7 research outputs found

    Brain-wide mapping of axonal connections: Workflow for automated detection and spatial analysis of labeling in microscopic sections

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    Axonal tracing techniques are powerful tools for exploring the structural organization of neuronal connections. Tracers such as biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) and Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (Pha-L) allow brain-wide mapping of connections through analysis of large series of histological section images. We present a workflow for efficient collection and analysis of tract-tracing datasets with a focus on newly developed modules for image processing and assignment of anatomical location to tracing data. New functionality includes automatic detection of neuronal labeling in large image series, alignment of images to a volumetric brain atlas, and analytical tools for measuring the position and extent of labeling. To evaluate the workflow, we used high-resolution microscopic images from axonal tracing experiments in which different parts of the rat primary somatosensory cortex had been injected with BDA or Pha-L. Parameters from a set of representative images were used to automate detection of labeling in image series covering the entire brain, resulting in binary maps of the distribution of labeling. For high to medium labeling densities, automatic detection was found to provide reliable results when compared to manual analysis, whereas weak labeling required manual curation for optimal detection. To identify brain regions corresponding to labeled areas, section images were aligned to the Waxholm Space (WHS) atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain (v2) by custom-angle slicing of the MRI template to match individual sections. Based on the alignment, WHS coordinates were obtained for labeled elements and transformed to stereotaxic coordinates. The new workflow modules increase the efficiency and reliability of labeling detection in large series of images from histological sections, and enable anchoring to anatomical atlases for further spatial analysis and comparison with other data

    Spatial registration of serial microscopic brain images to three-dimensional reference atlases with the QuickNII tool

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    Modern high throughput brain wide profiling techniques for cells and their morphology, connectivity, and other properties, make the use of reference atlases with 3D coordinate frameworks essential. However, anatomical location of observations made in microscopic sectional images from rodent brains is typically determined by comparison with 2D anatomical reference atlases. A major challenge in this regard is that microscopic sections often are cut with orientations deviating from the standard planes used in the reference atlases, resulting in inaccuracies and a need for tedious correction steps. Overall, efficient tools for registration of large series of section images to reference atlases are currently not widely available. Here we present QuickNII, a stand-alone software tool for semi-automated affine spatial registration of sectional image data to a 3D reference atlas coordinate framework. A key feature in the tool is the capability to generate user defined cut planes through the reference atlas, matching the orientation of the cut plane of the sectional image data. The reference atlas is transformed to match anatomical landmarks in the corresponding experimental images. In this way, the spatial relationship between experimental image and atlas is defined, without introducing distortions in the original experimental images. Following anchoring of a limited number of sections containing key landmarks, transformations are propagated across the entire series of sectional images to reduce the amount of manual steps required. By having coordinates assigned to the experimental images, further analysis of the distribution of features extracted from the images is greatly facilitated

    Spatial registration of serial microscopic brain images to three-dimensional reference atlases with the QuickNII tool

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    Modern high throughput brain wide profiling techniques for cells and their morphology, connectivity, and other properties, make the use of reference atlases with 3D coordinate frameworks essential. However, anatomical location of observations made in microscopic sectional images from rodent brains is typically determined by comparison with 2D anatomical reference atlases. A major challenge in this regard is that microscopic sections often are cut with orientations deviating from the standard planes used in the reference atlases, resulting in inaccuracies and a need for tedious correction steps. Overall, efficient tools for registration of large series of section images to reference atlases are currently not widely available. Here we present QuickNII, a stand-alone software tool for semi-automated affine spatial registration of sectional image data to a 3D reference atlas coordinate framework. A key feature in the tool is the capability to generate user defined cut planes through the reference atlas, matching the orientation of the cut plane of the sectional image data. The reference atlas is transformed to match anatomical landmarks in the corresponding experimental images. In this way, the spatial relationship between experimental image and atlas is defined, without introducing distortions in the original experimental images. Following anchoring of a limited number of sections containing key landmarks, transformations are propagated across the entire series of sectional images to reduce the amount of manual steps required. By having coordinates assigned to the experimental images, further analysis of the distribution of features extracted from the images is greatly facilitated