74,447 research outputs found

    Metamorphic core complexes: Expression of crustal extension by ductile-brittle shearing of the geologic column

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    Metamorphic core complexes and detachment fault terranes in the American Southwest are products of stretching of continental crust in the Tertiary. The physical and geometric properties of the structures, fault rocks, and contact relationships that developed as a consequence of the extension are especially well displayed in southeastern Arizona. The structures and fault rocks, as a system, reflect a ductile-through-brittle continuum of deformation, with individual structures and faults rocks showing remarkably coordinated strain and displacement patterns. Careful mapping and analysis of the structural system has led to the realization that strain and displacement were partitioned across a host of structures, through a spectrum of scales, in rocks of progressively changing rheology. By integrating observations made in different parts of the extensional system, especially at different inferred depth levels, it has been possible to construct a descriptive/kinematic model of the progressive deformation that achieved continental crustal extension in general, and the development of metamorphic core complexes in particular

    Rocketdyne's advanced coal slurry pumping program

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    The Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International Corporation is conducting a program for the engineering, fabrication, and testing of an experimental/prototype high-capacity, high-pressure centrifugal slurry feed pump for coal liquefaction purposes. The abrasion problems in a centrifugal slurry pump are primarily due to the manner in which the hard, solid particles contained in the slurry are transported through the hydraulic flow passages within the pump. The abrasive particles can create scraping, grinding, cutting, and sandblasting effects on the various exposed parts of the pump. These critical areas involving abrasion and impact erosion wear problems in a centrifugal pump are being addressed by Rocketdyne. The mechanisms of abrasion and erosion are being studied through hydrodynamic analysis, materials evaluation, and advanced design concepts

    Thermocapillary flows and their stability: Effects of surface layers and combination

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    The theoretical analysis of the fluid mechanics and heat transfer of motions driven by surface tension gradients (Marangoni convection) was researched. Convection accompanying the process of growing high quality single crystals from the melt in a micro-g environment was examined. The geometries considered include two dimensional liquid filled slots and axisymmetric float-zone configurations

    Tracking air-dropped drogues and dyes from aircraft in support of ERTS-1 circulation studies

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    The author has identified the following significant results. For two years ERTS-1 has been employed to investigate current circulation patterns in Delaware Bay under different tidal, flow, and wind conditions. Since sufficient numbers of current meters and boats are not available, air-droppable drogues and dye packs have been developed and tested. The drogues consist of a styrofoam float and a line to which is attached a stainless steel biplane. The length of the line determines at what depth currents will be monitored. The floats are color coded to distinguish their movement and mark the depth of the biplanes. Simultaneously floating and anchored dye packs of fluorescein dye have been deployed from aircraft. The movement of the dye and drogues is tracked by sequential aerial photography, using fixed markers on shore or on buoys as reference points to calibrate the scale and direction of drogue movement. The current data obtained by this technique is then used to annotate current circulation maps derived from ERTS-1 imagery

    Thermocapillary flows and their stability: Effects of surface layers and contamination

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    The fluid mechanics and heat transfer of motions driven by surface tension gradients (Marangoni convection) were analyzed theoretically to obtain an understanding of the convection accompanying the process of growing high quality single crystals from the melt in a mu-g environment. The geometries considered include two dimensional liquid filled slots and axisymmetric float zone configurations

    Pollution reduction technology program for small jet aircraft engines: Class T1

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    Small jet aircraft engines (EPA class T1, turbojet and turbofan engines of less than 35.6 kN thrust) were evaluated with the objective of attaining emissions reduction consistent with performance constraints. Configurations employing the technological advances were screened and developed through full scale rig testing. The most promising approaches in full-scale engine testing were evaluated

    ASCA observations of massive medium-distant clusters of galaxies. II

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    We have selected seven medium-distant clusters of galaxies (z ~ 0.1 - 0.3) for multi-wavelength observations with the goal of investigating their dynamical state. Following Paper I (Pierre et al. 1999) which reported the ASCA results about two of them, we present here the analysis of the ASCA observations of the other five clusters; RXJ1023.8-2715 (A3444), RXJ1031.6-2607, RXJ1050.5-0236 (A1111), RXJ1203.2-2131(A1451), and RXJ1314.5-2517. Except for RXJ1031.6, whose X-ray emission turned out to be dominated by an AGN, the ASCA spectra are well fitted by a one-temperature thin thermal plasma model. We compare the temperature-luminosity relation of our clusters with that of nearby ones (z<0.1). Two clusters, RXJ1050.5 and RXJ1023.8, show larger luminosities than the bulk of clusters at similar temperatures, which suggests the presence of a cooling flow. The temperature vs. iron-abundance relationship of our sample is consistent with that of nearby clusters.Comment: 9 pages, 20 figures, A&AS in pres

    A Cost-effective Satellite-aircraft-drogue Approach for Studying Estuarine Circulation and Shelf Waste Dispersion

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Satellites, such as ERTS-1, can be used to obtain a synoptic view of current circulation over large coastal areas. Since in turbid coastal regions suspended sediment acts as a natural tracer, cost is minimized by eliminating the need for expensive injections of large volumes of dye such as Rhodamine-B. One of the principal shortcomings of satellite imaging of coastal currents was its inability to determine current magnitude and to penetrate beyond the upper few meters of the water column. These objections were overcome by complementing satellite observations with drogues tracking currents at various selected depths. By combining the satellite's wide coverage with aircraft or shore stations capable of tracking expendable drogues, a cost effective, integrated system was devised for monitoring currents over large areas, various depths, and under severe environmental conditions

    Streaming velocities as a dynamical estimator of Omega

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    It is well known that estimating the pairwise velocity of galaxies, v_{12}, from the redshift space galaxy correlation function is difficult because this method is highly sensitive to the assumed model of the pairwise velocity dispersion. Here we propose an alternative method to estimate v_{12} directly from peculiar velocity samples, which contain redshift-independent distances as well as galaxy redshifts. In contrast to other dynamical measures which determine beta = sigma_8 x Omega^{0.6}, our method can provide an estimate of (sigma_8)^2 x Omega^{0.6} for a range of sigma_8 (here Omega is the cosmological mass density parameter while sigma_8 is the standard normalization parameter for the spectrum of matter density fluctuations). We demonstrate how to measure this quantity from realistic catalogues.Comment: 8 pages of text, 4 figures Subject headings: Cosmology: theory - observation - peculiar velocities: large scale flows Last name of one of the authors was misspelled. It is now corrected. Otherwise the manuscript is identical to its original versio
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