214 research outputs found

    Thermalization processes induced by quantum monitoring in multilevel systems

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    We study the heat statistics of a multilevel N-dimensional quantum system monitored by a sequence of projective measurements. The late-time, asymptotic properties of the heat characteristic function are analyzed in the thermodynamic limit of a high, ideally infinite, number M of measurements (M→∞). In this context, the conditions allowing for an infinite-temperature thermalization (ITT), induced by the repeated monitoring of the quantum system, are discussed. We show that ITT is identified by the fixed point of a symmetric random matrix that models the stochastic process originated by the sequence of measurements. Such fixed point is independent on the nonequilibrium evolution of the system and its initial state. Exceptions to ITT, which we refer to as partial thermalization, take place when the observable of the intermediate measurements is commuting (or quasicommuting) with the Hamiltonian of the quantum system or when the time interval between measurements is smaller or comparable with the system energy scale (quantum Zeno regime). Results on the limit of infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces (N→∞), describing continuous systems with a discrete spectrum, are also presented. We show that the order of the limits M→∞ and N→∞ matters: When N is fixed and M diverges, then ITT occurs. In the opposite case, the system becomes classical, so that the measurements are no longer effective in changing the state of the system. A nontrivial result is obtained fixing M/N2 where instead partial ITT occurs. Finally, an example of partial thermalization applicable to rotating two-dimensional gases is presented

    Quantum-heat fluctuation relations in three-level systems under projective measurements

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    We study the statistics of energy fluctuations in a three-level quantum system subject to a sequence of projective quantum measurements. We check that, as expected, the quantum Jarzynski equality holds provided that the initial state is thermal. The latter condition is trivially satisfied for two-level systems, while this is generally no longer true for N-level systems, with N > 2. Focusing on three-level systems, we discuss the occurrence of a unique energy scale factor \u3b2eff that formally plays the role of an effective inverse temperature in the Jarzynski equality. To this aim, we introduce a suitable parametrization of the initial state in terms of a thermal and a non-thermal component. We determine the value of \u3b2eff for a large number of measurements and study its dependence on the initial state. Our predictions could be checked experimentally in quantum optics

    Energy fluctuation relations and repeated quantum measurements

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    In this paper, we discuss the statistical description in non-equilibrium regimes of energy fluctuations originated by the interaction between a quantum system and a measurement apparatus applying a sequence of repeated quantum measurements. To properly quantify the information about energy fluctuations, both the exchanged heat probability density function and the corresponding characteristic function are derived and interpreted. Then, we discuss the conditions allowing for the validity of the fluctuation theorem in Jarzynski form 〈e−βQ〉=1, thus showing that the fluctuation relation is robust against the presence of randomness in the time intervals between measurements. Moreover, also the late-time, asymptotic properties of the heat characteristic function are analyzed, in the thermodynamic limit of many intermediate quantum measurements. In such a limit, the quantum system tends to the maximally mixed state (thus corresponding to a thermal state with infinite temperature) unless the system's Hamiltonian and the intermediate measurement observable share a common invariant subspace. Then, in this context, we also discuss how energy fluctuation relations change when the system operates in the quantum Zeno regime. Finally, the theoretical results are illustrated for the special cases of two- and three-levels quantum systems, now ubiquitous for quantum applications and technologies

    Human lncRNAs harbor conserved modules embedded in different sequence contexts

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    We analyzed the structure of human long non-coding RNA (lncRNAs) genes to investigate whether the non-coding transcriptome is organized in modular domains, as is the case for protein-coding genes. To this aim, we compared all known human lncRNA exons and identified 340 pairs of exons with high sequence and/or secondary structure similarity but embedded in a dissimilar sequence context. We grouped these pairs in 106 clusters based on their reciprocal similarities. These shared modules are highly conserved between humans and the four great ape species, display evidence of purifying selection and likely arose as a result of recent segmental duplications. Our analysis contributes to the understanding of the mechanisms driving the evolution of the non-coding genome and suggests additional strategies towards deciphering the functional complexity of this class of molecules

    Phosfinder: a web server for the identification of phosphate-binding sites on protein structures

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    Phosfinder is a web server for the identification of phosphate binding sites in protein structures. Phosfinder uses a structural comparison algorithm to scan a query structure against a set of known 3D phosphate binding motifs. Whenever a structural similarity between the query protein and a phosphate binding motif is detected, the phosphate bound by the known motif is added to the protein structure thus representing a putative phosphate binding site. Predicted binding sites are then evaluated according to (i) their position with respect to the query protein solvent-excluded surface and (ii) the conservation of the binding residues in the protein family. The server accepts as input either the PDB code of the protein to be analyzed or a user-submitted structure in PDB format. All the search parameters are user modifiable. Phosfinder outputs a list of predicted binding sites with detailed information about their structural similarity with known phosphate binding motifs, and the conservation of the residues involved. A graphical applet allows the user to visualize the predicted binding sites on the query protein structure. The results on a set of 52 apo/holo structure pairs show that the performance of our method is largely unaffected by ligand-induced conformational changes. Phosfinder is available at http://phosfinder.bio.uniroma2.it

    Artificial intelligence methods enhance the discovery of RNA interactions

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    Understanding how RNAs interact with proteins, RNAs, or other molecules remains a challenge of main interest in biology, given the importance of these complexes in both normal and pathological cellular processes. Since experimental datasets are starting to be available for hundreds of functional interactions between RNAs and other biomolecules, several machine learning and deep learning algorithms have been proposed for predicting RNA-RNA or RNA-protein interactions. However, most of these approaches were evaluated on a single dataset, making performance comparisons difficult. With this review, we aim to summarize recent computational methods, developed in this broad research area, highlighting feature encoding and machine learning strategies adopted. Given the magnitude of the effect that dataset size and quality have on performance, we explored the characteristics of these datasets. Additionally, we discuss multiple approaches to generate datasets of negative examples for training. Finally, we describe the best-performing methods to predict interactions between proteins and specific classes of RNA molecules, such as circular RNAs (circRNAs) and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), and methods to predict RNA-RNA or RNA-RBP interactions independently of the RNA type

    The FHP01 DDX3X helicase inhibitor exerts potent anti-tumor activity in vivo in breast cancer pre-clinical models

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    Inhibition of DDX3X expression or activity reduces proliferation in cells from various tumor tissues, in particular in breast cancer, and its expression often correlates to tumor aggressiveness. This makes DDX3X a prominent candidate for the design of drugs for novel personalized therapeutic strategies. Starting from an in silico drug discovery approach, a group of molecules has been selected by molecular docking at the RNA binding site of DDX3X. Here, the most promising among them, FHP01, was evaluated in breast cancer preclinical models. Specifically, FHP01 exhibited very effective antiproliferative and killing activity against different breast cancer cell types, among which those from triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Interestingly, FHP01 also inhibited WNT signaling, a key tumorigenic pathway already correlated to DDX3X functions in breast cancer model cell lines. Ultimately, FHP01 also caused a significant reduction, in vivo, in the growth of MDA MB 231- derived TNBC xenograft models. Importantly, FHP01 showed good bioavailability and no toxicity on normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro and on several mouse tissues in vivo. Overall, our data suggest that the use of FHP01 and its related compounds may represent a novel therapeutic approach with high potential against breast cancer, including the triple-negative subtype usually correlated to the most unfavorable outcomes because of the lack of available targeted therapies

    FunClust: a web server for the identification of structural motifs in a set of non-homologous protein structures

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    The occurrence of very similar structural motifs brought about by different parts of non homologous proteins is often indicative of a common function. Indeed, relatively small local structures can mediate binding to a common partner, be it a protein, a nucleic acid, a cofactor or a substrate. While it is relatively easy to identify short amino acid or nucleotide sequence motifs in a given set of proteins or genes, and many methods do exist for this purpose, much more challenging is the identification of common local substructures, especially if they are formed by non consecutive residues in the sequence

    Structural motifs recurring in different folds recognize the same ligand fragments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The structural analysis of protein ligand binding sites can provide information relevant for assigning functions to unknown proteins, to guide the drug discovery process and to infer relations among distant protein folds. Previous approaches to the comparative analysis of binding pockets have usually been focused either on the ligand or the protein component. Even though several useful observations have been made with these approaches they both have limitations. In the former case the analysis is restricted to binding pockets interacting with similar ligands, while in the latter it is difficult to systematically check whether the observed structural similarities have a functional significance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we propose a novel methodology that takes into account the structure of both the binding pocket and the ligand. We first look for local similarities in a set of binding pockets and then check whether the bound ligands, even if completely different, share a common fragment that can account for the presence of the structural motif. Thanks to this method we can identify structural motifs whose functional significance is explained by the presence of shared features in the interacting ligands.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The application of this method to a large dataset of binding pockets allows the identification of recurring protein motifs that bind specific ligand fragments, even in the context of molecules with a different overall structure. In addition some of these motifs are present in a high number of evolutionarily unrelated proteins.</p
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