1,221 research outputs found

    Renormalizability of generalized quantum electrodynamics

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    In this work we present the study of the renormalizability of the Generalized Quantum Electrodynamics (GQED4GQED_{4}). We begin the article by reviewing the on-shell renormalization scheme applied to GQED4GQED_{4}. Thereafter, we calculate the explicit expressions for all the counter-terms at one-loop approximation and discuss the infrared behavior of the theory as well. Next, we explore some properties of the effective coupling of the theory which would give an indictment of the validity regime of theory: m2≤k2<mP2m^{2} \leq k^{2} < m_{P}^{2}. Afterwards, we make use of experimental data from the electron anomalous magnetic moment to set possible values for the theory free parameter through the one-loop contribution of Podolsky mass-dependent term to Pauli's form factor F2(q2)F_{2}(q^{2}).Comment: 9 page

    Relativistic free-particle quantization on the light-front: New aspects

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    We use the light-front machinery to study the behavior of a relativistic free particle and obtain the quantum commutation relations from the classical Poisson brackets. We argue that the usual projection onto the light-front coordinates for these from the covariant commutation ralations does not reproduce the expected results.Comment: To appear in the proceedings "IX Hadron Physics and VII Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics: A Joint Meeting on QCD and QGP, Hadron Physics-RANP,2004,Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro,Brazi

    Surprises in the relativistic free-particle quantization on the light-front

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    We use the light front ``machinery'' to study the behavior of a relativistic free particle and obtain the quantum commutation relations from the classical Poisson brackets. We argue that their usual projection onto the light-front coordinates from the covariant commutation relations show that there is an inconsistency in the expected correlation between canonically conjugate variables ``time'' and ``energy''. Moreover we show that this incompatibility originates from the very definition of the Poisson brackets that is employed and present a simple remedy to this problem and envisages a profound physical implication on the whole process of quantization.Comment: 13 page

    SQED4SQED_4 and QED4QED_4 on the null-plane

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    We studied the scalar electrodynamics (SQED4SQED_{4}) and the spinor electrodynamics (QED4QED_{4}) in the null-plane formalism. We followed the Dirac's technique for constrained systems to perform a detailed analysis of the constraint structure in both theories. We imposed the appropriated boundary conditions on the fields to fix the hidden subset first class constraints which generate improper gauge transformations and obtain an unique inverse of the second class constraint matrix. Finally, choosing the null-plane gauge condition, we determined the generalized Dirac brackets of the independent dynamical variables which via the correspondence principle give the (anti)-commutators for posterior quantization.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX 2e

    Semiclassical theory for small displacements

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    Characteristic functions contain complete information about all the moments of a classical distribution and the same holds for the Fourier transform of the Wigner function: a quantum characteristic function, or the chord function. However, knowledge of a finite number of moments does not allow for accurate determination of the chord function. For pure states this provides the overlap of the state with all its possible rigid translations (or displacements). We here present a semiclassical approximation of the chord function for large Bohr-quantized states, which is accurate right up to a caustic, beyond which the chord function becomes evanescent. It is verified to pick out blind spots, which are displacements for zero overlaps. These occur even for translations within a Planck area of the origin. We derive a simple approximation for the closest blind spots, depending on the Schroedinger covariance matrix, which is verified for Bohr-quantized states.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures

    The canonical structure of Podolsky's generalized electrodynamics on the Null-Plane

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    In this work we will develop the canonical structure of Podolsky's generalized electrodynamics on the null-plane. This theory has second-order derivatives in the Lagrangian function and requires a closer study for the definition of the momenta and canonical Hamiltonian of the system. On the null-plane the field equations also demand a different analysis of the initial-boundary value problem and proper conditions must be chosen on the null-planes. We will show that the constraint structure, based on Dirac formalism, presents a set of second-class constraints, which are exclusive of the analysis on the null-plane, and an expected set of first-class constraints that are generators of a U(1) group of gauge transformations. An inspection on the field equations will lead us to the generalized radiation gauge on the null-plane, and Dirac Brackets will be introduced considering the problem of uniqueness of these brackets under the chosen initial-boundary condition of the theory

    The Schwinger model on the null-plane

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    We study the Schwinger Model on the null-plane using the Dirac method for constrained systems. The fermion field is analyzed using the natural null-plane projections coming from the γ-algebra and it is shown that the fermionic sector of the Schwinger Model has only second class constraints. However, the first class constraints are exclusively of the bosonic sector. Finally, we establish the graded Lie algebra between the dynamical variables, via generalized Dirac bracket in the null-plane gauge, which is consistent with every constraint of the theory

    Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for Linearized Gravity

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    In this work we study the theory of linearized gravity via the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. We make a brief review of this theory and its Lagrangian description, as well as a review of the Hamilton-Jacobi approach for singular systems. Then we apply this formalism to analyze the constraint structure of the linearized gravity in instant and front-form dynamics.Comment: To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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