328,674 research outputs found

    Conjugacy of Levi subgroups of reductive groups and a generalization to linear algebraic groups

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    We investigate Levi subgroups of a connected reductive algebraic group G, over a ground field K. We parametrize their conjugacy classes in terms of sets of simple roots and we prove that two Levi K-subgroups of G are rationally conjugate if and only if they are geometrically conjugate. These results are generalized to arbitrary connected linear algebraic K-groups. In that setting the appropriate analogue of a Levi subgroup is derived from the notion of a pseudo-parabolic subgroup

    Closed G2_2-structures on non-solvable Lie groups

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    We investigate the existence of left-invariant closed G2_2-structures on seven-dimensional non-solvable Lie groups, providing the first examples of this type. When the Lie algebra has trivial Levi decomposition, we show that such a structure exists only when the semisimple part is isomorphic to sl(2,R)\mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb{R}) and the radical is unimodular and centerless. Moreover, we classify unimodular Lie algebras with non-trivial Levi decomposition admitting closed G2_2-structures.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in Revista Matematica Complutens

    Modulo pp representations of reductive pp-adic groups: functorial properties

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    Let FF be a local field with residue characteristic pp, let CC be an algebraically closed field of characteristic pp, and let G\mathbf{G} be a connected reductive FF-group. In a previous paper, Florian Herzig and the authors classified irreducible admissible CC-representations of G=G(F)G=\mathbf{G}(F) in terms of supercuspidal representations of Levi subgroups of GG. Here, for a parabolic subgroup PP of GG with Levi subgroup MM and an irreducible admissible CC-representation τ\tau of MM, we determine the lattice of subrepresentations of IndPGτ\mathrm{Ind}_P^G \tau and we show that IndPGχτ\mathrm{Ind}_P^G \chi \tau is irreducible for a general unramified character χ\chi of MM. In the reverse direction, we compute the image by the two adjoints of IndPG\mathrm{Ind}_P^G of an irreducible admissible representation π\pi of GG. On the way, we prove that the right adjoint of IndPG\mathrm{Ind}_P^G respects admissibility, hence coincides with Emerton's ordinary part functor OrdPG\mathrm{Ord}_{\overline{P}}^G on admissible representations.Comment: 39 page

    Twisted Levi Sequences and Explicit Styles on Sp(4)

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    Let G be a connected reductive group over a field F. A twisted Levi subgroup G0 of G is a reductive subgroup such that G' [circle times]F F[over-bar] is a Levi subgroup of G' [circle times]F F[over-bar]. Twisted Levi subgroups have been an important tool in studying the structure theory of representations of p-adic groups. For example, supercuspidal representations are built out of certain representations of twisted Levi subgroups ([20]), and Hecke algebra isomorphisms are established with Hecke algebras on twisted Levi subgroups, which suggests an inductive structure of representations (see [9] for example).National Science Foundation (U.S.). Focused Research Grou