16 research outputs found

    Diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic hypothermia in hospitals : a pilot study

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    Background: An unintentional drop in core body temperature of trauma victims is associated with increased mortality. Thermoregulation is impaired in these patients, especially when treated with opioids or anesthetics. Careful thermal insulation and active warming are necessary to maintain normothermia. The aim of the study was to assess the equipment and procedures for diagnosing and managing post-traumatic hypothermia in Polish hospitals. Methods: Survey forms regarding equipment and procedures on monitoring of core temperature (Tc) and active warming were distributed to every hospital that admits trauma victims in the Holy Cross Province. Questionnaires were addressed to surgery departments, intensive care units (ICUs), and operating rooms (ORs). Results: 92% of surgery departments did not have equipment to measure core body temperature and 85% did not have equipment to rewarm patients. Every ICU had equipment to measure Tc and 83% had active warming devices. In 50% of ICUs, there were no rewarming protocols based on Tc and the initiation of rewarming was left to the physician’s discretion. In 58% of ORs, Tc was not monitored and in 33% the patients were not actively warmed. Conclusions: The majority of surveyed ICUs and ORs are adequately equipped to identify and treat hypothermia, however the criteria for initiating Tc monitoring and rewarming remain unstandardized. Surgery departments are not prepared to manage post-traumatic hypothermia

    Occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of two grapevine cultivars in response to bioproducts

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different bioproducts on the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the roots of ‘Solaris’ and ‘Regent’ grapevine cultivars. The following bioproducts were used, alone or with mineral fertilization (NPK): Ausma, Bioilsa, manure and BF Ekomix. The highest mycorrhizal frequency was recorded in the roots of ‘Solaris’ after applying the bioproduct Ausma. For the ‘Regent’ cultivar, the highest mycorrhizal frequency was found in the plants treated with Ausma, BF Ekomix and manure. Colonization of grapevine roots by AM fungi was limited bymineral fertilization. After the combined use of bioproducts and mineral fertilizers, there was observed a tendency for minimized negative effect of mineral fertilization on the formation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

    Biochar-Rhizosphere Interactions – a Review

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    Biochar is a solid material of biological origin obtained from biomass carbonization, designed as a mean to reduce greenhouse gases emis­sion and carbon sequestration in soils for a long time. Biochar has a wide spectrum of practical utilization and is applied as a promising soil improver or fertilizer in agriculture, or as a medium for soil or water remediation. Preparations of biochar increase plant growth and yielding when applied into soil and also improve plant growth conditions, mainly bio, physical and chemical properties of soil. Its physical and chemical properties have an influence on bacteria, fungi and invertebrates, both in field and laboratory conditions. Such effects on rhizosphere organisms are positive or negative depending on biochar raw material origin, charring conditions, frequency of applications, applications method and doses, but long term effects are generally positive and are associated mainly with increased soil biota activity. However, a risk assessment of biochar applications is necessary to protect food production and the soil environment. This should be accomplished by biochar production and characterization, land use implementation, economic analysis, including life cycle assessment, and environmental impact assessment


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    Minirhizotron, a non-destructive technique is based on the application of transparent tubes, located in plant’s root zone. This method has been known since the beginning of 20th century and is used for plant root’s observations, especially in forest trees (Scots pine, Norway spruce, silver fir, birch), steppe grasses, vegetables and cereals. Minirhizotron technique is also applicable to pomological plants observations, mostly apples, but many others orchard species were observed with this method last years. The study of root growth dynamics in fruit plants using the non-destructive, minirhizotron method is conducted in the Pomological Orchard in Skierniewice. The objects of the observations are the roots of: apple trees cultivar. ‘Gold Milenium’, blackcurrant bushes cultivar ‘Tiben’ and sweet cherry cultivar ‘Vanda’. The observations were carried out monthly over a period of from March to November

    Effect of Organic Cultivation on the Occurrence of Beneficial Groups of Microorganisms in the Rhizosphere Soil of Vegetable Crops

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    The article presents the results of research on the occurrence of beneficial groups of microorganisms in the rhizosphere of carrot, parsley and potato plants after the application of: (1) a commercial product EmFarma Plus (Probiotics Polska), (2) a consortium called Skierniewickie Microorganisms (MS) (containing three strains of Klebsiella oxytoca, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas sp.), and (3) Consortium MS together with EmFarma Plus. The study estimated the populations of microscopic fungi and bacteria, including the groups of microorganisms considered to be beneficial, i.e., spore-forming bacteria, fluorescent bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, diazotrophs and actinomycetes. Applications of Consortium MS and, to a lesser extent, the preparation EmFarma Plus together with Consortium MS resulted in a significant increase in the total population of diazotrophs isolated from the rhizosphere soil of the vegetable species included in the study. There was no significant impact of the application of EmFarma Plus on the population size of the analyzed groups of microorganisms in the rhizosphere soil

    The Influence of Consortia of Beneficial Microorganisms on the Growth and Yield of Aquaponically Grown Romaine Lettuce

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    This study evaluated the effects of fish farm wastewater from the production of hybrid sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt × Acipenser baeri Brandt) on the growth and quality parameters of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. longifolium cv. “Elizium”). The tested combinations were fish farm wastewater, fish farm wastewater enriched with one of the three microbiological consortia, and fish farm wastewater supplemented with minerals. The best growth parameters of romaine lettuce plants were obtained in the combination of wastewater from fish farming supplemented with mineral nutrients. The application of fish farm wastewater and beneficial microbiological consortia positively influenced the fresh weight of lettuce leaves and the number of leaves per plant. However, plants fed with wastewater supplemented with minerals were characterized by the strongest symptoms of leaf tip-burn and the lowest commercial value. By comparison, plants fed only with fish farm wastewater or wastewater with microorganisms were characterized by a high, similar commercial value. After the application of increased doses of minerals, there was evidence of greater activity of microorganisms involved in nutrient cycling in aquaponic lettuce cultivation. The application of the microbiological consortia and minerals significantly increased the numbers and activity of the bacteria in the culture liquids 7, 14, and 21 days after inoculation

    Diagnostyka i leczenie hipotermii pourazowej w warunkach szpitalnych – badanie pilotażowe

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    Wstęp: Obniżenie temperatury głębokiej ciała, które towarzyszy urazom, związane jest ze zwiększoną śmiertelnością. Mechanizmy termoregulacyjne u pacjentów, którzy doznali urazu są upośledzone, zwłaszcza wtedy, gdy zastosowano opioidy lub leki znieczulenia ogólnego. Utrzymanie normotermii wymaga starannej izolacji termicznej oraz wdrożenia ogrzewania czynnego. Celem badania była ocena wyposażenia i procedur związanych z rozpoznawaniem i leczeniem hipotermii pourazowej w polskich szpitalach. Materiał i metody: Ankiety dotyczące wyposażenia i procedur związanych z monitorowaniem temperatury oraz aktywnym ogrzewaniem zostały rozesłane do wszystkich szpitali przyjmujących pacjentów po urazach w województwie świętokrzyskim. Ankietą objęto oddziały chirurgii ogólnej, oddziały intensywnej terapii (OIT) oraz bloki operacyjne. Wyniki: Zdecydowana większość, bo 92% oddziałów chirurgicznych, nie posiada wyposażenia do pomiaru temperatury głębokiej ciała (Tc), a 85% z nich nie ma urządzeń do ogrzewania chorych. Pomiar Tc jest możliwy na każdym OIT, a systemy grzewcze są dostępne na 83% OIT. Na połowie oddziałów intensywnej terapii kryteria wdrożenia ogrzewania są inne niż Tc i opierają się na indywidualnej decyzji lekarza. Na 58% bloków operacyjnych temperatura pacjenta nie jest monitorowana, zaś na 33% bloków pacjenci nie są ogrzewani. Wnioski: Większość OIT i bloków operacyjnych jest odpowiednio wyposażona, jednakże na części z nich kryteria wdrożenia pomiaru Tc i ogrzewania chorych pozostają niesprecyzowane. Oddziały chirurgiczne nie są przygotowane do leczenia chorych z hipotermią pourazową

    The Effect of Different Stratification and Scarification Treatments on Breaking the Dormancy of Saskatoon Berry Seeds

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    Saskatoon berry has become as important as a commercial fruit crop. One main goal is to release new plant cultivars well adapted to different climatic and soil conditions. Dormant seeds obtained from breeding are serious problems delaying the program. The seeds were directly extracted from fruits after harvest (unstored) or after storage at −18 °C for 6 months (stored) and subjected to modified stratification (3 °C) with KNO3, H2O2, NO, smoke-water (SW) or scarification using sandpaper or H2SO4 for 10, 20, 30, 40 min or treatments with pulsed radio frequency (PRF) or red light. The seeds were also subjected to warm–cool stratification (20/3 °C). Unstored seeds germinated in a higher percentage and with better uniformity (T75–T25) than stored seeds. Stored seeds positively affected the onset of seed germination (T1) and mean germination time (MGT). Dormancy breakage was promoted by stratification with KNO3, SW or scarification with sandpaper, H2SO4 or treatments with PRF. The recommended method for the breeding program of breaking seeds dormancy is when unstored seeds are subjected to stratification in KNO3 (0.2%) or SW (1:100). Depending on the applied methods, the percentage of seeds’ germination increased to 87% compared to untreated (64%) control seeds. The positive effects of the selected methods persisted during seedling development by stimulating their growth and enhancing the chlorophyll content index (SPAD) and effective quantum yield of PSII of chlorophyll in leaves (ΦPSII)