31 research outputs found

    The conttent of selected macroelements in fen soils of different trophic status

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    Ze względu na trofizm niskoturzycowe młaki górskie dzieli się na oligo-, mezo- i eutroficzne. Przeprowadzone badania miały na celu ocenę zawartości wapnia, magnezu, potasu i sodu, ekstrahowanych roztworem 0,5 mol·dm-3 HCL, w glebach młak o zróżnicowanym trofizmie i różnym kierunku procesów pedogenicznych w nich zachodzących. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że gleby badanych młak charakteryzowały się zróżnicowaną zawartością oznaczonych makroelementów, zwłaszcza wapnia, która zależała od podłoża geologicznego, typu hydrologicznego zasilania, mineralizacji zasilających je wód, kierunku procesu pedogenicznego oraz antropogenicznego oddziaływania.Low sedge mountain fens, because of their trophic status, are divided into oligo-, meso- and eutrophic. Performed studies aimed at assessing the content of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium extracted with 0,5 mol·dm-3 HCL from fen soils of diversified trophic status and different direction of pedogenic processes. It was that soils of studied fens were characterised by different content of macroelements, particularly calcium, whit depended on the geological bedrock, type of the hydrological feeding, mineralization of inflowing waters, the direction of pedogenic processes and anthropogenic impacts

    Influence of fiber type and the layer thickness on the stress distribution in composite pipe

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    In this work authors presented distribution of circumferential stress in wound composite structures made from different layers. The cylindrical shape specimens were made from layers which have different elastic moduli. Manufactured specimens underwent strength test to obtain distribution of circumferential stress as a function of radius. Circumferential strain on outside surface was measured by fiber optic strain gauge. In order to verify the experimental results were made microscopy specimens, obtained material properties by homogenization method and calculated the strain using analytical approach. In the end, authors compared results obtained from both methods

    A computational fluid flow analysis of a disc valve system

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    Noise concerns in shock absorbers can be divided into two categories. The first is fluid flow noise, or “swish noise”, caused by the oil being forced through openings in the valves. The type and temperature of the oil, its velocity and the orifice geometry all have an effect on this. In addition, the structural design of the shock absorber shell may either reduce or amplify the noise. The second type of shock absorber noise is often described as regular operational noise or “chuckle noise”. It can be observed in vehicles during low-displacement, higher-frequency events, such as driving over a slightly rough road. This effect measurable as a force discontinuity into the vehicle and can come from a number of sources in the shock absorber, e.g. hydraulic transitions. It is often traceable to the valve discs closing and opening, but can also be caused by cavitation/aeration in the oil and air being pulled through the valves. The work on noise improvement reported in this paper has been started using conventional shock absorbers to be extended and will cover in the future variable damping shock systems as well. The paper gives an overview about the configurations of a typical valve system including three basic regimes of operation, which correspond to the amount of oil flowing through a valve cavity. The aim of this work was to propose a finite element fluid flow model, which can be used in order to reduce the velocity of fluid flow through a cavity of a shock absorber valve. High flow velocity can cause high-content frequency vibrations and, in turn, audible noise. The model will be used for initial screening of new valve concepts and on the other hand to improve the currently use ones

    Zawartość azotu biomasy mikrobiologicznej w różnie użytkowanych glebach Pogórza Karpackiego

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    The paper presents results of studies on microbial biomass nitrogen content in agriculturally managed soils of the Silesian and Ciezkowickie Foothills. We used soil material from 14 soil profiles located in pairs – on adjoining arable lands and grasslands. In soil material was assessed the basic properties and microbial biomass nitrogen by chloroform fumigation-extraction method. The analyzed soils were characterized by a high share of microorganism biomass nitrogen in its total content, which may evidence their high biological activity. The contents of microbial biomass nitrogen and its share in the total nitrogen content in grassland soils were significant higher than in arable soils. The content of microorganism biomass nitrogen in the studied soils was positively correlated with the contents of total nitrogen and organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and soil abundance in magnesium (available and exchangeable forms) and with exchangeable sodium.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zawartością azotu biomasy mikrobiologicznej w użytkowanych rolniczo glebach Pogórza Śląskiego i Ciężkowickiego. Wykorzystano materiał glebowy z 14 profili gleb zlokalizowanych parami – na gruntach ornych i użytkach zielonych sąsiadujących ze sobą. Oznaczono podstawowe właściwości gleb oraz zawartość azotu biomasy mikrobiologicznej metodą chloroformowej fumigacji-ekstrakcji. Badane gleby charakteryzowały się dużym udziałem azotu biomasy mikroorganizmów w jego ogólnej zawartości, co świadczy o ich wysokiej aktywności biologicznej. W glebach użytków zielonych zawartość azotu biomasy mikrobiologicznej i jego udział w całkowitej zawartości azotu były istotnie większe niż w glebach gruntów ornych. Zawartość azotu biomasy mikroorganizmów była dodatnio skorelowana z zawartością azotu ogółem i węgla organicznego, pojemnością wymienną kationową i zasobnością gleb w magnez (przyswajalny i wymienny) oraz sód wymienny

    Computer simulations of stress distribution in the tibial insert of endoprosthesis knee joint the results of the decline thickness in the effect of wear

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    W pracy wyznaczono przestrzenny rozkład stanu naprężeń w polietylenowej wkładce endoprotezy stawu kolanowego. Do obliczeń wykorzystano model wkładki uzyskany w wyniku zeskanowania z użyciem skanera 3-D, standardowej endoprotezy kolana używanej do implantacji. W obliczeniach założono, że wkładka jest równomiernie obciążana na obie części: prawą i lewą, a wartość przyłożonego obciążenia została określona dla osoby o masie całkowitej 85 kg. Symulacje rozkładu naprężeń przeprowadzono dla różnych grubości wkładki.The paper presents three-dimensional stress distribution in the tibial insert endoprothesis knee joint. For simulations was used a model of tibial insert scanned with the use of a 3D scanner, a standard knee endoprothesis knee joint used in implantations. It was assumed in calculation that the tibial insert is distributed on both: right and left sides, and applied load was determined fora person of 85 kg. Simulations of stress distribution was done for different thickness of the tibial insert

    The conception of evaluation of the impact of intelligent transport systems on road traffic safety and traffic efficiency with the use of a high class of driving simulators

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    W niniejszym artykule opisano koncepcję oceny wpływu inteligentnych systemów transportowych na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego i efektywność ruchu z użyciem wysokiej klasy symulatorów jazdy. Przedstawiono i omówiono najważniejsze parametry rejestrowane przy użyciu symulatora jazdy AS 1200-6, jakim dysponuje Instytut Transportu Samochodowego oraz oprogramowanie symulacyjne, które będzie wykorzystywane do badań prowadzonych w ramach realizacji projektu pt. „Wpływ stosowania usług Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych na poziom bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego”. Wyniki przeprowadzonych eksperymentów posłużą do opracowania wskaźników służących ocenie wpływu usług ITS na efektywność i bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego a także wytycznych w zakresie rozmieszczenia usług ITS, w celu ich poprawy.This article describes the concept of impact assessment of intelligent transport systems on road safety and traffic efficiency using high-performance driving simulators. The paper discussed the most important parameters recorded using the AS 1200-6 driving simulator, which is available at the Motor Transport Institute, and simulation software, which will be used for research carried out within the project implementation, "The impact of using Intelligent Transport Systems on the level of road safety". The results of the experiments will be used to develop indicators for assessing the impact of ITS services on road safety and efficiency, as well as guidelines for the deployment of ITS services, to improve them

    “Everything is not

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    There is ample evidence that macroscopic animals form geographic clusters termed as zoogeographic realms, whereas distributions of species of microscopic animals are still poorly understood. The common view has been that micrometazoans, thanks to their putatively excellent dispersal abilities, are subject to the “Everything is everywhere but environment selects” hypothesis (EiE). One of such groups, <1 mm in length, are limnoterrestrial water bears (Tardigrada), which can additionally enter cryptobiosis that should further enhance their potential for long distance dispersion (e.g., by wind). However, an increasing number of studies, including the most recent phylogeny of the eutardigrade genus Milnesium, seem to question the general applicability of the EiE hypothesis to tardigrade species. Nevertheless, all Milnesium phylogenies published to date were based on a limited number of populations, which are likely to falsely suggest limited geographic ranges. Thus, in order to test the EiE hypothesis more confidently, we considerably enlarged the Milnesium d ata s et b oth t axonomically and geographically, and analysed it in tandem with climate type and reproductive mode. Additionally, we time-calibrated our phylogeny to align it with major geological events. Our results show that, although cases of long distance dispersal are present, they seem to be rare and mostly ancient. Overall, Milnesium species are restricted to single zoogeographic realms, which suggests that these tardigrades have limited dispersal abilities. Finally, our results also suggest that the breakdown of Gondwana may have influenced the evolutionary history of Milnesium. In conclusion, phylogenetic relationships within the genus seem to be determined mainly by paleogeography