4,985 research outputs found

    One-time treatment for incidental vocabulary learning: Call for discontinuation

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    Incidental vocabulary learning has attracted a great deal of attention in ELT research. However, it is important that teacher and researcher exploitation of vocabulary developments be guided by more than replication of previous research designs. For conclusions based on empirical research to be valid, it is important to be clear about exactly what any data being gathered pertains to. While Karakas & Saricoban (2012) claim to have presented a solid piece of research on the effects of subtitled cartoons on incidental vocabulary learning, in practice it is not so. It is argued that the research design validity resulted in questionable results having little relevance to genuine incidental vocabulary learning

    From Studying to Teach to Learning to Teach: A Self-assessment Approach in Mentoring Primary Student Teachers

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    ABSTRACT: In an attempt to throw some light on the issues of mentoring student teachers, this article reports on a small-scale investigation carried out in a state-owned school, following an encouraged self-assessment and evaluation approach to help a primary student teacher to more easily move on from acting like a teacher to thinking like a teacher during the teaching practice. It offers some insights based on the analysis of the student teacher's reflections and self-evaluation in her teaching practice diary. Implications are drawn about the importance of self-evaluation and self-assessment in initial teacher education. РЕЗЮМЕ: В опит да се хвърли малко светлина по въпроса за наставничеството на стажант-учителите, тази статия представя едно проучване, проведено в държавно училище, следвайки самооценъчен подход по време на учебната практика, който да помогне на стажант-учителите по-лесно да преминат от "играта" на учител към мисленето на учител. Статията предлага коментар, базиран на анализа на размислите и самооценката в дневник на учебната практика на един студент. Направени са изводи за важността на самооценката в обучението на стажант-учителите. RESUME: Cet article, dans une tentative d’éclaircir dans une certaine mesure la question du monitoring des instituteurs-stagiaires, présente une étude, réalisée dans une école d’Etat, en suivant une démarche d’autoévaluation lors de la pratique éducative qui puisse aider les instituteurs-stagiaires de passer plus facilement du “jeu” d’enseignant à la manière de penser des enseignants. L’article offre un commentaire, basé sur l’analyse des réflexions et de l’autoévaluation dans un registre de la pratique éducative d’un étudiant. Des conclusions sont faites sur l’utilité de l’autoévaluation dans la formation des instituteurs-stagiaires