of patients in lower arch. Conclusion: The majority of patients had no prosthesis 78.6% in upper arch and 83.8% in lower arch. The need of prosthesis was 51.5% in upper arch and 52.1 % in lower arch

    MicroRNAs Modulate Pathogenesis Resulting from Chlamydial Infection in Mice

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    Not all women infected with chlamydiae develop upper genital tract disease, but the reason(s) for this remains undefined. Host genetics and hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle are possible explanations for variable infection outcomes. It is also possible that disease severity depends on the virulence of the chlamydial inoculum. It is likely that the inoculum contains multiple genetic variants, differing in virulence. If the virulent variants dominate, then the individual is more likely to develop severe disease. Based on our previous studies, we hypothesized that the relative degree of virulence of a chlamydial population dictates the microRNA (miRNA) expression profile of the host, which, in turn, through regulation of the host inflammatory response, determines disease severity. Thus, we infected C57BL/6 mice with two populations of Chlamydia muridarum, each comprised of multiple genetic variants and differing in virulence: an attenuated strain (NiggA) and a virulent strain (NiggV). NiggA and NiggV elicited upper tract pathology in 54% and 91% of mice, respectively. miRNA expression analysis in NiggV-infected mice showed significant downregulation of miRNAs involved in dampening fibrosis (miR-200b, miR-200b-5p, and 200b-3p miR-200a-3p) and in transcriptional regulation of cytokine responses (miR-148a-3p, miR-152-3p, miR-132, and miR-212) and upregulation of profibrotic miRNAs (miR-142, and miR-147). Downregulated miRNAs were associated with increased expression of interleukin 8 (IL-8), CXCL2, IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), and IL-6. Infection with NiggV but not NiggA led to decreased expression of Dicer and Ago 2, suggesting that NiggV interaction with host cells inhibits expression of the miRNA biogenesis machinery, leading to increased cytokine expression and pathology
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