29 research outputs found


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    The investigation of spatial variability of soil water retention capacity and depth is essential for a correct and economical planning of water supply of a vineyard. The advantage of measuring soil electrical properties by proximal sensors is the ability to operate with mobile and non-destructive tools, quicker than the traditional soil survey. A.R.P. (Automatic Resistivity Profiling) is a mobile soil electrical resistivity (ER) mapping system conceived by Geocarta (Paris, France), and it is comprised by a couple of transmitter sprocket-wheels, which inject current within the soil, and three couples of receiver sprocket-wheels, which measure the voltage-drop at three different depths, about 0-50, 0-100 and 0-170 cm. Ten vineyards of “Villa Albius” farm in Sicily region (southern Italy) were chosen to carry out the A.R.P. survey, for a overall surface of 45 hectares. The vineyards were located in a wide Plio-Pleistocene marine terrace, characterized by a few meters level of calcarenite, overlying partially cemented by calcium carbonate yellow sands. During the A.R.P. survey, 12 boreholes were described and sampled for the laboratory analysis and other 6 boreholes were carried out to validade the map. All soils showed a calcic horizon (Bk, BCk or Ck) with the upper limit at variable depths. The depth of calcic horizon (Dk) of each boreholes resulted significantly correlated to ER, especially with the ER0-100 (R2 = 0.83). Dk map was interpolated using the regression kriging and validated by the boreholes (R2 = 0.71) and with a NDVI map of the same vintage (R2 = 0.95)

    Incorporating field wind data to improve crop evapotranspiration parameterization in heterogeneous regions

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    Accurate parameterization of reference evapotranspiration ( ET0) is necessary for optimizing irrigation scheduling and avoiding costs associated with over-irrigation (water expense, loss of water productivity, energy costs, and pollution) or with under-irrigation (crop stress and suboptimal yields or quality). ET0 is often estimated using the FAO-56 method with meteorological data gathered over a reference surface, usually short grass. However, the density of suitable ET0 stations is often low relative to the microclimatic variability of many arid and semi-arid regions, leading to a potentially inaccurate ET0 for irrigation scheduling. In this study, we investigated multiple ET0 products from six meteorological stations, a satellite ET0 product, and integration (merger) of two stations’ data in Southern California, USA. We evaluated ET0 against lysimetric ET observations from two lysimeter systems (weighing and volumetric) and two crops (wine grapes and Jerusalem artichoke) by calculating crop ET ( ETc) using crop coefficients for the lysimetric crops with the different ET0. ETc calculated with ET0 products that incorporated field-specific wind speed had closer agreement with lysimetric ET, with RMSE reduced by 36 and 45% for grape and Jerusalem artichoke, respectively, with on-field anemometer data compared to wind data from the nearest station. The results indicate the potential importance of on-site meteorological sensors for ET0 parameterization; particularly where microclimates are highly variable and/or irrigation water is expensive or scarce

    Electrical resistivity tomography to delineate greenhouse soil variability

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    Appropriate management of soil spatial variability is an important tool for optimizing farming inputs, with the result of yield increase and reduction of the environmental impact in field crops. Under greenhouses, several factors such as non-uniform irrigation and localized soil compaction can severely affect yield and quality. Additionally, if soil spatial variability is not taken into account, yield deficiencies are often compensated by extra-volumes of crop inputs; as a result, over-irrigation and overfertilization in some parts of the field may occur. Technology for spatially sound management of greenhouse crops is therefore needed to increase yield and quality and to address sustainability. In this experiment, 2D-electrical resistivity tomography was used as an exploratory tool to characterize greenhouse soil variability and its relations to wild rocket yield. Soil resistivity well matched biomass variation (R2=0.70), and was linked to differences in soil bulk density (R2=0.90), and clay content (R2=0.77). Electrical resistivity tomography shows a great potential in horticulture where there is a growing demand of sustainability coupled with the necessity of stabilizing yield and product quality

    Electrical resistivity tomography to delineate greenhouse soil variability

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    Appropriate management of soil spatial variability is an important tool for optimizing farming inputs, with the result of yield increase and reduction of the environmentalimpact of field crops. Under greenhouses, several factors such as non-uniform irrigation and localized soil compaction can severely affect yield and quality. Also, iIf soil spatial variability is not taken into account,and yield deficienciesy are often compensated by extra-volumes of crop inputs; as a result,, over-irrigation and over-fertilization in some parts of the field may occur. Technology for spatially-sound management of greenhouse crops is therefore needed to increase yield and quality and to address sustainability. In this experiment 2D-Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was used as an exploratory tool to characterize greenhouse soil variability and its relations to wild rocket yield. Soil resistivity well matched biomass variation (R2=0.70), and was linked to differences in soil bulk density (R2=0.90) and clay content (R2=0.77). ERT shows a great potential in horticulture where there is a growing demand of sustainability coupled with the necessity of stabilizing yield and product qualit

    Multi-electrode resistivity imaging

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    Multi-electrode soil imaging is a promisingway to investigate root systems by visualizing the distribution of soil volumes with different root densities, based on relationships between root biomass (RD) and electrical resistivity (ρ) of soils. Its most distinctive features are spatial coverage, rapidity, and minimum disturbance. Spatial patterns and frequency of ρ match those of RD, but calibration is needed and small RD values may not be clearly discriminated in soils with large ρ or variability in other features. Therefore it has been envisaged as: A nondestructive method for spatial quantification in two and three-dimensions A basis for spatially sound sampling A support for differential soil management Available data indicate that a definite response is not found for roots <2 mm and data sets are positively skewed. Statistical procedures to handle deviations from normality with the advantage of simplicity are discussed, as well as field of application, advantages, drawbacks, and future needs

    Electrical resistivity tomography to delineate greenhouse soil variability

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    Appropriate management of soil spatial variability is an important tool for optimizing farming inputs, with the result of yield increase and reduction of the environmentalimpact of field crops. Under greenhouses, several factors such as non-uniform irrigation and localized soil compaction can severely affect yield and quality. Also, iIf soil spatial variability is not taken into account,and yield deficienciesy are often compensated by extra-volumes of crop inputs; as a result,, over-irrigation and over-fertilization in some parts of the field may occur. Technology for spatially-sound management of greenhouse crops is therefore needed to increase yield and quality and to address sustainability. In this experiment 2D-Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was used as an exploratory tool to characterize greenhouse soil variability and its relations to wild rocket yield. Soil resistivity well matched biomass variation (R2=0.70), and was linked to differences in soil bulk density (R2=0.90) and clay content (R2=0.77). ERT shows a great potential in horticulture where there is a growing demand of sustainability coupled with the necessity of stabilizing yield and product qualit