47 research outputs found

    Population density and structure of birds breeding in an urban habitat dominated by large baobabs (Adansonia digitata), Northern Namibia

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    Large baobabs are regarded as key plant species in the savannah biome. In this study their role in shaping the avian community has been evaluated. The territory mapping method has been employed to quantify the avian breeding community in the town Outapi (ca. 130 ha), Northern Namibia, well-endowed with large baobabs. A total of 29 breeding bird species were recorded. The alien House Sparrow was by far the most numerous species comprising 48.4% of all breeding birds. The Blue Waxbill and African Palm Swift were also classified as dominant species, comprising together 17.4%. Granivores were by far the most numerous feeding guild, comprising 77.2% of all birds breeding, while the insectivores comprised only 11.8%. Birds nesting in/on buildings comprised 52.7%, those nesting on trees/shrubs – 42.0%. The population densities of many bird species (e.g. doves from the genus Stepropelia, bulbuls, weavers) were comparatively low. Such a situation could have been caused by the exceptionally high population density of the Pied Crow. In the study area, there were 15 breeding pairs and about 100–150 non-breeding individuals. The baobabs may provide them with a feeding resource in the form of the sweet fruits. The crows, as nest predators, feed also on the eggs and nestlings of other birds. Doves seem to be especially prone to such predation, as their nests are easily to detect and destroy. As a result, they have to breed in low density. This in turn, may release other dominant granivores in the study area, namely sparrows. They are not vulnerable to crow nest predation, as their nests are usually well-concealed under eaves and in holes of buildings

    Avian assemblages in lowland and foothill agro-ecosystem in Lesotho

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    During the years 1996-2001, the line transect method has been employed to assess the species composition, dominance structure and relative abundance of birds resident in traditional farmlands, in the lowlands (10 transects with the total length of 43.9 km) and foothills (10 transects with the total length of transects 46.5 km) of Lesotho, southern Africa. This has been done to show the role of this farming in biodiversity conservation. A total of 76 resident species have been recorded in farmlands of Lesotho, 62 species in the lowlands and 53 species in the foothills. In the lowland farmlands the dominant group was composed of 6 species, namely the Prinia, Cape Bunting, Cinnamon-breasted Bunting, Cape Canary, Neddicky and Common Quail (35.8 %); in the foothills the group was composed 5 species: Karoo Prinia, Cape-turtle Dove, Laughing Dove, Cape Bunting and Cape Canary (35.9 %). Eighteen species bred in significantly different densities in lowlands and foothills. While insectivorous birds were more numerous in the lowland than foothill, the reverse was true with granivorous birds. Those two guilds comprised together 78% and 83% in the lowland and foothill respectively. The proportion of species in each guild was similar. In the lowland farmland the following eight species were more common that in the foothill farmlands, while in foothill farmland 10 species were more numerous than in lowland farmland. Species diversity and evenness were strikingly high and similar in lowlands and foothills, although Sorensen Similarity Index between these two areas was low (I = 0.44). Both species diversity and structure of dominance in avian communities in Lesotho farmlands indicate that the traditional farming play a positive role in biodiversity conservation

    Avian Diversity on the Sandstone Cliff Outskirts of the Maloti/Drakensberg ‘Hot-spot’ Area in Southern Africa

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    During the year 1999-2001, avian assemblages associated with cliffs and bushy vegetation of the Clarens Formation have been quantified by means of the line transect method (total length of transects — 107 km) in Lesotho lowlands. In total, 80 species resident in these habitats were recorded. Overall, six species were classified as dominants: Serinus canicollis, Prinia maculosa, Streptopelia senegalensis, Emberiza tahapisi, Emberiza capensis and Cisticola fulvicapilla. Together they comprised 41.4?% of all breeding pairs. Ten other species were classified as subdominants (33.9?%). Granivores were the most numerous feeding guild (31 species; 48.0?% of all pairs), followed by insectivores (27 species; 32.3?%) and frugivores (11 species; 17.4?%). The most numerous nesting guild were shrub/tree nesting birds (47.2?%). Proportions for some congereric species were calculated. The bushy vegetation is characterized by high species diversity and relatively high population densities of some species.В течение 1999-2001 птичьи сообщества, связанные со скалами и кустарниковой растительностью формации Клеренса, были посчитаны с помощью метода линий трансект (общая длина трансект — 107 км) в низменности Лесото. Всего было отмечено 80 видов, обитающих в этом ареале. В целом шесть видов было классифицировано как доминирующие: Serinus canicollis, Prinia maculosa, Streptopelia senegalensis, Emberiza tahapisi, Emberiza capensis и Cisticola fulvicapilla. Вместе они составляют 41,4?% от всех гнездящихся пар. Десять других видов были классифицированы как субдоминантные (33,9?%). Растительноядные виды явились наиболее многочисленной группой птиц (31 видов, 48,0?% всех пар), за ними следовали насекомоядные (27 видов, 32,3?%) и хищные (11 видов, 17,4?%). Самой многочисленной гнездящейся группой были птицы, гнездящиеся в кустарнике и на деревьях (47,2?%). Были просчитаны пропорции для некоторых видов, принадлежащих к одному роду. Кустарниковая растительность характеризуется большим видовым разнообразием и относительно высокой плотностью населения некоторых видов

    Breeding Biology of the Fiscal Shrike, Lanius collaris (Laniidae), in a Peri-Urban Environment in Roma (Lesotho)

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    An urbanized population of the Fiscal Shrike was studied in a park-like residential and landscape area at the foothills of the Maloti/Drakensberg region. Studies focused on these aspects of breeding ecology which have not been previously investigated, viz. year-to-year and intra-seasonal variations in reproductive performance, breeding performance in relation to population density, and site tenacity in relation to habitat type. In addition, nest site selection and diet was also analyzed.Изучена урбанизированная популяция сорокопута-прокурора в парковой и ландшафтной зонах у подножий Малоти (Драконовые горы). Уделено внимание ранее неизученным аспектам размножения, таким как ежегодная и межсезонная изменчивость репродуктивного поведения, а также поведение в процессе размножения в зависимости от плотности популяции и устойчивость поселений в связи с типом местообитания. Проанализированы выбор мест для гнездования и рацион питания

    Diversity and structure of avian communities in extensive lowland pine forests in relation to the distance from the forest edge

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    Most studies on edge effect are related to the forest-field edge, i.e. to the ecotone. However, there is a lack of studies attempting to investigate the effect of the distance from the forest/field edge on the avian communities in large continuous forests. The purpose of this study was to investigate this issue. The study area comprised a continuous coniferous forest, the so called Niemodlin Forest, situated in Opole Silesia, SW Poland. The line transect method has been employed in this study. In total, 54 breeding bird species were recorded. On particular 0.5 km section, the numbers varied from 34 to 48. Both the number of species and number of breeding pairs only slightly decreased with the distance from the forest/field edge. Overall, the differences between the mean densities of breeding species on 10 sections were not statistically significant. The Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs was by far the most numerous bird species, recorded as eudominant in 164 out of 165 sections. The Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita, Willow Warbler Phyloscopus trochilus and Blackap Sylvia atricapilla were dominants in all 10 sections, while the Blackbird Turdus merula dominated in nine (90%) and the Robin Erithacus rubecula in eight (80%) sections. The communal dominance slightly increased, but the number of dominant species and Pielou’s Evenness Index remained stable with the increase of the distance from the forest/field edge. While Shannon’s Diversity Index remained constant, Simpson’s Diversity Index decreased markedly with the increase in distance from the forest/field edge. The proportion of long-distance migrants slightly decreased, while that of short-distance migrants and residents remained constant with the increase in the distance from the forest/field edge. Strikingly, no such changes in the proportion of all feeding guilds were shown. More than half of all breeding bird species show a negative correlation between population density and the distance from the forest/field edge. The dominance of some species decreased with the increase of the distance from the forest/field edge: Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes, Starling Sturnus vulgaris, Blue Tit Parusa caeruleus, Raven Corvus corax, Wren Troglodytes troglodytes, Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus, and Wood Lark Lullula arborea. With the exception of the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella, the clearcuts in this study, not only failed to increase, but most probably caused a decrease in the number of both species and individuals. It is because clearing not only creates edges, but also causes loss of forest habitat and often results in forest fragmentation. Edge and area effect may in fact interact, in such way that the edge effect may drive out the area effect, causing the increase

    Lower vertebrates of Sehlabathebe National Park, Lesotho

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    Five snake, four lizard, nine amphibian (all anurans) and three fish species were recorded in the Apline grasslands of the Sehlabathebe National Park, South-Eastern Lesotho, Southern Africa. They include rare, threatened and endemic species, some of which are restricted to the Drakensberg / Maloti region. The following species were recorded: snakes Lamprophis aurora, L. fuscus, Hemachatus haemachatus, Bitis arietans, B. atropos; lizards Trachylepsis punctatissima, Tropidosaura montana, Pseudocordylus melanotus, Afroedura nivaria; amphibians (anurans) Xenopus laevis laevis, Bufo gariepensis nubicolus, Cacosternum striatum, Amietia dracomontana, A. angloensis, A. fuscigula, A. umbraculata, Strongylopus fasciatus, Semnodactylus wealii; fishes Labeobarbus aeneus, Pseudobarbus quathlambae and Oncorhynchus mykiss. Species with high conservation priorities include: Lamprophis fuscus, Tropidosaura cottrelli, Pseudocordylus spinosus, Amietia umbraculata, A. drakomontana, Strongylopus fasciatus and Pseudobarbus quathlambae

    The Prevalence and Intensity of Louse (Pthiraptera, Mallophaga) and Tick (Acarina,Ixodidae) Infestation of Birds in South African Grassland

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    A total of 270 birds represented by 12 species were examined for the presence of lice and ticks. Birds were collected in South African grasslands. Extensity of louse and tick infestation ranged from 10% to 80% and from 3% to 33% respectively. Average number of lice per host species ranged from 1 to 15, while average number of ticks per host species ranged from 1 to 5. Only single specimens (0.4%) were heavily parasited by lice and ticks respectively. Lice infested birds more often during the dry season, while ticks infested birds mainly during the rain season.В общей сложности 270 птиц 12 видов были обследованы на наличие пухоедов и клещей. Птицы были собраны на южноафриканских пастбищах. Экстенсивность зараженности пухоедами и клещами колеблется от 10% до 80% и от 3% до 33%, соответственно. Среднее количество пухоедов на вид-прокормитель колеблется от 1 до 15, а среднее число клещей на вид-прокормитель – от 1 до 5. Только единичные особи (0,4%) были сильно паразитированы пухоедами и клещами соответственно. Пухоеды заражали птиц чаще всего во время сухого сезона, в то время как клещи заражали птиц в основном во время сезона дождей


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    The Prevalence and Intensity of Louse (Pthiraptera, Mallophaga) and Tick (Acarina,Ixodidae) Infestation of Birds in South African Grassland. Kopij G., Price R. D. -A total of 270 birds represented by 12 species were examined for the presence of lice and ticks. Birds were collected in South African grasslands. Extensity of louse and tick infestation ranged from 10% to 80% and from 3% to 33% respectively. Average number of lice per host species ranged from 1 to 15, while average number of ticks per host species ranged from 1 to 5. Only single specimens (0.4%) were heavily parasited by lice and ticks respectively. Lice infested birds more often during the dry season, while ticks infested birds mainly during the rain season. K e y w o r d s: Pthiraptera, Ixodidae, prevalence, intensity, infestation, South Africa. Ïðåâàëèðîâàíèå è èíòåíñèâíîñòü çàðàaeåííîñòè ïòèö ïóõîåäàìè (Pthiraptera, Mallophaga) è êëåùà-ìè (Acarina, Ixodidae) íà ïàñòáèùàõ â Þaeíîé Àôðèêå. Êîïèé Ã., Ïðàéñ Ð. Ä. - îáùåé ñëîae-íîñòè 270 ïòèö 12 âèäîâ áûëè îáñëåäîâàíû íà íàëè÷èå ïóõîåäîâ è êëåùåé. Ïòèöû áûëè ñîáðà-íû íà þaeíîàôðèêàíñêèõ ïàñòáèùàõ. Ýêñòåíñèâíîñòü çàðàaeåííîñòè ïóõîåäàìè è êëåùàìè êîëåáëåòñÿ îò 10% äî 80% è îò 3% äî 33%, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî. Ñðåäíåå êîëè÷åñòâî ïóõîåäîâ íà âèä-ïðîêîðìèòåëü êîëåáëåòñÿ îò 1 äî 15, à ñðåäíåå ÷èñëî êëåùåé íà âèä-ïðîêîðìèòåëü -îò 1 äî 5. Òîëüêî åäèíè÷íûå îñîáè (0,4%) áûëè ñèëüíî ïàðàçèòèðîâàíû ïóõîåäàìè è êëåùàìè ñîîò-âåòñòâåííî. Ïóõîåäû çàðàaeàëè ïòèö ÷àùå âñåãî âî âðåìÿ ñóõîãî ñåçîíà, â òî âðåìÿ êàê êëåùè çàðàaeàëè ïòèö â îñíîâíîì âî âðåìÿ ñåçîíà äîaeäåé

    Shrike predation on the lizard Mesalina adramitana in Qatar; a review of reported reptile and amphibian prey

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    We report, for the first time, evidence of predation by a shrike (Lanius sp.) on the lizard Mesalina adramitana. This is the first record of predation by shrikes on lizards in Qatar. Whilst we did not directly observe the event, the presence of shrikes in the area and the method of impalement indicate shrikes as the predator. The lizard was found freshly impaled on a palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera), at 150 cm above ground. Bird species of the genus Lanius are well-known predators of lizards, and in arid environments reptiles are likely common prey for these birds. We provide a review of literature concerning predatory events by shrikes on reptiles and amphibians. We suggest inspection of shrubs for animals impaled by shrikes can improve biodiversity inventories, complementing other commonly used methods

    Bird-termite interactions in Brazil: A review with perspectives for future studies

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