826 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency Economics and Policy

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    Energy efficiency and conservation are considered key means for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving other energy policy goals, but associated market behavior and policy responses have engendered debates in the economic literature. We review economic concepts underlying consumer decisionmaking in energy efficiency and conservation and examine related empirical literature. In particular, we provide an economic perspective on the range of market barriers, market failures, and behavioral failures that have been cited in the energy efficiency context. We assess the extent to which these conditions provide a motivation for policy intervention in energy-using product markets, including an examination of the evidence on policy effectiveness and cost. While theory and empirical evidence suggest there is potential for welfare-enhancing energy efficiency policies, many open questions remain, particularly relating to the extent of some of the key market and behavioral failures.energy efficiency, appliance standards, energy policy, market failures, behavioral failures

    Modeling Endogenous Technological Change for Climate Policy Analysis

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    The approach used to model technological change in a climate policy model is a critical determinant of its results. We provide an overview of the different approaches used in the literature, with an emphasis on recent developments regarding endogenous technological change, research and development, and learning. Detailed examination sheds light on the salient features of each approach, including strengths, limitations, and policy implications. Key issues include proper accounting for the opportunity costs of climate-related knowledge generation, treatment of knowledge spillovers and appropriability, and the empirical basis for parameterizing technological relationships. No single approach appears to dominate on all these dimensions, and different approaches may be preferred depending on the purpose of the analysis, be it positive or normative.exogenous, technology, R&D, learning, induced

    Changes in Understorey Pasture Composition in Agroforestry Regimes in New Zealand

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    Long term Agroforestry trials were established in the North and South Islands of New Zealand between 1971-76. They compared a range of final tree stockings of Pinus radiata planted into pasture with open pasture control plots and were measured for tree growth parameters and agricultural production. This paper presents the results of pasture species changes over the period of tree age 10-22 years. Pasture species composition under Pinus radiata changed with time, dependent primarily on the rate of canopy closure. Changes occurred relatively rapidly in high tree stocked areas of 400 stems per hectare (sph) in the North Island trials where ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) and white clover (Trifolium repens L) were replaced with annual and native grass until canopy closure resulted in loss of all pasture by tree age 13 years. In lower tree stocked areas these changes occurred more slowly so that by tree age 19 years, pasture species such as Yorkshire Fog (Holcus lanatus) and annual grasses (Poa Species) still contributed to the ground cover. In the South Island trials, pasture persisted longer into the tree rotation. Open pasture (0 sph) retained similar pasture species to that at the trial commencement in all locations. A point analysis technique at one North Island site gave a good measure of ground surface cover over time

    The Effects of Shelterbelts on Adjacent Pastures and Soils in a Temperate Climate

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    Two trials were conducted to differentiate the direct (exposure) from the indirect (modified soil fertility due to nutrient transfer by grazing animals) effects of farm shelterbelts on associated pasture growth.Soil from close to “unmanaged”shelterbelts with dense shelter to ground level had relatively high potassium (K) levels and, in a glasshouse situation, provided more pasture growth than soil from further distances, or from adjacent to “managed” shelterbelts. Pasture grown in boxes of a common soil implanted at increasing distances from a shelterbelt also produced highest growth rates close to shelter. These results generally explain the pattern of resident pasture growth, except for the closest (5 metre) distance which had the lowest pasture growth.This appears related to relatively low soil moisture levels at these sites, due either to rain shelter or tree root competition effects

    Energy Efficiency Economics and Policy

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    Energy efficiency and conservation are considered key means for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving other energy policy goals, but associated market behavior and policy responses have engendered debates in the economic literature. We review economic concepts underlying consumer decision making in energy efficiency and conservation and examine related empirical literature. In particular, we provide an economic perspective on the range of market barriers, market failures, and behavioral failures that have been cited in the energy efficiency context. We assess the extent to which these conditions provide a motivation for policy intervention in energy-using product markets, including an examination of the evidence on policy effectiveness and cost. Although theory and empirical evidence suggests there is potential for welfare-enhancing energy efficiency policies, many open questions remain, particularly relating to the extent of some key market and behavioral failures.

    High Sensitivity of Human Translesion DNA Synthesis Polymerase Îş to Variation in O6-Carboxymethylguanine Structures

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    Carboxymethylation of DNA, including the formation of the DNA adduct O6-carboxymethylguanine (O6-CMG), is associated with lifestyle factors, such as diet. It can impede replicative polymerases (Pols) and lead to replication fork stalling, or an alternative means for replication to proceed by translesion DNA synthesis (TLS). TLS requires specialized DNA Pols characterized by open and preformed active sites capable of preferential bypass of alkylated DNA adducts but that have high error rates, leading to mutations. Human TLS Pols can bypass O6-CMG with varying degrees of accuracy, but it is not known how the chemical structure of the O6-CMG adduct influences polymerase proficiency or fidelity. To better understand how adduct structure determines dNTP selection at lesion sites, we prepared DNA templates with a series of O6-CMG structural analogs and compared the primer extension patterns of Y- and X-family Pols in response to these modifications. The results indicate that the structure of the DNA adduct had a striking effect on dNTP selection by Pol κ and that an increased steric size influences the fidelity of Pol η, whereas Pol ι and β function were only marginally affected. To test the hypothesis that specific hydrogen bonding interactions between the templating base and the incoming dNTP are a basis of this selection, we modeled the structural analogs with incoming dNTP in the Pol κ active site. These data indicate that the base pairing geometry and stabilization by a dense hydrogen bonding network are important molecular features for dNTP incorporation, providing a basis for understanding error-free bypass of O6-CMG by Pol κ

    Modeling Uncertainty in Climate Change: A Multi-Model Comparison

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    The economics of climate change involves a vast array of uncertainties, complicating both the analysis and development of climate policy. This study presents the results of the first comprehensive study of uncertainty in climate change using multiple integrated assessment models. The study looks at model and parametric uncertainties for population, total factor productivity, and climate sensitivity. It estimates the pdfs of key output variables, including CO2 concentrations, temperature, damages, and the social cost of carbon (SCC). One key finding is that parametric uncertainty is more important than uncertainty in model structure. Our resulting pdfs also provide insights on tail events

    Smart Focal Plane Technologies for VLT Instruments

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    As we move towards the era of ELTs, it is timely to think about the future role of the 8-m class telescopes. Under the OPTICON programme, novel technologies have been developed that are intended for use in multi-object and integral-field spectrographs. To date, these have been targeted at instrument concepts for the European ELT, but there are also significant possibilities for their inclusion in new VLT instruments, ensuring the continued success and productivity of these unique telescopes.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the ESO Workshop "Science with the VLT in the ELT era
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