491 research outputs found

    The first order convergence law fails for random perfect graphs

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    We consider first order expressible properties of random perfect graphs. That is, we pick a graph GnG_n uniformly at random from all (labelled) perfect graphs on nn vertices and consider the probability that it satisfies some graph property that can be expressed in the first order language of graphs. We show that there exists such a first order expressible property for which the probability that GnG_n satisfies it does not converge as n→∞n\to\infty.Comment: 11 pages. Minor corrections since last versio

    Mapping of 2+1-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth onto a driven lattice gas model of dimer

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    We show that a 2+1 dimensional discrete surface growth model exhibiting Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) class scaling can be mapped onto a two dimensional conserved lattice gas model of directed dimers. In case of KPZ height anisotropy the dimers follow driven diffusive motion. We confirm by numerical simulations that the scaling exponents of the dimer model are in agreement with those of the 2+1 dimensional KPZ class. This opens up the possibility of analyzing growth models via reaction-diffusion models, which allow much more efficient computer simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, final form to appear in PR

    19th century real analysis, forward and backward

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    19th century real analysis received a major impetus from Cauchy's work. Cauchy mentions variable quantities, limits, and infinitesimals, but the meaning he attached to these terms is not identical to their modern meaning. Some Cauchy historians work in a conceptual scheme dominated by an assumption of a teleological nature of the evolution of real analysis toward a preordained outcome. Thus, Gilain and Siegmund-Schultze assume that references to limite in Cauchy's work necessarily imply that Cauchy was working with an Archi-medean continuum, whereas infinitesimals were merely a convenient figure of speech, for which Cauchy had in mind a complete justification in terms of Archimedean limits. However, there is another formalisation of Cauchy's procedures exploiting his limite, more consistent with Cauchy's ubiquitous use of infinitesimals, in terms of the standard part principle of modern infinitesimal analysis. We challenge a misconception according to which Cauchy was allegedly forced to teach infinitesimals at the Ecole Polytechnique. We show that the debate there concerned mainly the issue of rigor, a separate one from infinitesimals. A critique of Cauchy's approach by his contemporary de Prony sheds light on the meaning of rigor to Cauchy and his contemporaries. An attentive reading of Cauchy's work challenges received views on Cauchy's role in the history of analysis, and indicates that he was a pioneer of infinitesimal techniques as much as a harbinger of the Epsilontik.Comment: 28 pages, to appear in Antiquitates Mathematica

    Detecting Candida albicans in Human Milk

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    Procedures for diagnosis of mammary candidosis, including laboratory confirmation, are not well defined. Lactoferrin present in human milk can inhibit growth of Candida albicans, thereby limiting the ability to detect yeast infections. The inhibitory effect of various lactoferrin concentrations on the growth of C. albicans in whole human milk was studied. The addition of iron to the milk led to a two- to threefold increase in cell counts when milk contained 3.0 mg of lactoferrin/ml and markedly reduced the likelihood of false-negative culture results. This method may provide the necessary objective support needed for diagnosis of mammary candidosis

    Dispersive estimates for Schr\"odinger operators with point interactions in R3\mathbb{R}^3

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    The study of dispersive properties of Schr\"odinger operators with point interactions is a fundamental tool for understanding the behavior of many body quantum systems interacting with very short range potential, whose dynamics can be approximated by non linear Schr\"odinger equations with singular interactions. In this work we proved that, in the case of one point interaction in R3\mathbb{R}^3, the perturbed Laplacian satisfies the same Lp−LqL^p-L^q estimates of the free Laplacian in the smaller regime q∈[2,3)q\in[2,3). These estimates are implied by a recent result concerning the LpL^p boundedness of the wave operators for the perturbed Laplacian. Our approach, however, is more direct and relatively simple, and could potentially be useful to prove optimal weighted estimates also in the regime q≥3q\geq 3.Comment: To appear on: "Advances in Quantum Mechanics: Contemporary Trends and Open Problems", G. Dell'Antonio and A. Michelangeli eds., Springer-INdAM series 201

    Ordering intermetallic alloys by ion irradiation: a way to tailor magnetic media

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    Combining He ion irradiation and thermal mobility below 600K, we both trigger and control the transformation from chemical disorder to order in thin films of an intermetallic ferromagnet (FePd). Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations show how the initial directional short range order determines order propagation. Magnetic ordering perpendicular to the film plane was achieved, promoting the initially weak magnetic anisotropy to the highest values known for FePd films. This post-growth treatment should find applications in ultrahigh density magnetic recording.Comment: 7 pages, 3 Figure

    Comparison of Different Parallel Implementations of the 2+1-Dimensional KPZ Model and the 3-Dimensional KMC Model

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    We show that efficient simulations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface growth in 2 + 1 dimensions and of the 3-dimensional Kinetic Monte Carlo of thermally activated diffusion can be realized both on GPUs and modern CPUs. In this article we present results of different implementations on GPUs using CUDA and OpenCL and also on CPUs using OpenCL and MPI. We investigate the runtime and scaling behavior on different architectures to find optimal solutions for solving current simulation problems in the field of statistical physics and materials science.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, to be published in a forthcoming EPJST special issue on "Computer simulations on GPU
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