781 research outputs found

    Development of a simulation platform of all-electric aircraft on-board systems for energy management studies

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    This paper deals with the development of a simulation platform for the dynamic analysis of systems characterised by different physical domains. The research has been carried out in the context of the EC-funded Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative (Green Regional Aircraft/All-Electric Aircraft domain). In particular, the objective of the research is focused on the on-board systems of new All-Electric Aircraft, where a crucial design point is related to the electrical energy management. In the “all-electric” concept, where pneumatic and hydraulic power systems are eliminated to improve aviation costs and environmental impact, the dynamics of electrical power absorptions is to be characterised and managed to avoid excessive peaks with respect to generators capabilities. The paper describes the architecture of a Matlab/Simulink simulation platform developed in order to design and validate of the electrical energy management logics, which lead up to 32% reduction of the maximum power request for the case study considered. Thanks to an approach based on a mixing of cosimulation and S-function compiling, the platform integrates models coming from different environments (AMESim, Dymola/Modelica), and developed by various partners/specialists

    Techniques of ozone monitoring in a mountain forest region: passive and continuous sampling, vertical and canopy profiles

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    Ozone is the most harmful air pollutant for plant ecosystems in the Mediterranean and Alpine areas due to its biological and economic damage to crops and forests. In order to evaluate the relation between ozone exposure and vegetation injury under on-field conditions, suitable ozone monitoring techniques were investigated. In the framework of a 5-year research project aimed at ozone risk assessment on forests, both continuous analysers and passive samplers were employed during the summer seasons (1994-1998) in different sites of a wide mountain region (80 x 40 km2) on the southern slope of the European Alps. Continuous analysers allowed the recording of ozone hourly concentration means necessary both to calculate specific exposure indexes (such as AOT, SUM, W126) and to record daily time-courses. Passive samplers, even though supplied only weekly mean concentration values, made it possible to estimate the altitude concentration gradient useful to correct the altitude dependence of ozone concentrations to be inserted into exposure indexes. In-canopy ozone profiles were also determined by placing passive samplers at different heights inside the forest canopy. Vertical ozone soundings by means of tethered balloons (kytoons) allowed the measurement of the vertical concentration gradient above the forest canopy. They also revealed ozone reservoirs aloft and were useful to explain the ozone advection dynamic in mountain slopes where ground measurement proved to be inadequate. An intercomparison between passive (PASSAM, CH) and continuous measurements highlighted the necessity to accurately standardize all the exposure operations, particularly the pre- and postexposure conservation at cold temperature to avoid dye (DPE) activity. Advantages and disadvantages from each mentioned technique are discussed

    HIV-1 co-infection does not reduce exposure to rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide in South African tuberculosis outpatients

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    There are contrasting data in the literature about antituberculosis plasma drug concentrations in HIV-1-coinfected patients. We report the pharmacokinetics of rifampin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide in a cohort of patients being treated for active tuberculosis, the majority of whom were coinfected with HIV-1 and had commenced antiretroviral therapy within 2 months of starting antituberculosis treatment. We also examined the association between antituberculosis drug concentrations and reported drug side effects at the 2-month clinical review. One hundred patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (65% coinfected with HIV-1) were intensively sampled to determine rifampin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide plasma concentrations after 7 to 8 weeks of a daily quadruple-therapy regimen dosed according to World Health Organization (WHO) weight bands. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined for each patient by using nonlinear mixed-effects models. HIV-1-coinfected patients had lower clearance rates for rifampin (21% decrease) and isoniazid (23% decrease) than HIV-1-uninfected patients, with resulting higher areas under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 24 h (AUC0–24) and maximum concentrations of drug in serum (Cmax). Antiretroviral therapy (ART) that included double-standard-dose lopinavir/ritonavir further lowered rifampin clearance, by 46%, and increased the AUC0–24. The current uniform dosing (per kilogram of body weight) across WHO weight bands was associated with a trend of decreased pharmacokinetic exposures for the lowest weight band. Use of fat-free mass as opposed to total body weight for allometric scaling of clearance significantly improved the model. Ambulant HIV-1-coinfected patients, the majority of whom were coprescribed ART, did not have reduced antituberculosis drug concentrations compared to HIV-1-uninfected patients

    Population pharmacokinetics of lopinavir and ritonavir in combination with rifampicin-based antitubercular treatment in HIV-infected children

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    Children with HIV associated tuberculosis often require co-formulated lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/RTV)-based antiretroviral treatment with rifampicin-based antitubercular treatment (ATT). Rifampicin (RIF), a potent inducer of drug-metabolizing systems, profoundly reduces the bioavailability of LPV. The aims of this study were to develop an integrated population pharmacokinetic (PK) model describing LPV and RTV PK in children with and without concomitant ATT using two different dosing approaches and to estimate doses of LPV/RTV achieving target exposures during ATT in young children

    MALVA: Genotyping by Mapping-free ALlele Detection of Known VAriants

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    The amount of genetic variation discovered in human populations is growing rapidly leading to challenging computational tasks, such as variant calling. Standard methods for addressing this problem include read mapping, a computationally expensive procedure; thus, mapping-free tools have been proposed in recent years. These tools focus on isolated, biallelic SNPs, providing limited support for multi-allelic SNPs and short insertions and deletions of nucleotides (indels). Here we introduce MALVA, a mapping-free method to genotype an individual from a sample of reads. MALVA is the first mapping-free tool able to genotype multi-allelic SNPs and indels, even in high-density genomic regions, and to effectively handle a huge number of variants. MALVA requires one order of magnitude less time to genotype a donor than alignment-based pipelines, providing similar accuracy. Remarkably, on indels, MALVA provides even better results than the most widely adopted variant discovery tools. Biological Sciences; Genetics; Genomics; Bioinformatic

    Tropospheric Ozone In A Mountain Forest Area: Spatial Distribution And Its Relation With Meteorology And Emission Sources

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    Biological injuries to forest ecosystems in two lateral valleys of Valtellina (Italy) have been studied. The selected areas are characterized by different forest novel decline symptoms and ozone concentration levels. Analyses of meteorological and air quality data collected by fixed and mobile stations located in the two valleys are presented. Ozone concentration has been measured both by passive samplers and continues analyzers and the ozone vertical gradient in one valley has been determined. In order to investigate the relation between emission sources, ambient ozone levels and plant biological injuries, a modeling research project has been started. As preliminary results the wind field obtained by the application of two diagnostic meteorological models, MINERVE and CALMET, and the computation of the biogenic emissions are presented. Some examples of spatial distribution and temporal trend of the most important pollutants emitted by plants are discussed

    Concentration-dependent antagonism and culture conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Background There is scant evidence to support target drug exposures for optimal tuberculosis outcomes. We therefore assessed whether pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) parameters could predict 2-month culture conversion. Methods One hundred patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (65% HIV-co-infected) were intensively sampled to determine rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide plasma concentrations after 7-8 weeks of therapy, and pharmacokinetic parameters determined using non-linear-mixed-effects models. Detailed clinical data and sputum for culture were collected at baseline, 2 and 5-6 months. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined on baseline isolates. Multivariate logistic regression and the assumption-free multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) were used to identify clinical and PK/PD predictors of 2-month culture conversion. Potential PK/PD predictors included 24-hour-area-under-the-curve (AUC0-24), peak concentration (Cmax), AUC0-24/MIC, Cmax/MIC and % time that concentrations persisted above MIC (%TMIC). Results 26% of patients had Cmax (mg/L) of rifampicin4.6 mg/L, higher isoniazid exposures were associated with improved rates of culture conversion. Conclusions PK/PD analyses using MARS identified isoniazid Cmax and rifampicin Cmax/MIC thresholds below which there is concentration-dependent antagonism that reduces 2-month sputum culture conversion

    Manufacturing of PAV-ONE, a Permeator against Vacuum Mock-Up with Niobium Membrane

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    The Permeator Against Vacuum (PAV) is one of the proposed technologies for the Tritium Extraction System of the WCLL BB (Water-Cooled Lithium-Lead Breeding Blanket) of the EU DEMO reactor. In this paper, the manufacturing of the first PAV mock-up with a niobium membrane with a cylindrical configuration is presented. This work aimed to demonstrate the possibility of manufacturing a relevant-size PAV to be later tested in the TRIEX-II facility. The adopted prototypical solutions are described in detail, starting with the methodology developed to join the Nb tubes with a 10CrMo9-10 (A182 F22) plate. Dedicated manufacturing and welding procedures, based on vacuum brazing with a nickel-based brazing alloy, were developed to solve the problem. This new kind of brazing was first analyzed to check the morphology of the joint and then tested to check its capability to withstand the TRIEX-II operative conditions. In parallel, the compatibility with a lithium-lead environment was analyzed by exposing samples of niobium and 10CrMo9-10 (A335 P22) to a flow of the eutectic alloy at 500 °C up to 4000 h. Finally, the PAV mock-up was installed in the TRIEX-II facility

    Effects of build orientation and element partitioning on microstructure and mechanical properties of biomedical Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by laser sintering

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    Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology was used to produce tensile and flexural samples based on the Ti-6Al-4V biomedical composition. Tensile samples were produced in three different orientations in order to investigate the effect of building direction on the mechanical behavior. On the other hand, flexural samples were submitted to thermal treatments to simulate the firing cycle commonly used to veneer metallic devices with ceramics in dental applications. Roughness and hardness measurements as well as tensile and flexural mechanical tests were performed to study the mechanical response of the alloy while X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, STEM) techniques and microanalysis (EDX) were used to investigate sample microstructure. Results evidenced a difference in the mechanical response of tensile samples built in orthogonal directions. In terms of microstructure, samples not submitted to the firing cycle show a single phase acicular α’ (hcp) structure typical of metal parts subject to high cooling rates. After the firing cycle, samples show a reduction of hardness and strength due to the formation of laths of the β (bcc) phase at the boundaries of the primary formed α’ plates as well as to lattice parameters variation of the hcp phase. Element partitioning during the firing cycle gives rise to high concentration of V atoms (up to 20 wt%) at the plate boundaries where the β phase preferentially forms