12 research outputs found

    A Review of Wireless and PLC Propagation Channel Characteristics for Smart Grid Environments

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    Wireless, power line communication (PLC), fiber optic, Ethernet, and so forth are among the communication technologies on which smart grid communication infrastructure is envisioned to be built. Among these, wireless and PLC-based solutions are attractive considering the cost of initial deployment. Wireless communication deployment in smart grid covers a variety of environments such as indoor, outdoor, and electric-power-system facilities. Similar diversity is expected in PLC deployment as well covering low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), and high voltage (HV) segments of the grid. In spite of being attractive, wireless and PLC channels are very harsh posing great challenges to performance of communication systems. In proposing solutions to smart grid communication needs, two approaches are likely to be followed. One is based on the use of existing wireless and PLC technologies with some modifications, and the other relies upon developing novel communication protocols particularly addressing the smart grid needs. Both of these approaches require an in-depth knowledge of communication channel characteristics. The aim of this study is to reveal the wireless and PLC channel characteristics of smart grid environments in terms of several parameters such as path loss and attenuation, time dispersion, time selectivity, amplitude statistics, and noise characteristics

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    MOS interface load density measurement and properties

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    C-V yöntemiyle MOS kapasitör arayüzeyinde silisyum yasak enerji aralığı içinde yer alan arayüzey durumları niteliksel ve sayısal olarak saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu arayüzey durumlarının enerji aralığındaki hangi enerji seviyelerinde yoğunlaştıklarını saptamak için yüzey potansiyeli basit bir deneysel yöntem kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, yanlız C-V deneysel bulgularından Coksit kapasitansı da elde olunarak buradan oksit kalınlığı da ince bir duyarlıkla bulunmuştur. Ancak, bu çalışmada incelenen yöntem ile arayüzey durumlarının yasak enerji aralığı içindeki konumları, özellikle Formi seviyesi yakınlarında olanlarının sayısal olarak saptanmasına rağmen niteliklerinin anlaşılması mümkün olmamaktadır.In this work I have investigated and tried to determine the interface states which are in the silicon forbidden gap by extracting the results of the C-V measurements. The surface potential or band bonding of the semi conductor is obtained to determine the most probable energy levels of those states. Therefore, a simplified experimental method is used to nolvo thin problem. Besides, C, the oxide capacitance is calculated with utmost sensibility by the high frequency C-V measurements, it was possible quantitatively to obtain the interface states especially nearby of the Fermi level but, it is impossible to interpret the chemical origins of the interface states by this experimental method

    A Review of Wireless and PLC Propagation Channel Characteristics for Smart Grid Environments

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    Wireless, power line communication (PLC), fiber optic, Ethernet, and so forth are among the communication technologies on which smart grid communication infrastructure is envisioned to be built. Among these, wireless and PLC-based solutions are attractive considering the cost of initial deployment. Wireless communication deployment in smart grid covers a variety of environments such as indoor, outdoor, and electric-power-system facilities. Similar diversity is expected in PLC deployment as well covering low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), and high voltage (HV) segments of the grid. In spite of being attractive, wireless and PLC channels are very harsh posing great challenges to performance of communication systems. In proposing solutions to smart grid communication needs, two approaches are likely to be followed. One is based on the use of existing wireless and PLC technologies with some modifications, and the other relies upon developing novel communication protocols particularly addressing the smart grid needs. Both of these approaches require an in-depth knowledge of communication channel characteristics. The aim of this study is to reveal the wireless and PLC channel characteristics of smart grid environments in terms of several parameters such as path loss and attenuation, time dispersion, time selectivity, amplitude statistics, and noise characteristics

    Articulating Factors Defining RMS Delay Spread in LV PLC Networks

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    Communication over the power line network (PLN) referred as power line communication (PLC) has a long history of narrowband applications. With the recent developments in the field of digital communications, current interest is to exploit this medium for wideband communications for several applications such as Internet access, home networking, and in-vehicle data communication. In line with this recently emerging interest which envisions the conversion of a power transmission network into a communication network, understanding the root-mean-squared (RMS) delay spread is essential for multipath PLC channels for the establishment of reliable communication systems. In this paper, factors that play a role on the RMS delay spread value of low voltage (LV) PLC channels are articulated. Among these factors, dependency of the RMS delay spread on attenuation, loading, and physical characteristics of the communication channel in the PLNs is investigate

    A Review of Wireless and PLC Propagation Channel Characteristics for Smart Grid Environments

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    Wireless, power line communication (PLC), fiber optic, Ethernet, and so forth are among the communication technologies on which smart grid communication infrastructure is envisioned to be built. Among these, wireless and PLC-based solutions are attractive considering the cost of initial deployment. Wireless communication deployment in smart grid covers a variety of environments such as indoor, outdoor, and electric-power-system facilities. Similar diversity is expected in PLC deployment as well covering low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), and high voltage (HV) segments of the grid. In spite of being attractive, wireless and PLC channels are very harsh posing great challenges to performance of communication systems. In proposing solutions to smart grid communication needs, two approaches are likely to be followed. One is based on the use of existing wireless and PLC technologies with some modifications, and the other relies upon developing novel communication protocols particularly addressing the smart grid needs. Both of these approaches require an in-depth knowledge of communication channel characteristics. The aim of this study is to reveal the wireless and PLC channel characteristics of smart grid environments in terms of several parameters such as path loss and attenuation, time dispersion, time selectivity, amplitude statistics, and noise characteristics

    A Review of Wireless and PLC Propagation Channel Characteristics for Smart Grid Environments

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    Wireless, power line communication (PLC), fiber optic, Ethernet, and so forth are among the communication technologies on which smart grid communication infrastructure is envisioned to be built. Among these, wireless and PLC-based solutions are attractive considering the cost of initial deployment. Wireless communication deployment in smart grid covers a variety of environments such as indoor, outdoor, and electric-power-system facilities. Similar diversity is expected in PLC deployment as well covering low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), and high voltage (HV) segments of the grid. In spite of being attractive, wireless and PLC channels are very harsh posing great challenges to performance of communication systems. In proposing solutions to smart grid communication needs, two approaches are likely to be followed. One is based on the use of existing wireless and PLC technologies with some modifications, and the other relies upon developing novel communication protocols particularly addressing the smart grid needs. Both of these approaches require an in-depth knowledge of communication channel characteristics. The aim of this study is to reveal the wireless and PLC channel characteristics of smart grid environments in terms of several parameters such as path loss and attenuation, time dispersion, time selectivity, amplitude statistics, and noise characteristics