316 research outputs found

    Indonesian Islamic Civilization in Internet Era: a Multiperspective Review

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    Islam is not merely a religion, but it also as a civilization. Islam contains complete principles all all aspects of life, so that it became value order guiding human life. But in its development, including in Indonesia, the implementation of Islam civilization value order starts to eroded by amount of things, one of them is due to internet development. Moslem people can easily adopt West behavior which unsuitably aligned with Islamic principles. This article tries to provide description about negative influence of internet on Islamic civilization in Indonesia, and also to provide offers through some perspective for the internet being used to strengthen Islamic civilization. If it stood on true use to share Islam principles, then intenet will have positive impacts for Islamic civilization in Indonesia

    Perubahan Sifat-sifat Fisik Mata Jaringan Insang Hanyut Setelah Digunakan 5, 10, 15, dan 20 Tahun

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Perubahan ukuran mata, kekuatan putus mata dan stabilitas simpul jaring insang hanyut setelah pemakaian 5, 10, 15 dan 20 tahun. Ukuran mata awal adalah 2, 5”, 3, 0” and 3, 5”. Hasil pengukuran akan memberikan informasi umur teknis jaring insang. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan usia pakai menyebabkan ukuran mata menjadi lebih besar. Ini diilustrasikan dengan persamaan UM2,5” = 0, 122t + 6, 106 untuk ukuran mata 2, 5”, UM3,0” = 0, 266t + 7, 314(3, 0”), dan UM3,5” = 0, 0206t + 8, 486(3, 5”). Peningkatan waktu pemakaian akan diikuti oleh penurunan kekuatan putus mata. Penurunan terendah kekuatan putus mata terjadi pada usia pakai 5 tahun. Hubungan keduanya digambarkan dengan persamaan KM2,5” = −1, 51t+11, 12 untuk ukuran mata 2, 5”, KM3,0” = −1, 094t+11, 10(3, 0”), dan KM3,5” = −1, 037t+10, 83(3, 5”). UM adalah ukuran mata, KM kekuatan putus mata dan t waktu pemakaian. Sementara, uji terhadap stabilitas simpul tidak memberikan satu pun pergeseran simpul untuk setiap usia pakai. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa usia teknis jaring insang adalah 5 tahun

    Penanganan Mantan Gafatar Di Kalimantan Tengah Dalam Perspektif Komunikasi

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    Gerakan Fajar Nusantara (Gafatar) sempat menimbulkan kehebohan di kalangan masyarakat. Ratusan dan bahkan ribuan anggotanya dari beberapa provinsi diketahui melakukan eksodus ke beberapa provinsi di Kalimantan. Majelis Ulama Indonesia mengeluarkan fatwa yang menyatakan bahwa Gafatar sesat dan menyesatkan. Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Jaksa Agung dan Kementerian Agama juga mengeluarkan keputusan bersama. Sedangkan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia melakukan penindakan hukum terhadap beberapa pemimpin Gafatar. Kementerian Agama melalui jajarannya melakukan sejumlah langkah pembinaan terhadap mantan Gafatar, termasuk di Kalimantan Tengah. Melalui metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, diketahui bahwa sejumlah Kantor Kementerian Agama kabupaten/kota di Kalimantan Tengah telah melakukan penyuluhan agama Islam dan pendampingan terhadap mantan Gafatar. Penyuluhan agama Islam dan pendampingan tersebut dapat dilihat dalam perspektif komunikasi. Dalam pandangan komunikasi, penyuluhan dan pendekatan terhadap mantan Gafatar akan akan menghasilkan pemahaman bersama yang menjadi dasar Perubahan perilaku. Perubahan perilaku pada mantan Gafatar diharapkan bisa mengembalikan mereka kepada ajaran Islam yang benar dan agar Gafatar tidak berkembang menjadi gerakan fundamentalis Islam radikal yang bisa memunculkan radikalisme agama sebagai awal dari terorisme.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Gafatar) has made social hype in the public recently. Hundreds and even thousands of its members that were from several provinces was known to have made an exodus to the provinces in Kalimantan.The Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) issued a fatwa stating that the Gafatar organization is heretical and misleading as well. The government through the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), the Attorney General (Jaksa Agung) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) also issued a joint decision. Meanwhile, the Indonesian National Police also conducted legal actions against some Gafatar leaders. The Ministry of Religious Affairs through its staff also conducted a religious program as a teaching step for former members of the Gafatar, including those were in Central Kalimantan. Through a qualitative research method with a case study approach, a number of the offices of Religious Affairs Ministries in districts and cities in Central Kalimantan had conducted a religious counseling program and accompaniment to former Gafatar. Religious counseling and mentoring can be seen in the perspective of communication. In that perspective, counseling and mentoring to ex Gafatar would generate a common understanding that becomes the basic of changes in behavior. The changes in behavior of the former members of Gafatar are expected to restore them to the true Islam teachings and to prevent the growth of Gafatar organization not to grow the radical Islam fundamentalist movement that could lead to religion radicalism as the beginning of terrorism

    Kemiringan Dinding Perangkap Jodang (Slope of Jodang Trap Wall)

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    This research tried to test 3 slopes of jodang trap wall which were usually used by Palabuhanratu fishermen. The objective was to obtain slope of trap wall that selective to babylon snails size. The wall could be passed only by snails with shell length of p ³ 4.27 cm. In this research, 9 traps with slope of 30, 40 and 50o were operated in Palabuhanratu waters. Fishing operations were done 10 times with 3 hours soaking time for each fishing operation. Result showed that slope of jodang trap wall of 50o was more selective than the other two jodang traps. It caught 29.11% of snails with shell length of p ³ 4.27 cm. While, slope of a =40 and a =30o were 19.42% and 10.41% of total catch of babylon snails. Key words: Slope and jodang trap wall Penelitian ini mencoba menguji 3 kemiringan dinding perangkap jodang yang biasa digunakan oleh nelayan Palabuhanratu. Tujuannya untuk mendapatkan sudut kemiringan dinding perangkap yang selektif terhadap ukuran keong macan. Dinding perangkap hanya dapat dilalui oleh keong dengan panjang cangkang p ³ 4,27 cm. Dalam penelitian ini, 9 perangkap dengan sudut kemiringan a = 30, 40 dan 50o dioperasikan di perairan Palabuhanratu. Operasi penangkapan dilakukan sebanyak 10 kali dengan waktu perendaman 3 jam per operasi penangkapan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa a = 50o lebih selektif dibandingkan dengan kedua sudut kemiringan dinding lainnya. Sudut kemiringan ini menangkap 29,11% keong dengan panjang cangkang p ³ 4,27 cm. Adapun sudut kemiringan a = 40o dan a = 30o adalah 19,42% dan 10,41% dari total tangkapan keong macan

    Selektor Garuk

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    The objective of this study is to obtain a slope of selector that giving the best selectivity to cockle Anadara granosa and Anadara antiquata. Selector was constructed of a line of wood grids with 1 cm in diameter. Gap width between grids was adjusted to the thickness of economical valued cockle Anadara granosa. While, the slopes of selector were α = 10, 20 and 30o. In this study, a number of 120 shells of cockle Anadara granosa and 120 shells of cockle Anadara antiquata were dropped onto selector. Calculation of selector selectivity depended on the retained shells and released shells. Dredge selector was expected to release the shells with length less than 40 mm. Result showed that the selector with slope of 20o was more selective than the other two slopes. Selection length value P50 of cockle Anadara granosa and Anadara antiquata were 39,96 mm and 37,65 mm.Key words : Anadara granosa and Anadara antiquate, dredge, selector, slop

    Bottom Wall Construction of “Jodang” Trap Applied Selectively to Babylon Tiger (Babylonia Spirata) Snail Size

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    The objective of this research was to obtain net mesh bottom wall construction of “jodang” trap that selective to babylon tiger snails size, i.e. only shell length of l < 4.27 cm approximately could pass through. There were 3 designs shapes of bottom wall construction tested, i.e. rectangular shape of 2.4 ´ 2.8 (cm) and 2 diamond shapes with net mesh size of 5,6 cm and primary hanging ratio of E1 = 0.7 and 0.5. The results showed that rectangular shape bottom wall trap construction was better than those two other constructions. Only 6.78% of snails with l ³ 4.27 cm could escape the rectangular shape bottom wall trap construction. Whereas 41.90% and 17.46% of snail shells with l ³ 4.27 cm could escape from both the diamond mesh bottom wall trap construction. According to selectivity curve, the rectangular shape bottom wall trap construction could retained snails with shells length of l ³ 4.33 cm. The two others retained shells length of l ³ 4.14 cm and l ³ 4.60 cm