184 research outputs found

    Quadrature entanglement and photon-number correlations accompanied by phase-locking

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    We investigate quantum properties of phase-locked light beams generated in a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator (NOPO) with an intracavity waveplate. This investigation continuous our previous analysis presented in Phys.Rev.A 69, 05814 (2004), and involves problems of continuous-variable quadrature entanglement in the spectral domain, photon-number correlations as well as the signatures of phase-locking in the Wigner function. We study the role of phase-localizing processes on the quantum correlation effects. The peculiarities of phase-locked NOPO in the self-pulsing instability operational regime are also cleared up. The results are obtained in both the P-representation as a quantum-mechanical calculation in the framework of stochastic equations of motion, and also by using numerical simulation based on the method of quantum state diffusion.Comment: Subm. to PR

    Continuous variable entanglement of phase locked light beams

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    We explore in detail the possibility of intracavity generation of continuous-variable (CV) entangled states of light beams under mode phase-locked conditions. We show that such quantum states can be generated in self-phase locked nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator (NOPO) based on a type-II phase-matched down-conversion combined with linear mixer of two orthogonally polarized modes of the subharmonics in a cavity. A quantum theory of this device, recently realized in the experiment, is developed for both sub-threshold and above-threshold operational regimes. We show that the system providing high level phase coherence between two generated modes, unlike to the ordinary NOPO, also exhibits different types of quantum correlations between photon numbers and phases of these modes. We quantify the CV entanglement as two-mode squeezing and show that the maximal degree of the integral two-mode squeezing(that is 50% relative to the level of vacuum fluctuations) is achieved at the pump field intensity close to the generation threshold of self-phase locked NOPO, provided that the constant of linear coupling between the two polarizations is much less than the mode detunings. The peculiarities of CV entanglement for the case of unitary, non-dissipative dynamics of the system under consideration is also cleared up

    The structures of Micrococcus lysodeikticus catalase, its ferryl intermediate (compound II) and NADPH complex

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    The crystal structure of the bacterial catalase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus has been refined using the gene-derived sequence both at 0.88 Angstrom resolution using data recorded at 110 K and at 1.5 Angstrom resolution with room-temperature data. The atomic resolution structure has been refined with individual anisotropic atomic thermal parameters. This has revealed the geometry of the haem and surrounding protein, including many of the H atoms, with unprecedented accuracy and has characterized functionally important hydrogen-bond interactions in the active site. The positions of the H atoms are consistent with the enzymatic mechanism previously suggested for beef liver catalase. The structure reveals that a 25 Angstrom long channel leading to the haem is filled by partially occupied water molecules, suggesting an inherent facile access to the active site. In addition, the structures of the ferryl intermediate of the catalase, the so-called compound II, at 1.96 Angstrom resolution and the catalase complex with NADPH at 1.83 Angstrom resolution have been determined. Comparison of compound II and the resting state of the enzyme shows that the binding of the O atom to the iron (bond length 1.87 Angstrom) is associated with increased haem bending and is accompanied by a distal movement of the iron and the side chain of the proximal tyrosine. Finally, the structure of the NADPH complex shows that the cofactor is bound to the molecule in an equivalent position to that found in beef liver catalase, but that only the adenine part of NADPH is visible in the present structure

    Collective and static properties of model two-component plasmas

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    Classical MD data on the charge-charge dynamic structure factor of two-component plasmas (TCP) modeled in Phys. Rev. A 23, 2041 (1981) are analyzed using the sum rules and other exact relations. The convergent power moments of the imaginary part of the model system dielectric function are expressed in terms of its partial static structure factors, which are computed by the method of hypernetted chains using the Deutsch effective potential. High-frequency asymptotic behavior of the dielectric function is specified to include the effects of inverse bremsstrahlung. The agreement with the MD data is improved, and important statistical characteristics of the model TCP, such as the probability to find both electron and ion at one point, are determined.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. Published in Physical Review E http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v76/e02640

    Effects of quasiparticle tunneling in a circuit-QED realization of a strongly driven two-level system

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    We experimentally and theoretically study the frequency shift of a driven cavity coupled to a superconducting charge qubit. In addition to previous studies, we here also consider drive strengths large enough to energetically allow for quasiparticle creation. Quasiparticle tunneling leads to the inclusion of more than two charge states in the dynamics. To explain the observed effects, we develop a master equation for the microwave dressed charge states, including quasiparticle tunneling. A bimodal behavior of the frequency shift as a function of gate voltage can be used for sensitive charge detection. However, at weak drives the charge sensitivity is significantly reduced by non-equilibrium quasiparticles, which induce transitions to a non-sensitive state. Unexpectedly, at high enough drives, quasiparticle tunneling enables a very fast relaxation channel to the sensitive state. In this regime, the charge sensitivity is thus robust against externally injected quasiparticles and the desired dynamics prevail over a broad range of temperatures. We find very good agreement between theory and experiment over a wide range of drive strengths and temperatures.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Fast projectile stopping power of quantal multi-component strongly coupled plasmas

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    The Bethe-Larkin formula for the fast projectile stopping power is extended to multi-component plasmas. The results are to contribute to the correct interpretation of the experimental data, which could permit to test the existing and future models of thermodynamic, static, and dynamic characteristics of strongly coupled Coulomb systems.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in PR
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