6,381 research outputs found

    Comments on "Limits on possible new nucleon monopole-dipole interactions from the spin relaxation rate of polarized 3^3He gas"

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    In the article "Limits on possible new nucleon monopole-dipole interactions from the spin relaxation rate of polarized 3^3He gas", new limits on short-range, Axion-like interactions are presented. In this comment it is shown that the theoretical treatement of the data overestimates the sensitivity of the proposed method. We provide the corrected limits

    Noise-induced vortex reversal of self-propelled particles

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    We report an interesting phenomenon of noise-induced vortex reversal in a two-dimensional system of self-propelled particles (SPP) with soft-core interactions. With the aid of forward flux sampling, we analyze the configurations along the reversal pathway and thus identify the mechanism of vortex reversal. We find that statistically the reversal exhibits a hierarchical process: those particles at the periphery first change their motion directions, and then more inner layers of particles reverse later on. Furthermore, we calculate the dependence of the average reversal rate on noise intensity DD and the number NN of SPP. We find that the rate decreases exponentially with the reciprocal of DD. Interestingly, the rate varies nonmonotonically with NN and a minimal rate exists for an intermediate value of NN.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Green-Function-Based Monte Carlo Method for Classical Fields Coupled to Fermions

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    Microscopic models of classical degrees of freedom coupled to non-interacting fermions occur in many different contexts. Prominent examples from solid state physics are descriptions of colossal magnetoresistance manganites and diluted magnetic semiconductors, or auxiliary field methods for correlated electron systems. Monte Carlo simulations are vital for an understanding of such systems, but notorious for requiring the solution of the fermion problem with each change in the classical field configuration. We present an efficient, truncation-free O(N) method on the basis of Chebyshev expanded local Green functions, which allows us to simulate systems of unprecedented size N.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Geometric phases in electric dipole searches with trapped spin-1/2 particles in general fields and measurement cells of arbitrary shape with smooth or rough walls

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    The important role of geometric phases in searches for a permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron, using Ramsey separated oscillatory field nuclear magnetic resonance, was first noted by Commins and investigated in detail by Pendlebury et al. Their analysis was based on the Bloch equations. In subsequent work using the spin density matrix Lamoreaux and Golub showed the relation between the frequency shifts and the correlation functions of the fields seen by trapped particles in general fields (Redfield theory). More recently we presented a solution of the Schr\"odinger equation for spin-1/21/2 particles in circular cylindrical traps with smooth walls and exposed to arbitrary fields [Steyerl et al.] Here we extend this work to show how the Redfield theory follows directly from the Schr\"odinger equation solution. This serves to highlight the conditions of validity of the Redfield theory, a subject of considerable discussion in the literature [e.g., Nicholas et al.] Our results can be applied where the Redfield result no longer holds, such as observation times on the order of or shorter than the correlation time and non-stochastic systems and thus we can illustrate the transient spin dynamics, i.e. the gradual development of the shift with increasing time subsequent to the start of the free precession. We consider systems with rough, diffuse reflecting walls, cylindrical trap geometry with arbitrary cross section, and field perturbations that do not, in the frame of the moving particles, average to zero in time. We show by direct, detailed, calculation the agreement of the results from the Schr\"odinger equation with the Redfield theory for the cases of a rectangular cell with specular walls and of a circular cell with diffuse reflecting walls.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Frequency shifts and relaxation rates for spin 1/2 particles moving in electromagnetic fields

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    We discuss the behaviour of the Larmor frequency shift and the longitudinal relaxation rate due to non-uniform electromagnetic fields on an assembly of spin 1/2 particles, in adiabatic and nonadiabatic regimes. We also show some general relations between the various frequency shifts and between the frequency shifts and relaxation rates. The remarkable feature of all our results is that they were obtained without any specific assumptions on the explicit form of the correlation functions of the fields. Hence, we expect that our results are valid both for diffusive and ballistic regime of motion and arbitrary cell shapes and surface scattering. These results can then be applied to a wide variety of realistic systems

    Pairwise entanglement and readout of atomic-ensemble and optical wave-packet modes in traveling-wave Raman interactions

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    We analyze quantum entanglement of Stokes light and atomic electronic polarization excited during single-pass, linear-regime, stimulated Raman scattering in terms of optical wave-packet modes and atomic-ensemble spatial modes. The output of this process is confirmed to be decomposable into multiple discrete, bosonic mode pairs, each pair undergoing independent evolution into a two-mode squeezed state. For this we extend the Bloch-Messiah reduction theorem, previously known for discrete linear systems (S. L. Braunstein, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 71, 055801 (2005)). We present typical mode functions in the case of one-dimensional scattering in an atomic vapor. We find that in the absence of dispersion, one mode pair dominates the process, leading to a simple interpretation of entanglement in this continuous-variable system. However, many mode pairs are excited in the presence of dispersion-induced temporal walkoff of the Stokes, as witnessed by the photon-count statistics. We also consider the readout of the stored atomic polarization using the anti-Stokes scattering process. We prove that the readout process can also be decomposed into multiple mode pairs, each pair undergoing independent evolution analogous to a beam-splitter transformation. We show that this process can have unit efficiency under realistic experimental conditions. The shape of the output light wave packet can be predicted. In case of unit readout efficiency it contains only excitations originating from a specified atomic excitation mode

    The Child is Father of the Man: Foresee the Success at the Early Stage

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    Understanding the dynamic mechanisms that drive the high-impact scientific work (e.g., research papers, patents) is a long-debated research topic and has many important implications, ranging from personal career development and recruitment search, to the jurisdiction of research resources. Recent advances in characterizing and modeling scientific success have made it possible to forecast the long-term impact of scientific work, where data mining techniques, supervised learning in particular, play an essential role. Despite much progress, several key algorithmic challenges in relation to predicting long-term scientific impact have largely remained open. In this paper, we propose a joint predictive model to forecast the long-term scientific impact at the early stage, which simultaneously addresses a number of these open challenges, including the scholarly feature design, the non-linearity, the domain-heterogeneity and dynamics. In particular, we formulate it as a regularized optimization problem and propose effective and scalable algorithms to solve it. We perform extensive empirical evaluations on large, real scholarly data sets to validate the effectiveness and the efficiency of our method.Comment: Correct some typos in our KDD pape

    Rosetak Document 4: Rank Degeneracies and Least Square Problems

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    In this paper we shall be concerned with the following problem. Let A be an m x n matrix with m being greater than or equal to n, and suppose that A is near (in a sense to be made precise later) a matrix B whose rank is less than n. Can one find a set of linearly independent columns of A that span a good approximation to the column space of B? The solution of this problem is important in a number of applications. In this paper we shall be chiefly interested in the case where the columns of A represent factors or carriers in a linear model which is to be fit to a vector of observations b. In some such applications, where the elements of A can be specified exactly (e.g. the analysis of variance), the presence of rank degeneracy in A can be dealt with by explicit mathematical formulas and causes no essential difficulties. In other applications, however, the presence of degeneracy is not at all obvious, and the failure to detect it can result in meaningless results or even the catastrophic failure of the numerical algorithms being used to solve the problem. The organization of this paper is the following. In the next section we shall give a precise definition of approximate degeneracy in terms of the singular value decomposition of A. In Section 3 we shall show that under certain conditions there is associated with A a subspace that is insensitive to how it is approximated by various choices of the columns of A, and in Section 4 we shall apply this result to the solution of the least squares problem. Sections 5, 6, and 7 will be concerned with algorithms for selecting a basis for the stable subspace from among the columns of A.

    Geometry of effective Hamiltonians

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    We give a complete geometrical description of the effective Hamiltonians common in nuclear shell model calculations. By recasting the theory in a manifestly geometric form, we reinterpret and clarify several points. Some of these results are hitherto unknown or unpublished. In particular, commuting observables and symmetries are discussed in detail. Simple and explicit proofs are given, and numerical algorithms are proposed, that improve and stabilize common methods used today.Comment: 1 figur
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