81 research outputs found

    New records of hydropolyps (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from South-western Atlantic Ocean

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    Eight hydroid species found in different sectors of the Argentine continental shelf are analyzed. Descriptions, measurements and illustrations for the new subantarctic records are shown: Opercularella belgicae (Hartlaub, 1904) (Leptomedusae, Campanuliniidae), Campanularia agas (Cornelius, 1982) and Clytia hemisphaerica (Linnaeus, 1767) (Leptomedusae, Campanulariidae). Filellum antarcticum (Hartlaub, 1904) (Leptomedusae, Lafoidea), Synthecium robustum Nutting, 1904 (Leptomedusae, Syntheciidae) and Eudendrium ramosum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Anthomedusae, Eudendriidae) are first records in the Argentine biogeographical province; whereas Plumularia insignis Allman, 1883 (Leptomedusae, Plumulariidae) and Bougainvillia ramosa (Van Beneden, 1844) (Anthomedusae, Bougainvilliidae) extend their distributions towards the north of the Argentine continental shelf. Key words: Cnidaria, Hydropolyps, Distribution, Systematic, Argentine

    Primer registro de la medusa urticante invasora Gonionemus vertens en el hemisferio sur (Mar del Plata, Argentina)

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    En este trabajo registra el primer hallazgo de la hidromedusa Gonionemus vertens Agassiz, 1862 en el hemisferio sur. Alrededor de 30 medusas recientemente liberadas fueron encontradas en un acuario en septiembre de 2008. Este acuario contenía muestras bentónicas colectadas en la franja rocosa intermareal y submareal de Mar del Plata, cerca de uno de los puertos más importantes de Argentina. Las medusas fueron alimentadas con Artemia salina hasta su maduración gonadal. Se discute la posible vía de introducción de esta especie.In this paper we report the first finding of the hydromedusa Gonionemus vertens Agassiz, 1862 in the southern hemisphere. About thirty newly released medusae were found within an aquarium on September 2008. The aquarium contained benthic samples collected in intertidal and subtidal rocky fringe off Mar del Plata, near a commercially important harbor in Argentina. Medusae were feed with Artemia salina until sexual maturation. Possible way of species introduction is discussed.Fil: Rodriguez, Carolina Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Pujol, M. G.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Municipalidad de General Pueyrredon. Secretaría de Cultura. Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales Lorenzo Scaglia; ArgentinaFil: Mianzan, Hermes Walter. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Genzano, Gabriel Nestor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentin

    La fauna asociada a Tubularia crocea (Agassiz, 1862) (anthomedusae; tubulariidae) y la aplicación de un método de cartificación

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    A systematic list of the organisms found on the polyps of T. crocea is presented. Monthly samples from the coast of Mar del Plata (38°03'S ; 57°31'W) allowed the analysis of the dynamic of the associations, specially with picnogonids, amphipods, annelids and nematodes, which varied in composition and abundance along of year. We present a modification of a mapping model of Marfenin (1980) and its use to present the different stages of the polyps and the localization of the associated organisms.Se presenta un listado sistemático de los organismos hallados sobre los pólipos de T. creocea. Muestras mensuales obtenidas en la costa de Mar del Plata (38°O8'S ; 57°31'W) permitieron el análisis de la dinámica de las asociaciones, especialmente con picnogónidos, anfípodos, anélidos y nemátodos, las cuales variaron en composición y abundancia a través del año. Nosotros presentamos una modificación del modelo de cartificación de Marfenin (1980) y su uso para representar distintos estados de los pólipos y la localización de los organismos asociados

    Earthquake-Related Signals in Central Italy Detected by Hydrogeochemical and Satellite Techniques

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    Central Apennines are one of the highest seismic risk regions in Italy. A number of energetic events ((Formula presented.) > 5) struck the region during the period 2004–2017, killing several hundreds of people (e.g., 294 casualties associated with the August 24th, 2016, (Formula presented.) 6.0 event of Amatrice). These earthquakes impacted piezometric levels, springs discharges, and groundwater chemistry across a large area, even at distances of dozens of kilometers from the epicenters. Here we present a multidisciplinary dataset based on hydrogeochemical and satellite observations associated with the seismic events that occurred in Central Italy during the period 2004–2017, which combines information derived from the application of groundwater monitoring and satellite techniques. Groundwater monitoring techniques allowed for the detection of hydrogeochemical anomalies in spring and well waters (14 water sampling points in total, with 22 variations larger than (Formula presented.)), while satellite techniques were applied to detect time-space variations in ground thermal emissions. We detected two significant, almost synchronous, anomalies in 2009 and 2016–2017 with both techniques, and we tentatively correlated them to crustal deformation processes. Part of the observed signals were detected before mainshocks, and they appear to be related to aseismic slip or to seismic slip eventually induced by minor fluctuations in seismicity. We argue that the combination of two factors, i.e., the shallow depth of local earthquakes and the concurrent deepening of groundwater circulation paths to several km depth, allow for the recording of variations in the stress field by geofluids released at the surface

    Possible added value of thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) testing in the evaluation of thyroidal status of subjects with overweight or obesity

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    Purpose: An increase in serum TSH concentrations in the absence of thyroid disease, named isolated hyperthyrotropinemia, is frequently observed in subjects with obesity. It is directly associated with body mass index, and it is reversible following weight loss. Autoimmune hypothyroidism is frequently associated with obesity, it is usually progressive and needs replacement treatment with L-thyroxine. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb) to define the thyroidal status in subjects with overweight or obesity. Methods: This is a retrospective study including 749 consecutive adult patients with overweight or obesity. Of those, 76 were excluded from the analysis due to hyperthyroidism, previous thyroidectomy or radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism, hemiagenesis or drug-induced hypothyroidism. Serum thyrotropin (TSH), free thyroxine (FT4), free 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (FT3), TgAb and thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPOAb) were measured in all patients. Results: Out of 673 patients, 408 did not have thyroid disease. Among patients with thyroid disease (n = 265), 130 had nodular disease with no humoral signs of thyroid autoimmunity and 135 (20%) had autoimmune thyroiditis, defined by the presence of TPOAb and/or TgAb. The prevalence of hyperthyrotropinemia, either directly measured or presumed based on L-thyroxine treatment at the time of data collection, was 63.9% in patients with both TgAb and TPOAb, 47.1% in those with isolated positivity of TPOAb, 42.8% in patients with isolated positivity of TgAb, and 14.5% in those with no detectable TgAb or TPOAb. Conclusions: Our results confirm a high prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis (20%) in patients with obesity. TgAb may be associated with hypothyroidism in the absence of TPOAb. TgAb measurement may turn helpful to unravel a proportion of subjects that may have or may develop primary hypothyroidism requiring specific substitutive treatment

    RST analysis of MSG-SEVIRI TIR radiances at the time of the Abruzzo 6 April 2009 earthquake

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    Space-time fluctuations of Earth's emitted Thermal Infrared (TIR) radiation have been observed from satellite months to weeks before earthquakes occurrence. The general RST approach has been proposed in order to discriminate normal (i.e. related to the change of natural factor and/or observation conditions) TIR signal fluctuations from anomalous signal transient possibly associated to earthquake occurrence. In this work RST approach is applied to the Abruzzo 6 April 2009 event (M(L)=5.8) by using for the first time MSG-SEVIRI (Meteosat Second Generation -Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager) thermal infrared observations. A validation/confutation analysis has been performed in order to verify the presence/absence of anomalous space-time TIR transients in the presence/absence of significant seismic activity. March-April 2009 has been analyzed for validation purposes. Relatively unperturbed periods (no earthquakes with M(L)>= 5) have been taken for confutation. A specific TIR anomalies space-time persistence analysis as well as a cloud coverage distribution test have been introduced in order to eliminate artifacts and outliers both in the validation and confutation phases. Preliminary results show clear differences in TIR anomalies occurrence during the periods used for validation and confutation purposes. Quite clear TIR anomalies appear also to mark main tectonic lines related to the preparatory phases of others, low magnitude (M(L)similar to 4) earthquakes, occurred in the area

    Using RST approach and EOS-MODIS radiances for monitoring seismically active regions: a study on the 6 April 2009 Abruzzo earthquake

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    In the last few years, Robust Satellite data analysis Techniques (RST) have been proposed and successfully applied for monitoring major natural and environmental risks. Among the various fields of application, RST analysis has been used as a suitable tool for satellite TIR surveys in seismically active regions, devoted to detect and monitor thermal anomalies possibly related to earthquake occurrence. In this work, RST has been applied, for the first time, to thermal infrared observations collected by MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) - the sensor onboard EOS (Earth Observing System) satellites - in the case of Abruzzo (Italy) earthquake occurred on 6 April 2009 (M(L)similar to 5.8). First achievements, shown in this work, seem to confirm the sensitivity of the proposed approach in detecting perturbations of the Earths emission thermal field few days before the event. The reliability of such results, based on the analysis of 10 years of MODIS observations, seems to be supported by the results achieved analyzing the same area in similar observation conditions but in seismically unperturbed periods (no earthquakes with M(L)>= 5) that will be also presente
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