10 research outputs found

    G-quadruplex based Auramine O detection

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    YÖK Tez No: 676324Auramine O sarı renkli bir boyadır ve kağıt, kalem, tekstil ve gıda sanayinde sıklıkla kullanıldığı bilinmektedir. İşlenmiş gıdalarda orijinal renk kaybını önlemek ve ürünleri tüketicilere daha çekici hale getirmek için dünya çapında kullanılmaktadır. Auramine O'nun Uluslararası Kanser Araştırma Ajansı tarafından insanlarda muhtemelen kansorejen hayvan çalışmalarında da kansere ve büyük tahribatlara neden olduğu bildirilmiştir. Bu nedenle ülkemizde dahil birçok ülkede gıdalarda kullanımı yasaklanmıştır. Floresan moleküler rotor hareketi yapan Auramine O molekülleri guanince zengin dizilerden oluşan G-dörtlülerin birbiri üzerine istiflenmesi sonucu oluşan G-kuadrupleks yapı ile tespit edebilmek mümkündür. Bu çalışmada floresan moleküler rotor hareketi kısıtlanan Auramine O'nun kuantum verimliliğindeki artış ve dolayısıyla floresan yoğunluğundaki artış G-kuadrupleks dizi varlığında florimetri cihazı ile tespit edebilmiştir. Farklı on iki dizi içerisinden düşük konsantrasyonlarda AO'yu tespit edebilen c-myc dizi seçilmiştir. G-kuadrupleks tabanlı Auramine O tespit sistemi 3 nM tespit limiti ve 10 nM tayin limitine sahip olduğu belirtilmiştir. İçme suyu, makarna, bulgur ve köri örneklerinde Auramine O tespiti etiketsiz, güvenilir ve hızlı bir şekilde yapılmıştır. Yöntemin uygun ve kabul edilebilir metot validasyon parametrelerine sahip olmasıyla, gıdalarda AO tespitinde kullanılabilir olduğu gösterilmiştir.Auramine O is a yellow colored dye and is known to be frequently used in paper, pencil, textile and food industries. It is used worldwide to prevent loss of original color in processed foods and to make products more attractive to consumers. Auramine O has been reported by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to cause cancer and major damage in humans, possibly also in carcinogenic animal studies. For this reason, its use in foods is prohibited in many countries including our country. It is possible to detect Auramine O molecules, which make fluorescent molecular rotor movement, with the G-quadruplex structure, which is formed as a result of stacking G-quadruplets consisting of guanine-rich sequences on top of each other. In this study, the increase in the quantum efficiency of Auramine O, whose fluorescent molecular rotor movement was restricted, and thus the increase in fluorescence intensity was detected by fluorimetry device in the presence of G-quadruplex array. The c-myc sequence capable of detecting low concentrations of AO from among twelve different sequences was selected. The G-quadruplex based Auramine O detection system has been reported to have a detection limit of 3 nM and a detection limit of 10 nM. Auramine O detection in drinking water, pasta, bulgur and curry samples was made unlabeled, reliably and quickly. It has been shown that the method can be used for AO determination in foods by having appropriate and acceptable method validation parameters

    Label free detection of auramine O by G-quadruplex-based fluorescent turn-on strategy

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    WOS:000786604400006Auramine o (AO) is a synthetic dye used in paper and textile industries. Although it has been an unauthorized food additive in many countries due to its toxic and carcinogenic possibility, its illegal uses have been detected in certain food products such as pasta, semolina and spices and also in pharmaceuticals. The presence of AO in food products should be monitored, therefore, to minimize the negative health effects on consumers. In this study, a simple, highly sensitive and selective label free detection method was investigated for AO by G-quadruplex-based fluorescent turn-on strategy. The optimum fluorescent detection assay was achieved with a specific G-quadruplex DNA sequence, c-myc, at 400 nM in Tris-HCl buffer at pH 7.4. The linearity of fluorescence intensity depending on AO concentration ranged from 0 to 0.07 µM and LOD and LOQ were 3 nM and 10 nM, respectively. The G-quadruplex-based detection assay was highly specific for AO as compared to other two synthetic food colorings and successfully applied to determine AO in pasta, bulgur and curry powder with recoveries in the range from 70.33% to 106.49%. This G-quadruplex-based label free detection assay has a significant potential to be used in the detection of AO in food products

    Age related differences in egg delta phase locking during facial ecpression recognition tas

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    57th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research -- OCT 11-15, 2017 -- Vienna, AUSTRIAWOS: 000415045300184…Soc Psychophysiol Re

    Comparison of the visual and auditory event related potentials of parkinson's disease epatients with and without cognitive impairment

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    57th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research -- OCT 11-15, 2017 -- Vienna, AUSTRIAWOS: 000415045300393Auditory event related potentials (ERPs) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded from eight patients with Parkinson's disease, before and after a single dose of apomorphine. To assess the treatment effects, the patients' motor state, Benton visual retention test (BVRT), and digit span tests were also examined. After apomorphine, although motor performance improved, the ERP latencies were delayed and the N2-P3 ERP amplitude was significantly diminished by comparison with pretreatment values. These data suggest that apomorphine induces, besides its motor effects in patients with Parkinson's disease, a slowing down of cognitive processing. Preferential stimulation of dopamine autoreceptors in mesocortical and mesolimbic systems may represent a neural mechanism for these effects. Also, the posttreatment BVRT rotation errors significantly increased, suggesting an apomorphine induced impairment of visuospatial perception.Soc Psychophysiol Re

    Delta oscillatory responses as a general electrophysiological biomarker for cognitive disorders

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    18th World Congress of Psychophysiology of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) -- AUG 31-SEP 04, 2016 -- Havana, CUBAWOS: 000382408700195Background: In the last decade research on delta oscillatoryresponses invaded the literature. One of thefirst research on thisarea showed that delta responses increase upon cognitive load(Başar and Stampfer 1985). After this preliminary result, manyresearchers have shown that delta responses are related to attention,perception, decision making and working memory processes. Ourgroup and other groups in the literature indicated that the deltaresponses in different patient groups were decreased duringcognitive load in comparison to healthy controls. In a recent reviewwe have described that decrease of delta responses could be acandidate of a general electrophysiological biomarker for neuropsy-chiatric disorders (Güntekin and Başar 2015). Delta responses weredecreased in Alzheimer’s disease, in Mild Cognitive impairment(MCI) in bipolar disorder patients and as well as in schizophreniapatients during cognitive load in comparison to healthy controls. Inthe present study we analyze the delta responses in Parkinson’sdisease with and without cognitive deficitsInt Org Psychophysio

    Hallucinations in parkinson's disease are represented with increased eeg-gamma band activity

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    57th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research -- October 11-15, 2017 -- Vienna, AustriaWOS: 000415045300254…Society for Psychophysiological Researc


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    Myelodisplastik sendrom hemotopoetik hücrelerde morofolojik displazibulguları, periferik sitopeniler, inefektif hematopoez, tekrarlayan genetikanomaliler ve ve AML dönüşüm riskinde artış ile karakterli kemik iliği neoplazisidir. Hodgkin lenfoma sıklıkla germinal merkezli B hücrelerinden kökenalan lenfoid dokunun malign bir neoplazmıdır. Reed-Stenberg hücrelerininvarlığı ile karakterizedir, yıllık insidansı 2-3/100000 olup erkeklerde kadınlara göre daha sık izlenir. Myelodisplastik sendrom takiben gelişen Hodgkinlenfoma birlikteliği oldukça nadir olup biz de MDS ve HL’nin birlikte görüldüğü vakamızı sunmayı amaçladık. 75 yaşında erkek hasta tarafımıza pansitopeni nedeniyle yönlendirilmiş olup yapılan kemik iliği biyopsisi tanısalolmayıp izleme alındı. Hepatosplenomegali nedeniyle tetkik edildi. Batınusg sinde sol böbrek orta zonda hipoekoik RCC İle uyumlu kitle görülmesinedeniyle sol nefrektomi yapıldı. Patoloji sonucu renal cell carcinomaolarak raporlandı. Cerrahi sınır temiz olan hasta üroloji tarafından tedavisizizleme alındı. Takiplerin de sitopenisinin derinleşmesi nedeniyle tekrarkemik ilşği biyopsisi yapılan hastaya myelodisplastik sendrom tanısı ilehaftalık eritropoetin tedavisi başlandı. Takiplerinde B semptomları gelişmesi nedeniyle Torako-abdominal BT ile görüntüleme yapıldı, akciğerdesubkarinal alanda 4 cm lik lap ve paraaortik 2 cm’lik LAP saptandı. EBUSsubkarinal lap ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisi yapıldı, yetersiz materyalolarak sonuçlanması nedeniyle mayıs 2021 de göğüs cerrahisi tarafındanmediastinoskopi yapıldı ve mikst sellüler tip klasik hodgkin lenfoma tanısıkonuldu. Hasta için sağlık bakanlığından endikasyon dışı onam alınarakbrentixumab tedavisi başlandı 5. kürü tamamlanan hastanın takip ve tedavisi kliniğimizde devam etmektedir. Daha önce MDS transforme AML tanısıbir çok olguda gösterilmiş olup MDS yi takiben gelişen Hodking Lenfomabirlikteliği yapılan araştırmada sadece bir kez rastlanılmıştır (1), bu nedenleolgumuz önem arz etmektedir</p

    Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease Is Reflected with Gradual Decrease of EEG Delta Responses during Auditory Discrimination

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    WOS: 000425653300001PubMed ID: 29515489Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Mild Cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia may come along with the disease. New indicators are necessary for detecting patients that are likely to develop dementia. Electroencephalogram (EEG) Delta responses are one of the essential electrophysiological indicators that could show the cognitive decline. Many research in literature showed an increase of delta responses with the increased cognitive load. Furthermore, delta responses were decreased in MCI and Alzheimer disease in comparison to healthy controls during cognitive paradigms. There was no previous study that analyzed the delta responses in PD patients with cognitive deficits. The present study aims to fulfill this important gap. 32 patients with Parkinson's disease (12 of them were without any cognitive deficits, 10 of them were PD with MCI, and 10 of them were PD with dementia) and 16 healthy subjects were included in the study. Auditory simple stimuli and Auditory Oddball Paradigms were applied. The maximum amplitudes of each subject's delta response (0.5-3.5 Hz) in 0-600 ms were measured for each electrode and for each stimulation. There was a significant stimulation x group effect [F(df = 6; 88 = 3,21; p < 0.015; eta(2)(p) = 0.180], which showed that the difference between groups was specific to the stimulation. Patients with Parkinson's disease (including PD without cognitive deficit, PD with MCI, and PD with dementia) had reduced delta responses than healthy controls upon presentation of target stimulation (p <0.05, for all comparisons). On the other hand, this was not the case for non-target and simple auditory stimulation. Furthermore, delta responses gradually decrease according to the cognitive impairment in patients with PD. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that cognitive decline in PD could be represented with decreased event related delta responses during cognitive stimulations. Furthermore, the present study once more strengthens the hypothesis that decrease of delta oscillatory responses could be the candidate of a general electrophysiological indicator for cognitive impairment.Turkish National Science and Research Council TUBITAK [214S111]This study was funded by Turkish National Science and Research Council TUBITAK (Grant No. 214S111)

    Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease Is Reflected with Gradual Decrease of EEG Delta Responses during Auditory Discrimination

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Mild Cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia may come along with the disease. New indicators are necessary for detecting patients that are likely to develop dementia. Electroencephalogram (EEG) Delta responses are one of the essential electrophysiological indicators that could show the cognitive decline. Many research in literature showed an increase of delta responses with the increased cognitive load. Furthermore, delta responses were decreased in MCI and Alzheimer disease in comparison to healthy controls during cognitive paradigms. There was no previous study that analyzed the delta responses in PD patients with cognitive deficits. The present study aims to fulfill this important gap. 32 patients with Parkinson’s disease (12 of them were without any cognitive deficits, 10 of them were PD with MCI, and 10 of them were PD with dementia) and 16 healthy subjects were included in the study. Auditory simple stimuli and Auditory Oddball Paradigms were applied. The maximum amplitudes of each subject’s delta response (0.5–3.5 Hz) in 0–600 ms were measured for each electrode and for each stimulation. There was a significant stimulation × group effect [F(df = 6,88) = 3,21; p &lt; 0.015; ηp2 = 0.180], which showed that the difference between groups was specific to the stimulation. Patients with Parkinson’s disease (including PD without cognitive deficit, PD with MCI, and PD with dementia) had reduced delta responses than healthy controls upon presentation of target stimulation (p &lt; 0.05, for all comparisons). On the other hand, this was not the case for non-target and simple auditory stimulation. Furthermore, delta responses gradually decrease according to the cognitive impairment in patients with PD.Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that cognitive decline in PD could be represented with decreased event related delta responses during cognitive stimulations. Furthermore, the present study once more strengthens the hypothesis that decrease of delta oscillatory responses could be the candidate of a general electrophysiological indicator for cognitive impairment