59 research outputs found

    A three parameter analytic phase function for multiple scattering calculations

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    A simple procedure was developed to fit the first three moments of an actual phase function with a three parameter analytic phase function. The exact Legendre Polynomial decomposition of this function is, suitable for multiple scattering calculations. The use of this function is expected to yield excellent flux values at all depths within a medium. Since it is capable of reproducing the glory, it can be used in synthetic spectra computations from planetary atmospheres. Accurate asymptotic radiance values can also be achieved as long as the single scattering albedo omega sub 0 is greater than or equal to 0.9

    Theorems on symmetrics and flux conservation in radiative transfer using the matrix operator theory

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    The matrix operator approach to radiative transfer is shown to be a very powerful technique in establishing symmetry relations for multiple scattering in inhomogeneous atmospheres. Symmetries are derived for the reflection and transmission operators using only the symmetry of the phase function. These results will mean large savings in computer time and storage for performing calculations for realistic planetary atmospheres using this method. The results have also been extended to establish a condition on the reflection matrix of a boundary in order to preserve reciprocity. Finally energy conservation is rigorously proven for conservative scattering in inhomogeneous atmospheres

    Influence of single scattering albedo on reflected and transmitted light from clouds

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    Single scattering albedo effect on reflected and transmitted light from cloud

    Radiative transfer in realistic planetary atmospheres

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    The research accomplished during this period is briefly summarized. The interior radiances within an optically deep absorbing medium scattering according to the Haze L phase function is discussed along with a method for calculating the radiance and color of the twilight sky. The application of the matrix operator method to calculations of radiance, polarization, and ellipticity of the radiation scattered from homogeneous layers scattering is reported. Reports, and publications are listed

    Degree and plane of polarization of multiple scattered light. 2: Earth's atmosphere with aerosols

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    The degree of polarization, as well as the direction of the plane of polarization, were calculated by a Monte Carlo method for the reflected and transmitted photons from the earth's atmosphere. The solar photons were observed during multiple collisions with aerosols and the Rayleigh scattering centers in the atmosphere. The aerosol number density, as well as the ratio of aerosol to Rayleigh scattering, varies with height. The proportion of aerosol to Rayleigh scattering was appropriately chosen at each wavelength 0.4 microns and 0.7 microns; ozone absorption was included where appropriate. Three different aerosol number densities were used to study the effects of aerosol variations. Results are given for a solar zenith angle of 81.37 deg and a surface albedo of zero. The polarization of the reflected and transmitted photons was found to be sensitive to the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere at certain angles of observation

    Electromagnetic scattering from absorbing spheres

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    Electromagnetic scattering from absorbing sphere

    Radiative transfer in realistic planetary atmospheres

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    Some 40 publications that appeared in scientific journals from 1973 to 1981 as well as 45 scientific reports issued during the grant period are listed by title. Topics cover the development of a matrix operator theory of radiative transfer which made possible the exact model calculations of the radiance as a function of height in planetary atmospheres; calculation of the Mie phase matrix for various types of particles as well as for radiance and polarization in planetary atmospheres; analysis of high dispersion spectroscopic observations of Venus; calculation of curves of growth for Venus; the development of a theory for calculating radiative transfer in spherical shell atmospheres; investigations of zonal winds on Venus; and examination of Rayleigh scattering

    Planetary isophotes as a clue to aerosol characteristics

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    A study was conducted to see how much information could be extracted from the Mariner 9 Mars isophotes taken at a phase angle of approximately 60 deg. It was found that the Minnaert functions and both isotropic and Rayleigh scattering could easily be ruled out, and that it was essential to use forward-peaked phase functions, which were computed from Mie theory. Isophotes similar to those observed assuming a semi-infinite dust cloud with a considerable variation in particle properties and size distribution could be obtained, so long as the ratio of the multiply- to singly-scattered light was held within certain limits. These conditions are met by micron-sized, moderatly absorbing mineral grains whose mean size should not be much larger than a micron. It was also found that a dust cloud of finite optical thickness bounded from below by a Lambert ground would fit the isophote data

    Degree and plane of polarization of multiple scattered light. 1: Homogeneous cloud layers

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    The degree of polarization and the direction of the plane of polarization are calculated by a Monte Carlo method for homogeneous layers. Two solar zenith angles and a range of optical thicknesses up to 10 are considered. The results are compared with calculations for single scattered photons. For a given pair of incident and scattered directions, there are only two possible values for the direction of the plane of polarization differing by 90 deg for single scattering from spherical aerosols. The choice between these two values depends only on the sign of the element M(-) in the first row and second column of the scattering matrix in the I, Q, U, V representation. In most cases there is little change in the direction of the plane of polarization when multiple scattering is taken into account, so that this quantity can usually be predicted from a very simple trigonometric relationship to good accuracy. Measurements of the direction of the plane of polarization at appropriately chosen angles provides information about the size distribution of the scattering centers

    Scattering in the atmosphere of Venus. Line profiles and phase curves for Rayleigh scattering

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    Spectral line profiles, curves of growth, and curves for the equivalent width of a line as a function of Venus phase angle are computed for a Rayleigh scattering cloud and compared with those for a cloud of isotropic scatterers. The results are similar for the two kinds of scattering, with the exception for the curves of equivalent width as a function of Venus phase angle. These latter curves exhibit the inverse phase effect and rule out the possibility that the scale height of the clouds can be much less than half the scale height of the gas