28 research outputs found

    Side effect of some insecticide used in citrus orchard on aphid parasitoid, Lysiphlebus confusus Tremlay and Eady, Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall), and lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) [Turunçgil bahçelerinde kullanilan bazi ilaçlarin yaprakbiti parazitoitlerinden Lysiphlebus confusus Tremlay & Eady, Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) ve Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)'e karƟ'i etkileri]

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    The side effects of the most common used insecticides in citrus orchards such as spirotetramat, pyriproxyfen, spinosad, chlorpyrifos-ethyl 480, paraffinic mineral oil and mineral oil on pupa and adult stages of Lysiphlebus confusus Tremlay and Eady, L. fabarum (Marshall) and L. testaceipes (Cresson) were evaluated under guidelines of IOBC/WPRS. Contact toxicity on adult parasitoids and dipping method for pupal stage of parasitoids were used to evaluate potential adverse effects of insecticides on the survival and the reproductive capacity of the parasitoid. According to result of these study, chlorpyrifos-ethyl 480, paraffinic mineral oil and mineral oil are harmful and moderately harmful on pupa and adult stages of all three species according to IOBS classification. Spinosad is harmless on pupa stages, harmful and moderately harmful on adult stages of three species. Effect of spirotetramat and pyriproxyfen are lesser than other insecticides and harmless on pupa, harmless and slightly harmless on adult of three species. While the parasitoids exposed to Chlorpyrifos-ethyl 480, paraffinic mineral oil and mineral oil at pupa stages didn't laid eggs, the parasitoids exposed to spirotetramat, pyriproxyfen, spinosad laid eggs as control groups.. Adult parasitoids subjected to spirotetramat and pyriproxyfen laid eggs as control groups

    Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) strains and epidemiological role of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotypes on tomato agroecology in Turkey

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    The aim of this study was to determine the strains of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on the tomato plants growing intensively in Adana, Mersin and Antalya provinces and also investigate the transmissibility of virus by the vector B. tabaci biotypes in 2015 and 2017. For this purpose, unperiodical field observations were paid in different districts of those provinces. The TYLCV infected tomato plants and whiteflies on these plants were collected from different greenhouses and fields. The 747 samples of tomato infected with TYLCV were tested by PCR techniques. It was determined that the strains TYLCV-Israel, TYLCV-Sicilia, TYLCV-Sardinia and TYLCV-Mild were found to be infected via strain specific primers. PCR study also indicated that the same strains of TYLCV were also found on the whitefly samples collected from the infected tomato plants. DNA analyses by using specific primer Bem 23-F and R in an individual single whitefly, due to clarification of B. tabaci biotypes, has clearly showed that biotype B is a common vector of TYLCV in Turkey. Molecular techniques identified that Israel, Sardinia, Sicilia and Mild strain of TYLCV were present in three tomato cultivation areas in Mediterranean Region. B. tabaci biotype B (formerly B. argentifolii) was detected as a vector of those of strains. It was observed that (%92) B. tabaci Biotype B and (%8) Biotype Q others were responsible for transmission as vector of TYLC respectively. Individual viruliferous Biotype B samples examined in PCR showed that the most determined TYLCV strain as Israel was the most common among the strains, what were identified. © 2019, ALÖKI Kft., Budapest, Hungary.TAGEM–BS–10/10–01 /02-08Acknowledgments. Thanks to: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Directorate of Agricultural Research and Polices Project Number TAGEM–BS–10/10–01 /02-0

    The determination of total protein, total soluble carbohydrate and pigment contents of some macroalgae collected from Gemlik-Karacaali (Bursa) and Erdek-Ormanli (Balikesir) in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey

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    In this study, 12 taxa from the Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta were collected from different depths at Gemlik-Karacaali and Erdek-Ormanlı. A total of 175 specimens from these divisions were used to determine Total Protein (TP), Total Soluble Carbohydrate (TSCH) and Chlorophyll a (Chl a), Chlorophyll b (Chl b), Chlorophyll c (Chl c), total carotenoid (Car) contents and Chl b/Chl a, Chl c/Chl a, Car/Chl a, Car/Chl b, Car/Chl c ratios. TP, TSCH and pigment contents varied significantly with respect to the algal taxa, stations and depth distribution. In addition, individual differences were important in all of the measured parameters. The maximum TP contents (0.94%–31.03%) were determined in some of the Rhodophyta. In some green seaweeds belonging to the genus Ulva L., the TP content was determined between 2.9%–28.1%. Lower TP contents were determined in Cystoseira barbata (Good) C. Agardh (1.1%–4.3%). In contrast to TP contents, TSCH values were very low; maximum TSCH were determined in Ulva species, as were protein contents. In conclusion, the variations in TP, TSCH and pigment in 12 taxa of macroalgae were analysed according to station, depth, and environment