38 research outputs found

    Environmentally relevant concentrations of 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) interfere with the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I system in developing bony fish

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether effects of environmental estrogens on fish growth and reproduction may be mediated via modulating the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) system. To this end, developing male and female monosex populations of tilapia were exposed to 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) at 5 and 25 ng EE2/l water from 10-day postfertilization (DPF) until 100 DPF. Under exposure to both EE2 concentrations, sex ratio shifted toward more females and body length, and weight were significantly reduced in males. The growth-reducing effect was associated with significant changes in hepatic IGF-I expression, both in males and females and with significant alterations of IGF-I mRNA and GH mRNA in the brain. The changes in IGF-I and GH mRNA were accompanied by altered estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) expression in brain and liver. These findings point to an influence of estrogenic exposure on the endocrine GH/IGF-I axis. In addition, the EE2 treatment resulted in significant changes of ERalpha and IGF-I expression in ovaries and testis, suggesting that the estrogens interact not only with the endocrine but also with the autocrine/paracrine part of the IGF-I system. Overall, our results provide evidence that EE2 at environmentally relevant concentrations is able to interfere with the GH/IGF-I system in bony fish and that the impairing effects of estrogens reported on fish growth and reproductive functions may rather result from a cross talk between the sex steroid and the IGF-I system than be toxicological

    Egg size-dependent expression of growth hormone receptor accompanies compensatory growth in fish

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    Large egg size usually boosts offspring survival, but mothers have to trade off egg size against egg number. Therefore, females often produce smaller eggs when environmental conditions for offspring are favourable, which is subsequently compensated for by accelerated juvenile growth. How this rapid growth is modulated on a molecular level is still unclear. As the somatotropic axis is a key regulator of early growth in vertebrates, we investigated the effect of egg size on three key genes belonging to this axis, at different ontogenetic stages in a mouthbrooding cichlid (Simochromis pleurospilus). The expression levels of one of them, the growth hormone receptor (GHR), were significantly higher in large than in small eggs, but remarkably, this pattern was reversed after hatching: young originating from small eggs had significantly higher GHR expression levels as yolk sac larvae and as juveniles. GHR expression in yolk sac larvae was positively correlated with juvenile growth rate and correspondingly fish originating from small eggs grew faster. This enabled them to catch up fully in size within eight weeks with conspecifics from larger eggs. This is the first evidence for a potential link between egg size, an important maternal effect, and offspring gene expression, which mediates an adaptive adjustment in a relevant hormonal axis

    Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis during development of male and female tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus

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    IGF-I plays a crucial role in the regulation of bony fish growth, differentiation, and reproduction. The major source of circulating IGF-I is liver, but IGF-I-producing cells also occur in other organs. Our knowledge on the presence of IGF-I in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is limited. Thus, hypothalamus, pituitary and gonads of monosex breedings of male and female tilapia from 0 day post fertilization (DPF) to adulthood were investigated for the occurrence of IGF-I mRNA by in situ hybridization. In the male and female gonad anlage, IGF-I mRNA appeared in somatic cells at 7 DPF In female germ cells IGF-I mRNA was found at 29 DPF, and in male germ cells at 51-53 DPF suggesting that the production of IGF-I in the germ cells is linked to the onset of meiosis. In the neurohypophysis, axons containing IGF-I-immunoreactivity appeared around 17 DPF but no IGF-I mRNA was detected suggesting that IGF-I mRNA containing neuronal perikarya within the hypothalamus are the source. In the adenopituitary, IGF-I mRNA was first detected at 30 DPF in some cells of the ACTH, [alpha]-MSH and GH regions and persisted throughout life constitutively in ACTH and [alpha]-MSH cells but its presence in GH cells showed marked inter-individual differences in later life, the latter likely due to the physiological status of the individual. Around 30 DPF, IGF-I mRNA appeared in cells in the gonadotropin (GTH) regions of the female and at 50 DPF of the male pituitary. During puberty (around 80 DPF), the expression of IGF-I mRNA in GTH cells was most pronounced in both sexes. It is assumed that IGF-I released from the GTH cells acts as auto/paracrine regulator of cell proliferation and enhances GTH synthesis and release during puberty and reproductive phases. (Résumé d'auteur

    Insulin-like growth factor-3 (IGF-3) in male and female gonads of the tilapia: Development and regulation of gene expression by growth hormone (GH) and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2)

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    Recently, in addition to IGF-1 and IGF-2 the existence of a third form of IGF, termed IGF-3, limited to fishes, to be present only in the gonads and encoded by a separate gene has been reported. However, no further data have been presented on IGF-3. The present study on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) uses quantitative real-time PCR specific for tilapia IGF-1 and IGF-3. The organ distribution of IGF-3 mRNA in adult fish and the early ontogeny of IGF-3 in male and female gonads were studied. The potential sensitivity of IGF-3 to GH was revealed by intraperitoneal injections of bream GH using IGF-1 as control gene. The effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) exerted after feeding of high EE2 doses and exposure to low environmentally relevant EE2 doses on IGF-3 expression in testis and ovary during early development were determined. Low IGF-3 mRNA expression levels were detected in most organs studied, with the highest extra-gonadal amount in the pituitary. During development, the IGF-3 gene was significantly upregulated in male but downregulated in female gonad. Injections of GH elevated IGF-1 mRNA in male and female liver and ovary. IGF-3 did not respond to GH treatment neither in ovary nor in testis. Both EE2 treatments resulted in significant downregulations of IGF-3 mRNA in testis while ovarian IGF-3 mRNA did not respond. Thus, IGF-3 may be involved in reproduction of fishes most likely in the male gonad only. Whether IGF-3 also has some physiological significance in ovary or other organs should be the topic of further studies

    Growth hormone (GH) treatment acts on the endocrine and autocrine/paracrine GH/IGF-axis and on TNF-α expression in bony fish pituitary and immune organs

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    There exist indications that the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis may play a role in fish immune regulation, and that interactions occur via tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α at least in mammals, but no systematic data exist on potential changes in GH, IGF-I, IGF-II, GH receptor (GHR) and TNF-α expression after GH treatment. Thus, we investigated in the Nile tilapia the influence of GH injections by real-time qPCR at different levels of the GH/IGF-axis (brain, pituitary, peripheral organs) with special emphasis on the immune organs head kidney and spleen. Endocrine IGF-I served as positive control for GH treatment efficiency. Basal TNF-α gene expression was detected in all organs investigated with the expression being most pronounced in brain. Two consecutive intraperitoneal injections of bream GH elevated liver IGF-I mRNA and plasma IGF-I concentration. Also liver IGF-II mRNA and TNF-α were increased while the GHR was downregulated. In brain, no change occurred in the expression levels of all genes investigated. GH gene expression was exclusively detected in the pituitary where the GH injections elevated both GH and IGF-I gene expression. In the head kidney, GH upregulated IGF-I mRNA to an even higher extent than liver IGF-I while IGF-II and GHR gene expressions were not affected. Also in the spleen, no change occurred in GHR mRNA, however, IGF-I and IGF-II mRNAs were increased. In correlation, in situ hybridisation showed a markedly higher amount of IGF-I mRNA in head kidney and spleen after GH injection. In both immune tissues, TNF-α gene expression showed a trend to decrease after GH treatment. The stimulation of IGF-I and also partially of IGF-II expression in the fish immune organs by GH indicates a local role of the IGFs in immune organ regulation while the differential changes in TNF-α support the in mammals postulated interactions with the GH/IGF-axis which demand for further investigations

    Establishment of a real-time RT-PCR for the determination of absolute amounts of IGF-I and IGF-II gene expression in liver and extrahepatic sites of the tilapia

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    We developed a one-tube two-temperature real-time RT-PCR that allows to absolutely quantify the gene expression of hormones using the standard curve method. As our research focuses on the expression of the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in bony fish, we established the technique for IGF-I and IGF-II using the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as model species. As approach, we used primer extension adding a T7 phage polymerase promoter (21 nt) to the 5' end of the antisense primers. This procedure avoids the disadvantages arising from plasmids. Total RNA extracted from liver was subjected to conventional RT-PCR to create templates for in vitro transcription of IGF-I and IGF-II cRNA. Correct template sizes including the T7 promoter were verified (IGF-I: 91 nt; IGF-II: 94 nt). The PCR products were used to create IGF-I and IGF-II cRNAs which were quantified in dot blot by comparison with defined amounts of standardised kanamycin mRNA. Standardised threshold cycle (Ct) values for IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA were achieved by real-time RT-PCR and used to create standard curves. To allow sample normalisation the standard curve was also established for beta-actin as internal calibrator (template: 86 nt), and validation experiments were performed demonstrating similar amplification efficiencies for target and reference genes. Based on the standard curves, the absolute amounts of IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA were determined for liver (IGF-I: 8.90+/-1.90 pg/microg total RNA, IGF-II: 3.59+/-0.98 pg/microg total RNA) and extrahepatic sites, such as heart, kidney, intestine, spleen, gills, gonad, and brain considering the different lengths of cRNAs and mRNAs by correction factors. The reliability of the method was confirmed in additional experiments. The amplification of descending dilutions of cRNA and total liver RNA resulted in parallel slopes of the amplification curves. Furthermore, amplification plots of the standard cRNA and the IGF-I and IGF-II mRNAs showed signals starting at the expected Ct values. Thus, the one-tube RT-PCR described here is highly sensitive (detection level approximately 2 pg/microg total RNA) and allows precise absolute quantification. The method is rapid as there are neither separate reverse transcriptions nor post-amplification steps, and can be executed with low risk of contamination. Therefore, it will be helpful when investigating gene expression in any species and tissue whenever absolute levels are of concern

    Challenge with 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) during early development persistently impairs growth, differentiation, and local expression of IGF-I and IGF-II in immune organs of tilapia

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    The enormous expansion of world-wide aquaculture has led to increasing interest in the regulation of fish immune system. Estrogen has recently been shown to inhibit the endocrine (liver-derived) and autocrine/paracrine local insulin-like growth factor-I system in fish. In order to address the potential actions of estrogen on the IGF system in immune organs, tilapia were fed with 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2)-enriched food from 10 to 40 days post fertilization (DPF) to induce functional feminization, an approach commonly used in aquaculture. EE2-treated and control fish were sampled at 75 and 165 DPF. The expression levels of ER-alpha, IGF-I, IGF-II and growth hormone receptor (GH-R) mRNA in spleen and head kidney were determined by real-time PCR and the expressing sites of IGF-I mRNA identified by in situ hybridisation. Ratios of spleen length and weight to body length and weight were determined. At 165 DPF, the length (4.9% vs. 7.6%) and weight (0.084% vs. 0.132%) ratios were significantly lowered in EE2-treated fish and number and size of the melanomacrophage centres were considerably reduced. At 75 DPF, both in spleen and head kidney of EE2-treated fish the expression levels of IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA were markedly diminished. The suppression was more pronounced for IGF-I (spleen: -12.071-fold; head kidney: -8.413-fold) than for IGF-II (spleen: -4.102-fold; head kidney: -1.342-fold). In agreement, clearly fewer leucocytes and macrophages in head kidney and spleen of EE2-treated fish contained IGF-I mRNA as shown by in situ hybridisation. ER-alpha mRNA expression in spleen was increased at 75 DPF but unchanged in head kidney. GH-R gene expression showed a mild upregulation at 165 DPF in both tissues. Thus, exposure to EE2 during early development affected distinctly the IGF system in tilapia immune organs. It led to lasting impairment of spleen growth and differentiation that can be attributed to an interaction of EE2 with IGF-I and, less pronouncedly, IGF-II. Especially, the impairment of spleen and melanomacrophage centres might interfere with the antigen presentation capacity of the immune system and, thus, alter susceptibility to infection

    Organ-specific expression of IGF-I during early development of bony fish as revealed in the tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry: indication for the particular importance of local IGF-I

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    The cellular sites of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) synthesis in the early developing tilapia (0-140 days post fertilization, DPF) were investigated. IGF-I mRNA and peptide appeared in liver as early as 4 DPF and in gastro-intestinal epithelial cells between 5-9 DPF. In exocrine pancreas, the expression of IGF-I started at 4 DPF and continued until 90 DPF. IGF-I production was detected in islets at 6 DPF in non-insulin cells and occurred throughout life. In renal tubules and ducts, IGF-I production started at 8 DPF. IGF-I production in chondrocytes had its onset at 4 DPF, was more pronounced in growing regions and was also found in adults. IGF-I mRNA and peptide appeared in the cytoplasm of skeletal muscle cells at 4 DPF. In gill chloride cells, IGF-I production started at 6 DPF. At 13 DPF, IGF-I was detected in cardiac myocytes. IGF-I-producing epidermal cells appeared at 5 DPF. In brain and ganglia, IGF-I was expressed in virtually all neurones from 6 to 29 DPF, their number decreasing with age. Neurosecretory IGF-I-immunoreactive axons were first seen in the neurohypophysis around 17 DPF. Endocrine cells of the adenohypophysis exhibited IGF-I mRNA at 28 DPF and IGF-I immunoreactivity at 40 DPF. Thus, IGF-I appeared early (4-5 DPF), first in liver, the main source of endocrine IGF-I, and then in organs involved in growth or metabolism. The expression of IGF-I was more pronounced during development than in juvenile and adult life. Local IGF-I therefore seems to have a high functional impact in early growth, metabolism and organogenesis