9 research outputs found

    Exploratory study on risk management in open innovation

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    Open innovation is a strategy with increasing adoption by value-seeking companies using or sharing technology with the outside world. But this strategy is also accompanied by risk. However, risk management seems to have been overlooked by researchers on open innovation networks. This exploratory work clarifies to what extent the issue of risk has been considered in open innovation research. Presented results are based on interviews and analysis of existing literature on open innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SaĂşde, fatores sociais e suporte social dos idosos

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    É com grande gosto e redobrado interesse que aceitei o convite para comentar os aspetos relativos aos recursos sociais deste estudo denominado “Os muito idosos: estudo do envelhecimento em Coimbra avaliação integral do indivíduo integrado no seu meio”. Este convite é também uma oportunidade excelente para me familiarizar com os resultados do instrumento de recolha de dados (OARS) que estamos a aplicar no distrito de Bragança, no âmbito do compromisso Be Home Be Happy – Observatory for the Quality of Life of the Elderly Living in the Community, que integra a parceria europeia Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA). Os dados apresentados e o comentário aos mesmos incluídos no relatório do projeto são precisos e claros e ilustram bem as circunstâncias de vida dos idosos no nosso país na atualidade. Não é necessário repeti-los. Em vez disso, no meu comentário, darei realce os aspetos que considero mais relevantes dos resultados em “contraluz” com algumas daquelas que são as minhas principais preocupações com o sistema de suporte social dos idosos no nosso país, designadamente a situação demográfica e a capacidade de resposta dos sistemas formais e informais de apoio aos idosos. Antes nos pontos 1, 2 e 3 desenvolverei o quadro de análise teórico que, julgo, poderá potenciar a pertinência e relevância dos dados do estudo. O ponto 4 é dedicado ao meu comentário aos dados do estudo agora apresentado e o ponto 5 a apresentação de algumas sugestões para a intervenção na prática.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Identifying and categorizing risks of new product development in a small technology-driven company

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    New product development (NPD), as a locus of the innovative potential of organizations, plays an essential role in small technology-driven company survival. To address the research gap and fulfill the companies’ needs, this survey aims to post and verify a new, simple and not time-consuming methodology for risk identification and categorization of industrial products development. To check the hypothesis that NPD project technical, cost and schedule sets of risks could be categorized as both threats and opportunities, an experiment was conducted in a small Serbian enterprise that has developed 52 innovative solid state based lighting products for outdoor lighting infrastructure. There were 69 identified risks (51 threats and 18 opportunities) that through 76 factors influence new products’ technical characteristics, schedule and cost. Explorative factor analysis was applied to reduce and compress the data and 26 composite factors were obtained as valid predictors of the NPD project results. Regarding the technical characteristics risks, the threats can be grouped into four factors consisting of six risk types, while opportunities can be grouped into two factors consisting of four risk categories. The risks influencing the schedule disturbance that act as threats are grouped into eight factors consisting of ten risk types, while those that could be used in opportunities are grouped in four factors with eight risks identified. The risks influencing the costs that threaten the project are recognized as five factors described by seven risks, while those that act as opportunities are grouped into three factors described by five variables in total