169 research outputs found

    Use of polyethylene glycol coatings for optical fibre humidity sensing

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    Humidity induced change in the refractive index and thickness of the polyethylene glycol (PEG) coatings are in situ investigated for a range from 10 to 95%, using an optical waveguide spectroscopic technique. It is experimentally demonstrated that, upon humidity change, the optical and swelling characteristics of the PEG coatings can be employed to build a plastic fibre optic humidity sensor. The sensing mechanism is based on the humidity induced change in the refractive index of the PEG film, which is directly coated onto a polished segment of a plastic optical fibre with dip-coating method. It is observed that PEG, which is a highly hydrophilic material, shows no monotonic linear response to humidity but gives different characteristics for various ranges of humidity levels both in index of refraction and in thickness. It undergoes a physical phase change from a semi-crystal line structure to a gel one at around 80% relative humidity. At this phase change point, a drastic decrease occurs in the index of refraction as well as a drastic increase in the swelling of the PEG film. In addition, PEG coatings are hydrogenated in a vacuum chamber. It is observed that the hydrogen has a preventing effect on the humidity induced phase change in PEG coatings. Finally, the possibility of using PEG coatings in construction of a real plastic fibre optic humidity sensor is discussed. (C) 2008 The Optical Society of Japan

    Hybrid EEFIT mission to february 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence

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    The southwestern part of Türkiye was hit on 6 February 2023 by an Mw 7.8 (epicentre:Pazarcık) and then an Mw 7.5 earthquake (epicentre: Elbistan). The event was followed by tensof thousands of aftershocks including the Mw 6.3 event on 20 February (epicentre: Uzunbağ).This paper reports on the preliminary findings of the mission organised by the UK’s EarthquakeEngineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) to the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake sequence ofFebruary 2023. This mission followed a hybrid model, combining field and remote investigationtechniques, to investigate the characteristics of the earthquake sequence, its impact on buildingsand infrastructure, as well as the efficacy of relief, response and recovery operations. The keymessages include that the building stock is hard to categorise which brings along difficulties withdamage assessment, that the recovery and reconstruction require multi-sectoral engagement ofkey stakeholders, and that the auditing and quality control mechanisms within the constructionindustry need revisiting in the way forward for better disaster resilience in Türkiye

    Effect of fenofibrate on microcirculation and wound healing in healthy and diabetic mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>Disturbances in wound healing in patients with hyperglycaemic blood sugar values are a common clinical problem. Recent studies identified PPARα-ligands as potential skin therapeutic agents. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of oral fenofibrate treatment on dermal wound healing and micro-circulatory parameters in diabetic mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Dermal wounds were created in CD-1 mice. Mice were randomized into four treatment groups: diabetic mice treated (dbf) or not-treated with fenofibrate (dbnf). As controls served non-diabetic mice treated (ndf) or not-treated with fenofibrate (ndnf). At various points in time microcirculation was analyzed by intravital fluorescent microscopy to determine wound surface area, vessel diameter, plasma leakage, functional capillary density, and leukocyte/endothelium interaction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The dbf-mice showed a significantly increased diameter of the venules and the arterioles up to 3 days after wound creation compared to dbnf-mice. However, wound healing was not improved in dbf-compared to dbnf-mice. Surprisingly, all microcirculatory parameter (vessel diameter, plasma leakage and functional capillary density) were not deteriorated in dbnf-compared to ndnf-mice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We confirm that high blood sugar values lead to a delayed wound healing, but this could not traced back to altered microcirculatory patterns. Furthermore, in dbf-mice an improved vasodilatatory function of small vessels could be detected, but with no substantial effect on wound healing. Further studies are needed to clarify, if topical application of fenofibrate might be beneficial.</p

    Crop Updates 2000 - Pulses

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    This session covers fifty nine papers from different authors: 1.1999 PULSE INDUSTRY HIGHLIGHTS 2. CONTRIBUTORS 3. BACKGROUND 4. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS RESULTS 5. 1999 REGIONAL ROUNDUP 6. Northern Agricultural Region, W. O’Neill, AGWEST 7. Central Agricultural Region J. Russell and R.J. French AGWEST 8. Great Southern and Lakes N. Brandon, C. Gaskin and N. Runciman, AGWEST 9. Esperance Mallee M. Seymour, AGWEST PULSE PRODUCTION AGRONOMY AND GENETIC IMPROVEMENT 10. Faba Bean 11. Desi chickpea Traits associated with drought resistance in chickpea, J. Berger, N.C. Turner, CLIMA and CSIRO Plant Industry, R.J. French, AGWEST, R. Carpenter, C. Ludwig and R. Kenney, CSIRO Plant Industry 12. Genotype x environment analysis of chickpea adaptation, J. Berger and N. Turner, CLIMA and CSIRO Plant Industry, and K.H.M. Siddique, AGWEST 13. Carbon fixation by chickpea pods under terminal drought, Q. Ma, CLIMA, M.H. Behboudian, Massey University, New Zealand, N.C. Turner and J.A. Palta, CLIMA, and CSIRO Plant Industry 14. Influence of terminal drought on growth and seed quality, M.H. Behboudian, Massey University, New Zealand, Q. Ma, CLIMA, N.C. Turner and J.A. Palta, CSIRO Plant Industry 15. Resistance to chilling at flowering and to budworm, H. Clarke, CLIMA Chickpea nodulation survey, J. Stott and J. Howieson, Centre for Rhizobium Studies, Murdoch University 16. Kabuli chickpea 17. Premium quality kabuli chickpea development in the ORIA, K.H.M. Siddique CLIMA and AGWEST, K.L. Regan, AGWEST, R. Shackles, AGWEST 18. International screening for Ascochyta blight resistance, K.H.M. Siddique CLIMA and AGWEST, C. Francis, CLIMA, K.L. Regan, AGWEST, N. Acikgoz and N. Atikyilmaz, AARI, Turkey and R.S. Malholtra, ICARDA, Syria 19. Agronomic evaluation of Ascochyta resistant kabuli germplasm in WA, K.H.M. Siddique CLIMA and AGWESTC. Francis, CLIMA, K.L. Regan and M. Baker, AGWEST 20. Field Pea 21. Lentil 22. ACIAR project J. Clements, K.H.M. Siddique CLIMA and AGWEST and C. Francis CLIMA 23. Vetch 24. Rust, M. Seymour, AGWEST 25. Narbon bean 26. Agronomy, M. Seymour, AGWEST 27. Lupinus species 28. Screening lupins for tolerance to alkaline/calcareous soils, C. Tang, CLIMA andUniversity of WAand J.D. Brand, WAITE, University of Adelaide 29. Lathyrus development, C. Hanbury and K.H.M. Siddique, CLIMA and AGWEST 30. Sheep feeding studies, C. White, CSIRO, Perth, C. Hanbury, CLIMA and K.H.M. Siddique, CLIMA and AGWEST 31. Lathyrus: a potential new ingredient in pig diets, B.P. Mullan, C.D. Hanbury and K.H.M. Siddique, AGWEST 32. Species comparison 33. Species for horticultural rotations, K.H.M. Siddique, AGWEST, R. Lancaster and I. Guthridge AGWEST 34. Marrow fat field pea shows promise in the southwest, K.H.M. Siddique, AGWEST, N. Runciman, AGWEST, and I. Pritchard, AGWEST, 35. Pulses on grey clay soils, P. Fisher, M. Braimbridge, J. Bignell, N. Brandon, R. Beermier, W. Bowden, AGWEST 36. Nutrient management of pulses 37. Summary of pulse nutrition studies in WA, M.D.A. Bolland, K.H.M. Siddique, G.P. Riethmuller, and R.F. Brennan, AGWEST 38. Pulse species response to phosphorus and zinc, S. Lawrence, Zed Rengel, University of WA, S.P. Loss, CSBP futurefarm, M.D.A. Bolland, .H.M. Siddique, W. Bowden, AGWEST 39. Gypsum 40. Antitranspirants seed priming DEMONSTRATION OF PULSES IN THE FARMING SYSTEM 41. Foliar and soil applied nutrients for field peas in the south coast mallee,M. Seymour, AGWEST, and P. Vedeniapine, Phosyn Ltd 42. Demonstration of pulse species at Kendenup, C. Kirkwood, Farmer, Katanning, R. Beermier, N. Runciman and N. Brandon, AGWEST 43. Kabuli chickpea demonstration at Gnowangerup, R. Beermier and N. Brandon, AGWEST 44. Lathyrus sativus demonstration at Mindarabin, N. Brandon and R. Beermier, AGWEST 45. New field pea varieties in the central eastern region, J. Russell, AGWEST DISEASE AND PEST MANAGEMENT 46. Ascochyta blight of chickpea 47. Botrytis grey mould (BGM) of chickpea 48. Fungal disease diagnostics, Pulse disease diagnostics, D. Wright, AGWEST Plant Laboratories 49. Viruses in pulses, Luteovirus infection in field pea and faba bean crops, and viruses in seed, L. Latham, CLIMA and AGWEST, R. Jones, AGWEST 50. Screening of pulse species for pea seed-borne mosaic virus, L. Latham, CLIMAand AGWEST, and R. Jones, AGWEST 51. CMV in chickpea: effect of seed-borne sources on virus spread and seed yield, R. Jones, AGWEST and L. Latham, CLIMA and AGWEST 52. Insect pests 53. Evaluation of transgenic field pea against the pea weevil,M.J. de Sousa Majer, School of Environmental Biology, Curtin University of Technology,, D. Hardie, and N.C. Turner, CSIRO Division of Plant Industry 54. Development of a molecular marker for pea weevil resistance in field pea, Oonagh Byrne, CLIMA, Darryl Hardie, AGWEST and Penny Smith, UWA 55. Aphid feeding damage to faba bean and lentil crops, Françoise Berlandier, AGWEST 56. Taxonomy and control of bruchids in pulses, N. Keals, CLIMA, D. Hardie and R. Emery, AGWEST, 57. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 58. PUBLICATIONS BY PULSE PRODUCTIVITY PROJECT STAFF 59. VARIETIES PRODUCED AND COMMERCIALLY RELEASE

    Triptolide inhibits CD133+/CD44+ colon cancer stem cell growth and migration through triggering apoptosis and represses epithelial-mesenchymal transition via downregulating expressions of snail, slug, and twist

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    PubMed: 319041432-s2.0-85078035533High recurrence and metastatic behavior patterns are the most important reasons for the failure of treatment strategies in patients with colon cancer. Cancer stem cells (CSCs), which are considered root of cancer, are thought to be associated with therapy resistance, relapse, and metastasis, and, therefore, targeting CSCs rather than the bulk population may be an effective approach. In cancer studies, there is an increasing interest in close friendship between epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and CSCs. Triptolide (TPL) isolated from Chinese herb Tripterygium wilfordii has important effects on the prevention of migration and metastasis as well as cytotoxic effect against cancer cells. The potential lethal efficacy of TPL on CSCs that is highly resistant to the drug is an unsolved mystery. Fundamentally, the present study basically aims to find answers to two questions: (a) is it possible to target colon CSCs with TPL? and (b) what are the mechanisms underlying TPL's potential to eliminate CSCs? Cytotoxic effects of TPL on CSCs were evaluated by WST-1 and Muse count and viability assays. Apoptosis assay and cell-cycle analysis were performed to investigate the inhibitory effect of TPL. Moreover, the effects of TPL on spheroid formation capacity, migration, and EMT processes, which are associated with CSC phenotype, were also investigated. The results revealed that TPL triggered cell death and apoptosis and altered cell cycle distribution. Moreover, TPL significantly reduced the snail slug and twist expressions associated with EMT. TPL has been shown to be effective in colon CSCs by in vitro experiments, and it might be a highly effective agent against colon cancer has been implicated in need of supporting in vivo and clinical studies. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Damage assessment of a railway bridge using fibre optic sensing and lidar data

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    Skewed masonry arch bridges present a challenge to asset owners because their structural response under traffic loads can be hard to predict. This can be further complicated by damage such as spandrel wall separation cracks, which are common for this type of structure. For skewed masonry bridges in particular, the effect of damage on the load distribution, and therefore on the effective load carrying capacity, is not well understood. This paper presents results from a field investigation of a typical skewed masonry arch railway bridge. Both the current response to train loading and the current geometry, which has likely been affected by long-term deformations resulting from historic loading and damage, are considered. The objectives of the study are to (a) describe and quantify the current structural response, and to (b) investigate long-term deformations over the skewed bridge’s history. The current dynamic response is captured using a distributed network of fibre-optic Fibre Bragg Gratings, arranged in a novel triangular rosette implementation so that detailed time histories of principal strain directions and magnitudes can be mapped across the arch as trains travel overhead. Meanwhile, potential long-term deformation is evaluated through postprocessing of detailed laser scan data and comparison of this point cloud against assumed reference geometries to infer potential movements and mechanisms which could explain these. The methodologies described here allow for possible connections to be investigated between the current behaviour and either long-term mechanisms of deformation or recent intervention work, and for the feasibility of these connections to be commented on