48 research outputs found

    Effect of structural parameters on burning behavior of polyester fabrics having flame retardancy property

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    Bu çalışma, 29-31 Mayıs 2017 tarihlerinde Yunanistan’düzenlenen 17. World Textile Conference of the Association-of-Universities-for-Textiles (AUTEX) - Shaping the Future of Textiles Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.The aim of this study is filling the gap in the literature about investigating the effect of yarn and fabric structural parameters on burning behavior of polyester fabrics. According to the experimental design three different fabric types, three different weft densities and two different weave types were selected and a total of eighteen different polyester drapery fabrics were produced. All statistical procedures were conducted using the SPSS Statistical software package. The results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests indicated that; there were statistically significant (5% significance level) differences between the mass loss ratios (%) in weft and mass loss ratios (%) in warp direction of different fabrics calculated after the flammability test. The Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) results for mass loss ratios (%) both in weft and warp directions revealed that the mass loss ratios (%) of fabrics containing Trevira CS type polyester were lower than the mass loss ratios of polyester fabrics subjected to washing treatment and flame retardancy treatment

    Buscke-löwenstein tümörü (dev kondiloma akuminata): Cerrahi eksizyon ile tedavi

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    Giant condyloma acuminatum is a rare sexually transmitted disease which primarily affects genital and perianal areas. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disorder in young, sexually active populations in the USA and Europe. Giant condyloma acuminatum is a uniqe variant of condyloma acuminata, characterized by local aggressive behaviour despite benign histology. It carries a substantial risk of squamous cell carcinoma. Various treatments have been used, but response is often poor and recurrence rates high. We present a case of giant condyloma acuminata succesfully treated with surgical excision.Dev kondiloma akuminata özellikle genital ve perianal alanı tutan, nadir görülen ve cinsel ilişki ile bulaşan bir hastalıktır. Human papilloma virüs enfeksiyonu A.B.D. ve Avrupa'da cinsel aktif populasyonda en sık görülen cinsel yolla bulaşan hastalıktır. Dev kondiloma akuminata benign histolojik tipte olmasına rağmen lokal olarak agresif seyreden bir kondilom çeşitidir. Düşük de olsa skuamoz hücreli kanser gelişme riski taşır. Çok çeşitli tedavi yöntemleri geliştirilmesine rağmen yanıt genellikle düşük ve nüks sık izlenmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda dev kondiloma akuminatalı bir hastanın cerrahi eksizyon sonrası başarılı tedavisi sunuldu

    Effects of Percieved Corporate Reputation and Commitment to Work on Emotional Labor: Example of Healtcare Employees

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    Araştırmada, Eskişehir ilinde faaliyet gösteren yerel özel hastane ve tıp merkezleri evreninde çalışan sağlık profesyonellerinin kurumsal itibar algıları ve işe bağlılıklarının, duygusal emek davranışı üzerindeki etkileşimlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda anket yöntemi ile yapılan araştırmada 264 kişilik örneklem grubundan elde edilen veriler çeşitli istatistiksel yöntem ve teknikler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular eşliğinde araştırmanın hipotezlerine ilişkin evrendeki sağlık çalışanlarının kurumsal itibar algısı ve işe bağlılık ile duygusal emeğin alt boyutları olan yüzeysel rol yapma, derin rol yapma ve samimi duygular değişkenleri arasındaki etkileşimini görmek için çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre duygusal emek davranışı alt boyutlarından derinden rol yapma bağımlı değişkeni için anlamlı ve geçerli bir regresyon modeli bulunamaz iken yüzeysel rol yapmanın sadece kurumsal itibar algısından etkilendiği, samimi duyguların ise hem kurumsal itibar algısından hem de işe bağlılıktan etkilendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.This research aims to examine the effects of institutional reputation perceptions and work commitment on emotional labor behavior of health professionals, working in the population of local private hospitals and medical centers in Eskisehir. In this context, the data obtained from the sample group of 264 persons by survey method were analyzed by using various statistical methods and techniques. Multiple linear regression analyzes were conducted with obtained findings to see the interaction between the hypotheses of research variables, institutional reputation perceptions, commitment to work and emotional labor’s sub scales; superficial role play, deep role-playing and intimate emotional of healthcare employees in the population. Under the results obtained, while a meaningful and valid regression model cannot be found for dependent variable of deep role playing, the superficial role playing is only influenced by institutional reputation and sincere feelings are both influenced by institutional reputation and commitment to work have been reached

    Do the rich gamble in the stock market? Low risk anomalies and wealthy households

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    Contrary to the theoretical principle that higher risk is compensated with higher expected return, the literature shows that low-risk stocks outperform high-risk stocks. Using a large-scale household dataset, we provide an explanation for this puzzling result that the anomalous negative risk-return relation is only confined to those stocks predominantly held by rich households, whereas the anomaly disappears for stocks held by non-rich households and institutional investors. We find that social status concern of rich households and the induced lottery preference explain wealthy investors’ demand for high-risk stocks, leading to overpricing and low future returns for such stocks

    Left-tail momentum: underreaction to bad news, costly arbitrage and equity returns

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    This paper documents a significantly negative cross-sectional relation between left-tail risk and future returns on individual stocks trading in the U.S. and international countries. We provide a behavioral explanation to this anomaly based on the idea that investors underestimate the persistence in left-tail risk and overprice stocks with large recent losses. Thus, low returns in the left-tail of the distribution persist into the future causing left-tail return momentum. We find that the left-tail risk anomaly is stronger for stocks that are more likely to be held by retail investors, that receive less investor attention and that are costlier to arbitrage

    Full-trapped three-level ion in the lamb-dicke limit: Analyzing and comparing quantum entanglement measures of two qudits

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    Our aim is to investigate the entanglement dynamics and quantum correlations of a full-trapped ion interacting with two time-independent laser beams in view of the Lamb-Dicke parameter. For this purpose, the three probability amplitudes in the trapped ion is taken as √1/3. Concurrence, negativity, and atomic Wehrl entropy of entanglement exhibit a long interacting time. We show that long survival is proved with these quantum measures. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Management of neuraxial anaesthesia for emergent caesarean section for placenta previa

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    Abnormal placental attachments, such as placenta accreta, increta or percrata, can result in increased morbidity and mortality because of the risk of severe postpartum haemorrhage. We aimed to present the management of spinal anaesthesia and surgical approach for emergent caesarean section because of vaginal bleeding in a multiparous pregnant woman with placenta previa at 36 weeks' gestation. Hyperbaric bupivacaine 12 mg, fentanyl 10 μg and morphine 150 μg were intrathecally administered for spinal anaesthesia. Oxytocin, methyl ergonovin and tranexamic acid were administered after umbilical cord clamping. Breech delivery of the baby was provided by a vertical incision to the uterus for avoiding placental harm. Subtotal hysterectomy was performed leaving the placenta in situ. Two units of red blood cells were transfused during the operation, lasting approximately 40 min. The patient was uneventfully discharged on the postoperative fourth day. In conclusion, a single-shot spinal anaesthesia was successfully maintained without conversion to general anaesthesia until the end of the hysterectomy in the patient in whom placenta increta was observed during caesarean delivery