18 research outputs found

    Use of Lichen and Moss in Assessment of Forest Contamination with Heavy Metals in Praded and Glacensis Euroregions (Poland and Czech Republic)

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    The concentrations of selected metals—Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb—were determined in the samples of Hypogymnia physodes lichen and Pleurozium schreberi moss collected in Polish and Czech Euroregions Praded and Glacensis. More specifically, the samples were collected in Bory Stobrawskie, Bory NiemodliƄskie, and Kotlina KƂodzka (Poland) and in Jeseniki (Czech Republic). The concentration of metals in the samples was measured using the atomic absorption spectrometry (flame AAS technique and electrothermal atomization AAS technique). The results were used to calculate the comparison factor (CF) that quantifies the difference in concentration of a given bioavailable analyte × accumulated in lichens and mosses: CF = 2 (cx,lichen − cx,moss) (cx,lichen + cx,moss)−1. The values of CF greater than 0.62 indicate the most probable location of heavy metals deposited in the considered area. In this work, the method was used to show a significant contribution of urban emissions to the deposition of heavy metals in the area of Bory Stobrawskie and in the vicinity of KƂodzko City

    The long-term dynamics of hydrochemical indices of low-mineralized subarctic lakes in reducing the acid load

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    The results of long-term studies (1990–2013) of dynamics of the main hydrochemical indices of the subarctic Shuonijavr Lake located in the zone of airborne pollution from a metallurgical plant have been considered. The following facts have been revealed: significant increase of alkalinity and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) of the lake water; reduction in the range of seasonal fluctuations of ph and alkalinity; reduction of in the lake water during the observation period as a result of reducing the acid load due to the decrease of SO2 emission. Despite the stabilization of the lake water ANC the pollution indicators in six elements of polluters foreground for the region remain high value

    Decomposition of green manure and nutrients release in Subarctic, Kola Peninsula, Russia

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    In the field experiment, the intensity of decomposition and release of nutrients was studied for six types of plant residues – leaves, panicles and straw of oats (Avena sativa), as well as whole plants of lupine (Lupinus angustifolius), phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia) and vetch (Vicia sativa) in the arable horizon of Anthrosols on the Kola Peninsula. Samples in mesh nylon bags were sampled after 8, 12 and 24 months of exposure in soil. The loss of weight, the content of Corg and Norg, as well as ash elements – Si, Al, Fe, K, Ca, Mg, P, S and Mn were determined in all plant residue samples. As the results showed, despite the low temperatures, the decomposition of green manure in soil occurred with a high intensity, comparable to the southern chernozem zone: after a year of exposure in the soil, plant residues lost from 47% (oat straw) to 75% (lupine) of their initial ash-free weight. After 2 years, weight loss reached 68% in oat straw and 90% in lupine. The distribution of losses of Corg, Norg, and P between the types of plant residues and decomposition periods correlated significantly (at p≀0.01) with the distribution of weight losses. Changes in the content of other ash elements did not depend on weight loss: depending on the type of material and the stage of decomposition, the samples could not only lose them (K – by all plant residues; Mn – by lupine; S, Ca and Mg – by all plant residues, except straw and oat panicles), but also accumulate them in quantities exceeding the initial ones (Fe – by all species, Mn – by all species except lupine; Ca and Mg – by straw and oat panicles) at certain periods. The accumulation of elements above initial level means that the transformed plant residues can accumulate additional amounts of elements from the soil solution, while the irregular alternation of increases and decreases in Ca, Mg, S, Fe and Mn indicates the reversible nature of the process. Due to the significant differences between the types of green manure in terms of chemical composition, rate and dynamics of decomposition and release of nutrients, their use provides great opportunities for managing soil fertility and the intensity of elements cycling in agrocenoses through the species selection

    Influence of prolonged extreme pollution from the "Severonikel" industrial complex on the content of available for plants forms of P, K, Ca and Mg in podzols

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    The paper presents the results of long-term researches of the "Severonikel" industrial complex’s impact on the content of available for plants forms of P, K, Ca and Mg in podzols from the local zone. The results have shown that content of available for plant nutrients in the soils of the local zone is reduced, especially of K. However, except of single cases the concentrations of plant-available forms of P, K, Ca and Mg in the main horizons of podzols from the local zone after 70 years of exposure to extreme contamination remain within natural variation of these parameter

    Influence of prolonged extreme pollution from the "Severonikel" industrial complex on the content of available for plants forms of P, K, Ca and Mg in podzols

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    The paper presents the results of long-term researches of the "Severonikel" industrial complex’s impact on the content of available for plants forms of P, K, Ca and Mg in podzols from the local zone. The results have shown that content of available for plant nutrients in the soils of the local zone is reduced, especially of K. However, except of single cases the concentrations of plant-available forms of P, K, Ca and Mg in the main horizons of podzols from the local zone after 70 years of exposure to extreme contamination remain within natural variation of these parameter

    Geochemical analysis of soil in the central Barents Region

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    This atlas is the culmination of one of the most comprehensive environmental geochemical studies ever undertaken on a regional scale. It covers some of the most polluted, and some of the most pristine areas in Europe. It provides data for many elements for which the media concerned have not previously been analysed on a large regional scale and demonstrates that many of these are part of the emission spectra from industries within the area covered. It casts light on many processes governing the distribution of elements in the biosphere, pedosphere and geosphere, questioning some established theories and confirming others. It represents both an end and a beginning, in that the data are now available for use in studies related to toxicological impacts on plants, animals and humans, remediation of polluted areas, the scientific basis for action levels, baseline assessments for new development projects and other fields