3,285 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Machine- and Human-Analytics in Classification

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    In this work, we present a study that traces the technical and cognitive processes in two visual analytics applications to a common theoretic model of soft knowledge that amy be added into a visual analytics process for constructing a decision-tree model. Both case studies involved the development of classification models based on the "bag of features" approach. Both compared a visual analytics approach using parallel coordinates with a machine-learning approach using information theory. Both found that the visual analytics approach had some advantages over the machine learning approach, especially when sparse datasets were used as the ground truth. We examine various possible factors that may have contributed to such advantages, and collect empirical evidence for supporting the observation and reasoning of these factors. We propose an information-theoretic model as a common theoretic basis to explain the phenomena exhibited in these two case studies. Together we provide interconnected empirical and theoretical evidence to support the usefulness of visual analytics

    Prosthesis for a Case of Subtotal Orbital Exenteration

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    Aims and objectives: To rehabilitate a patient with subtotal orbital exenteration defect. Case description: A 32 year old male with history of carcinoma of ethmoid, treated surgically with subtotal orbital exenteration presented with a defect communicating with the pharynx. He was rehabilitated with a prosthetic eye. Conclusion: A two piece cast with a removable part containing the defect made it very easy to fabricate the prosthesis. Patient was happy with the appearance and expressed satisfaction.&nbsp

    Phenex: Ontological Annotation of Phenotypic Diversity

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    Phenex is a platform-independent desktop application designed to facilitate efficient and consistent annotation of phenotypic variation using Entity-Quality syntax, drawing on terms from community ontologies for anatomical entities, phenotypic qualities, and taxonomic names. Despite the centrality of the phenotype to so much of biology, traditions for communicating information about phenotypes are idiosyncratic to different disciplines. Phenotypes seem to elude standardized descriptions due to the variety of traits that compose them and the difficulty of capturing the complex forms and subtle differences among organisms that we can readily observe. Consequently, phenotypes are refractory to attempts at data integration that would allow computational analyses across studies and study systems. Phenex addresses this problem by allowing scientists to employ standard ontologies and syntax to link computable phenotype annotations to evolutionary character matrices, as well as to link taxa and specimens to ontological identifiers. Ontologies have become a foundational technology for establishing shared semantics, and, more generally, for capturing and computing with biological knowledge

    Constraining a possible time variation of the gravitational constant G with terrestrial nuclear laboratory data

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    Testing the constancy of the gravitational constant G has been a longstanding fundamental question in natural science. As first suggested by Jofr\'{e}, Reisenegger and Fern\'{a}ndez [1], Dirac's hypothesis of a decreasing gravitational constant GG with time due to the expansion of the Universe would induce changes in the composition of neutron stars, causing dissipation and internal heating. Eventually, neutron stars reach their quasi-stationary states where cooling due to neutrino and photon emissions balances the internal heating. The correlation of surface temperatures and radii of some old neutron stars may thus carry useful information about the changing rate of G. Using the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy constrained by recent terrestrial laboratory data on isospin diffusion in heavy-ion reactions at intermediate energies and the size of neutron skin in 208Pb^{208}Pb within the gravitochemical heating formalism, we obtain an upper limit of the relative changing rate of G˙/G4×1012yr1|\dot{G}/G|\le4\times 10^{-12}yr^{-1} consistent with the best available estimates in the literature.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, and 2 tables. Accepted version to appear in PRC (2007

    Oncological safety of stromal vascular fraction enriched fat grafting in two-stage breast reconstruction after nipple sparing mastectomy: long-term results of a prospective study

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    OBJECTIVE: Autologous fat transfer (AFT) is commonly used to treat implant palpability and prevent fibrosis and thinning in mastectomy skin flaps. A major limit to this procedure is volume retention over time, leading to the introduction of fat enrichment with stromal vascular fraction (SVF+AFT). Oncological concerns have been raised over the injection of an increased concentration of progenitors cells (ASCs) in the SVF. The aim of the study is to evaluate the long-term cancer recurrence risk of SVF+AFT cases compared to AFT, in patients undergoing Nipple Sparing Mastectomy (NSM). PATIENTS AND METHODS: A prospective study was designed to compare three groups of patients undergoing NSM followed by SVF+AFT, AFT or none (control group), after a two-stage breast reconstruction. Patients were strictly followed-up for at least 5-years from the second stage reconstructive procedure. Loco-regional and systemic recurrence rate were evaluated over time as the primary outcome. Logistic regression was used to investigate which factors were associated with recurrence events and independent variables of interest were: surgical technique, age above 50 years old, lympho-vascular invasion, oncological stage, adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy, adjuvant radiotherapy and adjuvant hormone therapy. RESULTS: 41 women were included in G1 (SVF+AFT), 64 in G2 (AFT), and 64 in G3 (control group). Loco-regional recurrence rate was 2.4% for G1, 4.7% for G2, and 1.6% for G3. Systemic recurrence was 7.3%, 3.1%, and 3.1%, respectively. Among the variables included, there were no significant risk factors influencing a recurrence event, either loco-regional or systemic. In particular, SVF+AFT (G1) did not increase the oncological recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that both centrifuged and SVF-enhanced fat transfer have a similar safety level in comparison to patients who did not undergo fat grafting in breast reconstruction after NSM

    Economical (k,m)-threshold controlled quantum teleportation

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    We study a (k,m)-threshold controlling scheme for controlled quantum teleportation. A standard polynomial coding over GF(p) with prime p > m-1 needs to distribute a d-dimensional qudit with d >= p to each controller for this purpose. We propose a scheme using m qubits (two-dimensional qudits) for the controllers' portion, following a discussion on the benefit of a quantum control in comparison to a classical control of a quantum teleportation.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, v2: minor revision, discussions improved, an equation corrected in procedure (A) of section 4.3, v3: major revision, protocols extended, citations added, v4: minor grammatical revision, v5: minor revision, discussions extende

    Wideband Antennas of Passive Seekers for Anti Radiation Missiles

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    Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (SEAD) is a fundamental element of Air Power application by means of in protecting friendly air attackers and destroying the enemy’s ability to defend against air attack. Most of the SEAD operation even today relies on Anti-radiation missile (ARM) which is an air-to-surface tactical missile designed to detect, seek, attack and destroy opponent’s radar. Passive seeker of ARM is a miniaturized ESM receiver which is capable of extracting the necessary angular data from the enemy radar emissions. Single head passive seeker covering wide frequency range from L to Ku band is the preferred choice. Wideband antennas have been designed and utilized for Direction Finding applications of ESM/ELINT receivers for ground, air and ship borne platforms. Unlike these platforms, there are several restrictions for passive seeker based compact ESM receiver for missile borne platform specially air to surface missile where lesser diameter is one of the preferred design parameter. This review paper mainly discusses the existing wideband antennas such as spiral, log-periodic, printed circuit vivaldi and all-metal vivaldi antennas and the comparison of their various parameters for passive seeker. The paper also suggests their suitability with respect to their placement on the missile for three configurations: concealed inside the radome, flush-mounted and conformal antenna based. The paper also brought about the specific test facility required for testing and evaluation of passive seeker to characterize it with missile radome which is the most challenging and time consuming task. Among the three passive seeker configuration discussed, conformal antenna based passive seeker using all-metal Vivaldi is the best option avoiding radome aberration correction which is being utilized in the present third generations of ARM. The second commonly and established passive seeker configuration is concealed inside the radome using spiral antennas where handling radome aberration correction is a limitation.&nbsp

    Assessment of the level of serum uric acid in patients of pre-eclampsia and their comparison with levels in normotensive pregnancy

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    Background: Pre-eclampsia is one of the major causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. There are various parameters to evaluate pre-eclampsia. S.uric acid levels is one of the important biochemical markers in pre-eclampsia. The objective of current study is to compare the levels of S.uric acid in pre-eclamptic patients and normotensive patients.Methods: A total of 256 antenatal patients, consisting of two groups, 128 patients in each group diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (either earlier or during examination) and 128 control antenatal patients in their third trimester were considered. Both the groups were compared in relation to age, parity, socio economic status and geographical variations. Blood sample (venous blood) of about 5ml was drawn from the ante cubital vein of the patient under all aseptic precautions to estimate S.uric acid levels.Results: The observation of present study shows that the level of serum uric acid is significantly higher in the cases of pre-eclampsia. The value of S.uric acid increases with the severity of pre-eclampsia.Conclusions: It is concluded from this study that high levels of uric acid are found in the serum of pre-eclamptic cases as compared to normotensive cases of the study population. The levels of uric acid are higher in severe cases as compared to the levels in mild and moderate cases

    Oncoplastic conservative surgery for breast cancer: long-term outcomes of our first ten years experience

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    The main goal of oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS) is to optimize cosmetic outcomes and reduce patient morbidity, while still providing an oncologically-safe surgical outcome and extending the target population of conservative surgery. Although the growing number of reported experiences with oncoplastic surgery, few studies account for the long-term outcomes