2 research outputs found

    Geochemical Dataset for the accuracy of the ICP-OES and LA-ICP-MS facilities in Istanbul University-CerrahpaÅŸa, Geological Engineering Department

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    The dataset presented here includes operating conditions, experimental setups, and geochemical analysis results of the paper entitled "Accurate Whole-Rock Geochemistry Analysis by Combined ICP-OES and LA-ICP-MS Instruments" to the Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration by Gönenç GÖÇMENGİL, Fatma ŞİŞMAN TÜKEL, Fulya UZUN, Marcel GUILLONG, İsak YILMAZ, Namık AYSAL, Nurullah HANİLÇİ Table S1 includes ICP-OES plasma operating conditions Table S2 includes ICP-OES analyte names, spectral wavelengths and limits of detection in Geochronology and Geochemistry Laboratory of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. Table S3 includes Laser Ablation (LA) and ICP-MS operating conditions. Table S4 includes the results of the ICP-OES analysis on USGS standards BCR-2 and AGV-2 which were generated by lithium-tetraborate fusion. Table S5 includes the results of the LA-ICP-MS measurements on the BCR-2g and BCR-2 glass discs. Table S6 includes the results of the LA-ICP-MS measurements on the AGV-2g and fused AGV-2 discs. Table S7 includes the results of the LA-ICP-MS measurements on the NIST SRM 614

    Permo-Carboniferous granitoids with Jurassic high temperature metamorphism in Central Pontides, Northern Turkey

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    In the northern part of the Central Pontides (N Turkey) there are different metamorphic rocks exposed, notably the Devrekani metamorphic rocks. Here, upper amphibolite-lower granulite facies metamorphic rocks contain predominantly paragneiss, orthogneiss and metacarbonate, and to a lesser extent, amphibolite and quartzite, with cross-cutting aplite, pegmatite and granite veins. This is the first report of these rocks and includes new data on the petrochemistry, geochronology and metamorphic evolution of the Devrekani orthogneisses from the Central Pontides. The orthogneisses show five different mineral parageneses with the characteristic mineral assemblage quartz + K-feldspar + plagioclase + biotite ± hornblende ± opaque (± ilmenite and ± magnetite), and accessory minerals (zircon, sphene and apatite). These metamorphic rocks exhibit generally granoblastic, lepidogranoblastic and nematolepidogranoblastic with locally migmatitic and relic micrographic textures. They have well-developed centimeter-spaced gneissic banding and display gneissose structure with symmetric, asymmetric and irregular folds. The petrographic features, mineralogical assemblages and weak migmatization reflect high temperature conditions. Thermometric calculations in the orthogneisses indicate metamorphic temperatures reached 744 ± 33 °C. Field relations, petrography and petrochemistry suggest that the orthogneisses have predominantly granodioritic and some granitic protoliths, that show features of I-type, medium to high-potassic calc-alkaline volcanic arc granitoids. The orthogneisses have high contents of LILEs and low contents of HFSEs with negative Nb and Ti anomalies, which are typical of subduction-related magmas. The orthogneisses also show significant LREE enrichment relative to HREE with negative Eu anomalies (EuN/Eu* = 0.33–1.07) with LaN/LuN = 6.98–20.47 values. Based on U-Pb zircon dating data, the protoliths are related to Permo-Carboniferous (316–252 Ma) magmatism. It is likely that peak metamorphism took place during the Jurassic as reflected by the U-Pb zircon ages (199–158 Ma) and also 40Ar/39Ar from hornblende/biotite (163–152 Ma). The four biotite 40Ar/39Ar average ages from the rock samples are ca. 156 Ma, suggesting that the metamorphic rocks cooled to 350–400 °C at ca. 156 Ma. Conclusively, the Devrekani metamorphic rocks can be ascribed as products of Permo-Carboniferous continental arc magmatism overprinted by Jurassic metamorphism in the northern Central Pontides