380 research outputs found

    A practical density functional for polydisperse polymers

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    The Flory Huggins equation of state for monodisperse polymers can be turned into a density functional by adding a square gradient term, with a coefficient fixed by appeal to RPA (random phase approximation). We present instead a model nonlocal functional in which each polymer is replaced by a deterministic, penetrable particle of known shape. This reproduces the RPA and square gradient theories in the small deviation and/or weak gradient limits, and can readily be extended to polydisperse chains. The utility of the new functional is shown for the case of a polydisperse polymer solution at coexistence in a poor solvent.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Dissipation in Dynamics of a Moving Contact Line

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    The dynamics of the deformations of a moving contact line is studied assuming two different dissipation mechanisms. It is shown that the characteristic relaxation time for a deformation of wavelength 2π/∣k∣2\pi/|k| of a contact line moving with velocity vv is given as τ−1(k)=c(v)∣k∣\tau^{-1}(k)=c(v) |k|. The velocity dependence of c(v)c(v) is shown to drastically depend on the dissipation mechanism: we find c(v)=c(v=0)−2vc(v)=c(v=0)-2 v for the case when the dynamics is governed by microscopic jumps of single molecules at the tip (Blake mechanism), and c(v)≃c(v=0)−4vc(v)\simeq c(v=0)-4 v when viscous hydrodynamic losses inside the moving liquid wedge dominate (de Gennes mechanism). We thus suggest that the debated dominant dissipation mechanism can be experimentally determined using relaxation measurements similar to the Ondarcuhu-Veyssie experiment [T. Ondarcuhu and M. Veyssie, Nature {\bf 352}, 418 (1991)].Comment: REVTEX 8 pages, 9 PS figure

    Generic phase diagram of active polar films

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    We study theoretically the phase diagram of compressible active polar gels such as the actin network of eukaryotic cells. Using generalized hydrodynamics equations, we perform a linear stability analysis of the uniform states in the case of an infinite bidimensional active gel to obtain the dynamic phase diagram of active polar films. We predict in particular modulated flowing phases, and a macroscopic phase separation at high activity. This qualitatively accounts for experimental observations of various active systems, such as acto-myosin gels, microtubules and kinesins in vitro solutions, or swimming bacterial colonies.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Molecular Weight Dependence of Spreading Rates of Ultrathin Polymeric Films

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    We study experimentally the molecular weight MM dependence of spreading rates of molecularly thin precursor films, growing at the bottom of droplets of polymer liquids. In accord with previous observations, we find that the radial extension R(t) of the film grows with time as R(t) = (D_{exp} t)^{1/2}. Our data substantiate the M-dependence of D_{exp}; we show that it follows D_{exp} \sim M^{-\gamma}, where the exponent \gamma is dependent on the chemical composition of the solid surface, determining its frictional properties with respect to the molecular transport. In the specific case of hydrophilic substrates, the frictional properties can be modified by the change of the relative humidity (RH). We find that \gamma \approx 1 at low RH and tends to zero when RH gets progressively increased. We propose simple theoretical arguments which explain the observed behavior in the limits of low and high RH.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in PR

    Critical holes in undercooled wetting layers

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    The profile of a critical hole in an undercooled wetting layer is determined by the saddle-point equation of a standard interface Hamiltonian supported by convenient boundary conditions. It is shown that this saddle-point equation can be mapped onto an autonomous dynamical system in a three-dimensional phase space. The corresponding flux has a polynomial form and in general displays four fixed points, each with different stability properties. On the basis of this picture we derive the thermodynamic behaviour of critical holes in three different nucleation regimes of the phase diagram.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures Postscript, submitted to J. Phys.

    Unusual Response to a Localized Perturbation in a Generalized Elastic Model

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    The generalized elastic model encompasses several physical systems such as polymers, membranes, single file systems, fluctuating surfaces and rough interfaces. We consider the case of an applied localized potential, namely an external force acting only on a single (tagged) probe, leaving the rest of the system unaffected. We derive the fractional Langevin equation for the tagged probe, as well as for a generic (untagged) probe, where the force is not directly applied. Within the framework of the fluctuation-dissipation relations, we discuss the unexpected physical scenarios arising when the force is constant and time periodic, whether or not the hydrodynamic interactions are included in the model. For short times, in case of the constant force, we show that the average drift is linear in time for long range hydrodynamic interactions and behaves ballistically or exponentially for local hydrodynamic interactions. Moreover, it can be opposite to the direction of external disturbance for some values of the model's parameters. When the force is time periodic, the effects are macroscopic: the system splits into two distinct spatial regions whose size is proportional to the value of the applied frequency. These two regions are characterized by different amplitudes and phase shifts in the response dynamics

    Polarity patterns of stress fibers

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    Stress fibers are contractile actomyosin bundles commonly observed in the cytoskeleton of metazoan cells. The spatial profile of the polarity of actin filaments inside contractile actomyosin bundles is either monotonic (graded) or periodic (alternating). In the framework of linear irreversible thermodynamics, we write the constitutive equations for a polar, active, elastic one-dimensional medium. An analysis of the resulting equations for the dynamics of polarity shows that the transition from graded to alternating polarity patterns is a nonequilibrium Lifshitz point. Active contractility is a necessary condition for the emergence of sarcomeric, alternating polarity patterns.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Mechanical Instabilities of Biological Tubes

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    We study theoretically the shapes of biological tubes affected by various pathologies. When epithelial cells grow at an uncontrolled rate, the negative tension produced by their division provokes a buckling instability. Several shapes are investigated : varicose, enlarged, sinusoidal or sausage-like, all of which are found in pathologies of tracheal, renal tubes or arteries. The final shape depends crucially on the mechanical parameters of the tissues : Young modulus, wall-to-lumen ratio, homeostatic pressure. We argue that since tissues must be in quasistatic mechanical equilibrium, abnormal shapes convey information as to what causes the pathology. We calculate a phase diagram of tubular instabilities which could be a helpful guide for investigating the underlying genetic regulation
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