1,378 research outputs found

    Distinct contributions of attention and working memory to visual statistical learning and ensemble processing

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    The brain exploits redundancies in the environment to efficiently represent the complexity of the visual world. One example of this is ensemble processing, which provides a statistical summary of elements within a set (e.g., mean size). Another is statistical learning, which involves the encoding of stable spatial or temporal relationships between objects. It has been suggested that ensemble processing over arrays of oriented lines disrupts statistical learning of structure within the arrays (Zhao, Ngo, McKendrick, & Turk-Browne, 2011). Here we asked whether ensemble processing and statistical learning are mutually incompatible, or whether this disruption might occur because ensemble processing encourages participants to process the stimulus arrays in a way that impedes statistical learning. In Experiment 1, we replicated Zhao and colleagues' finding that ensemble processing disrupts statistical learning. In Experiments 2 and 3, we found that statistical learning was unimpaired by ensemble processing when task demands necessitated (a) focal attention to individual items within the stimulus arrays and (b) the retention of individual items in working memory. Together, these results are consistent with an account suggesting that ensemble processing and statistical learning can operate over the same stimuli given appropriate stimulus processing demands during exposure to regularities

    On the mutual effect of ion temperature gradient instabilities and impurity peaking in the reversed field pinch

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    The presence of impurities is considered in gyrokinetic calculations of ion temperature gradient (ITG) instabilities and turbulence in the reversed field pinch device RFX-mod. This device usually exhibits hollow Carbon/Oxygen profiles, peaked in the outer core region. We describe the role of the impurities in ITG mode destabilization, and analyze whether ITG turbulence is compatible with their experimental gradients.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Plasma Phys. Control. Fusio

    Anomalous diffusion, clustering, and pinch of impurities in plasma edge turbulence

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    The turbulent transport of impurity particles in plasma edge turbulence is investigated. The impurities are modeled as a passive fluid advected by the electric and polarization drifts, while the ambient plasma turbulence is modeled using the two-dimensional Hasegawa--Wakatani paradigm for resistive drift-wave turbulence. The features of the turbulent transport of impurities are investigated by numerical simulations using a novel code that applies semi-Lagrangian pseudospectral schemes. The diffusive character of the turbulent transport of ideal impurities is demonstrated by relative-diffusion analysis of the evolution of impurity puffs. Additional effects appear for inertial impurities as a consequence of compressibility. First, the density of inertial impurities is found to correlate with the vorticity of the electric drift velocity, that is, impurities cluster in vortices of a precise orientation determined by the charge of the impurity particles. Second, a radial pinch scaling linearly with the mass--charge ratio of the impurities is discovered. Theoretical explanation for these observations is obtained by analysis of the model equations.Comment: This article has been submitted to Physics of Plasmas. After it is published, it will be found at http://pop.aip.org/pop

    Validation of gyrokinetic modelling of light impurity transport including rotation in ASDEX Upgrade

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    Upgraded spectroscopic hardware and an improved impurity concentration calculation allow accurate determination of boron density in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. A database of boron measurements is compared to quasilinear and nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations including Coriolis and centrifugal rotational effects over a range of H-mode plasma regimes. The peaking of the measured boron profiles shows a strong anti-correlation with the plasma rotation gradient, via a relationship explained and reproduced by the theory. It is demonstrated that the rotodiffusive impurity flux driven by the rotation gradient is required for the modelling to reproduce the hollow boron profiles at higher rotation gradients. The nonlinear simulations validate the quasilinear approach, and, with the addition of perpendicular flow shear, demonstrate that each symmetry breaking mechanism that causes momentum transport also couples to rotodiffusion. At lower rotation gradients, the parallel compressive convection is required to match the most peaked boron profiles. The sensitivities of both datasets to possible errors is investigated, and quantitative agreement is found within the estimated uncertainties. The approach used can be considered a template for mitigating uncertainty in quantitative comparisons between simulation and experiment.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted in Nuclear Fusio

    Quantifying error in effect size estimates in attention, executive function, and implicit learning

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    Accurate quantification of effect sizes has the power to motivate theory and reduce misinvestment of scientific resources by informing power calculations during study planning. However, a combination of publication bias and small sample sizes (∼ N = 25) hampers certainty in current effect size estimates. We sought to determine the extent to which sample sizes may produce errors in effect size estimates for four commonly used paradigms assessing attention, executive function, and implicit learning (attentional blink, multitasking, contextual cueing, and serial response task). We combined a large data set with a bootstrapping approach to simulate 1,000 experiments across a range of N (13-313). Beyond quantifying the effect size and statistical power that can be anticipated for each study design, we demonstrate that experiments with lower N may double or triple information loss. We also show that basing power calculations on effect sizes from similar studies yields a problematically imprecise estimate between 40% and 67% of the time, given commonly used sample sizes. Last, we show that skewness of intersubject behavioral effects may serve as a predictor of an erroneous estimate. We conclude with practical recommendations for researchers and demonstrate how our simulation approach can yield theoretical insights that are not readily achieved by other methods such as identifying the information gained from rejecting the null hypothesis and quantifying the contribution of individual variation to error in effect size estimates. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved). </p

    Understanding helium transport: experimental and theoretical investigations of low-Z impurity transport at ASDEX Upgrade

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    The presence of helium is fundamentally connected to the performance of a fusion reactor, as fusion-produced helium is expected to heat the plasma bulk, while He 'ash' accumulation dilutes the fusion fuel. An understanding of helium transport via experimentally validated theoretical models of the low-Z impurity turbulent transport is indispensable to predict the helium density profile in future fusion devices. At ASDEX Upgrade, detailed, multi-species investigations of low-Z impurity transport have been undertaken in dedicated experiments, resulting in an extensive database of helium and boron density profiles over a wide range of parameters relevant for turbulent transport (normalised gradients of the electron density, the ion temperature, and the toroidal rotation profiles, the collisionality and the electron to ion temperature ratio). Helium is not found to accumulate in the parameter space investigated, as the shape of the helium density profile follows largely that of the electron density. Helium is observed to be as peaked as the electron density at high electron cyclotron resonance heating fraction, and less peaked than the electron density at high neutral beam heating fraction. The boron density profile is found to be consistently less peaked than the electron density profile. Detailed comparisons of the experimental density gradients of both impurities with quasilinear gyrokinetic simulations have shown that a qualitative agreement between experiment and theory cannot always be obtained, with strong discrepancies observed in some cases.EUROfusion Consortium 63305