6,472 research outputs found

    Parametric Resonance in the Early Universe - A Fitting Analysis

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    Particle production via parametric resonance in the early Universe, is a nonperturbative, non-linear and out-of-equilibrium phenomenon. Although it is a well studied topic, whenever a new scenario exhibits parametric resonance, a full re-analysis is normally required. To avoid this tedious task, many works present often only a simplified linear treatment of the problem. In order to surpass this circumstance in the future, we provide a fitting analysis of parametric resonance through all its relevant stages: initial linear growth, non-linear evolution, and relaxation towards equilibrium. Using lattice simulations in an expanding grid in 3 + 1 dimensions, we parametrize the dynamics outcome scanning over the relevant ingredients: role of the oscillatory field, particle coupling strength, initial conditions, and background expansion rate. We emphasize the inaccuracy of the linear calculation of the decay time of the oscillatory field, and propose a more appropriate definition of this scale based on the subsequent non-linear dynamics. We provide simple fits to the relevant time scales and particle energy fractions at each stage. Our fits can be applied to post-inflationary preheating scenarios, where the oscillatory field is the inflaton, or to spectator-field scenarios, where the oscillatory field can be e.g. a curvaton, or the Standard Model Higgs.Comment: Extended discussion about the late-time dynamics of the system in quadratic models. Minor changes in numerical fits with respect first version. It matches version published in JCAP (30 pages + Appendices + Bibliography, 13 figures

    A new gravitational wave background from the Big Bang

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    The reheating of the universe after hybrid inflation proceeds through the nucleation and subsequent collision of large concentrations of energy density in the form of bubble-like structures moving at relativistic speeds. This generates a significant fraction of energy in the form of a stochastic background of gravitational waves, whose time evolution is determined by the successive stages of reheating: First, tachyonic preheating makes the amplitude of gravity waves grow exponentially fast. Second, bubble collisions add a new burst of gravitational radiation. Third, turbulent motions finally sets the end of gravitational waves production. From then on, these waves propagate unimpeded to us. We find that the fraction of energy density today in these primordial gravitational waves could be significant for GUT scale models of inflation, although well beyond the frequency range sensitivity of gravitational wave observatories like LIGO, LISA or BBO. However, low-scale models could still produce a detectable signal at frequencies accessible to BBO or DECIGO. For comparison, we have also computed the analogous background from some chaotic inflation models and obtained similar results to those of other groups. The discovery of such a background would open a new observational window into the very early universe, where the details of the process of reheating could be explored. Thus, it could also serve as a new experimental tool for testing the Inflationary Paradigm.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of JGRG17, Nagoya (Japan), 3-7 December 200

    Inconsistency of an inflationary sector coupled only to Einstein gravity

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    From a model-building perspective, the inflationary sector might very well have no direct couplings to other species, apart from inevitable gravitational interactions. Within the context of General Relativity, a thermal universe can still emerge after inflation if: i)i) some radiation sector is excited towards the end of inflation, and ii)ii) the post-inflationary equation of state becomes sufficiently stiff wwRD0.57w \geq w_{\rm RD}\gtrsim 0.57, with wRDw_{\rm RD} a threshold depending on the inflationary scale HH_* and the initial radiation-to-inflaton energy ratio Δ\Delta_*. Furthermore, a stiff period in the expansion history enhances significantly the inflationary gravitational wave (GW) background, making this signal (potentially) observable by aLIGO, LISA and other experiments. The very same enhancement leads however to an inconsistency of the scenario: the energy of the GWs becomes too large compared to the rest of the radiation sector, violating standard BBN and CMB bounds on GW backgrounds. Except for very special scenarios where the initial radiation sector comprises hundreds of fields with couplings tuned to specific values, our result applies independently of ww, HH_* and Δ\Delta_*. This suggests that in order to reheat the universe, the inflationary sector should be coupled directly to other particle species. Alternatively the inflationary sector could be implemented in modified gravity theories.Comment: Comments added to match published version in JCAP, 22 pages (+ appendix + references), 4 figure

    The Standard Model Higgs as the origin of the hot Big Bang

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    If the Standard Model (SM) Higgs is weakly coupled to the inflationary sector, the Higgs is expected to be universally in the form of a condensate towards the end of inflation. The Higgs decays rapidly after inflation - via non-perturbative effects - into an out-of-equilibrium distribution of SM species, which thermalize soon afterwards. If the post-inflationary equation of state of the universe is stiff, w+1w \simeq +1, the SM species eventually dominate the total energy budget. This provides a natural origin for the relativistic thermal plasma of SM species, required for the onset of the `hot Big Bang' era. The viability of this scenario requires the inflationary Hubble scale HH_* to be lower than the instability scale for Higgs vacuum decay, the Higgs not to generate too large curvature perturbations at cosmological scales, and the SM dominance to occur before Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We show that successful reheating into the SM can only be obtained in the presence of a non-minimal coupling to gravity ξ1\xi \gtrsim 1, with a reheating temperature of TRHO(1010)ξ3/2(H/1014GeV)2 GeVT_{\rm RH} \gtrsim \mathcal{O}(10^{10})\xi^{3/2}(H_*/10^{14}{\rm GeV})^2~{\rm GeV}.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, minor changes with new figures to match published version in PL

    Ability of LIGO and LISA to probe the equation of state of the early Universe

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    The expansion history of the Universe between the end of inflation and the onset of radiation-domination (RD) is currently unknown. If the equation of state during this period is stiffer than that of radiation, w>1/3w > 1/3, the gravitational wave (GW) background from inflation acquires a blue-tilt dlogρGWdlogf=2(w1/3)(w+1/3)>0{d\log\rho_{\rm GW}\over d\log f} = {2(w-1/3)\over (w+1/3)} > 0 at frequencies ffRDf \gg f_{\rm RD} corresponding to modes re-entering the horizon during the stiff-domination (SD), where fRDf_{\rm RD} is the frequency today of the horizon scale at the SD-to-RD transition. We characterized in detail the transfer function of the GW energy density spectrum, considering both 'instant' and smooth modelings of the SD-to-RD transition. The shape of the spectrum is controlled by ww, fRDf_{\rm RD}, and HinfH_{\rm inf} (the Hubble scale of inflation). We determined the parameter space compatible with a detection of this signal by LIGO and LISA, including possible changes in the number of relativistic degrees of freedom, and the presence of a tensor tilt. Consistency with upper bounds on stochastic GW backgrounds, however, rules out a significant fraction of the observable parameter space. We find that this renders the signal unobservable by Advanced LIGO, in all cases. The GW background remains detectable by LISA, though only in a small island of parameter space, corresponding to scenarios with an equation of state in the range 0.46w0.560.46 \lesssim w \lesssim 0.56 and a high inflationary scale Hinf1013 GeVH_{\rm inf} \gtrsim 10^{13}~{\rm GeV}, but low reheating temperature 1 MeVTRD150 MeV1~{\rm MeV} \lesssim T_{\rm RD} \lesssim 150~{\rm MeV} (equivalently, 1011 HzfRD3.6109 Hz10^{-11}~{\rm Hz} \lesssim f_{\rm RD} \lesssim 3.6\cdot10^{-9}~{\rm Hz}). Implications for early Universe scenarios resting upon an SD epoch are briefly discussed.Comment: Matching published version in JCAP, 32 pages, 8 figure