108 research outputs found

    Reversible Band Gap Engineering in Carbon Nanotubes by Radial Deformation

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    We present a systematic analysis of the effect of radial deformation on the atomic and electronic structure of zigzag and armchair single wall carbon nanotubes using the first principle plane wave method. The nanotubes were deformed by applying a radial strain, which distorts the circular cross section to an elliptical one. The atomic structure of the nanotubes under this strain are fully optimized, and the electronic structure is calculated self-consistently to determine the response of individual bands to the radial deformation. The band gap of the insulating tube is closed and eventually an insulator-metal transition sets in by the radial strain which is in the elastic range. Using this property a multiple quantum well structure with tunable and reversible electronic structure is formed on an individual nanotube and its band-lineup is determined from first-principles. The elastic energy due to the radial deformation and elastic constants are calculated and compared with classical theories.Comment: To be appear in Phys. Rev. B, Apr 15, 200

    Thermal Equation of State of Tantalum

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    We have investigated the thermal equation of state of tantalum from first principles using the Linearized Augmented Plane Wave (LAPW) and pseudopotential methods for pressures up to 300 GPa and temperatures up to 10000 K. The equation of state at zero temperature was computed using LAPW. For finite temperatures, mixed basis pseudopotential computations were performed for 54 atom supercells. The vibrational contributions were obtained by computing the partition function using the particle in a cell model, and the the finite temperature electronic free energy was obtained from the LAPW band structures. We discuss the behavior of thermal equation of state parameters such as the Gr\"uneisen parameter γ\gamma, qq, the thermal expansivity α\alpha, the Anderson-Gr\"uneisen parameter δT\delta_T as functions of pressure and temperature. The calculated Hugoniot shows excellent agreement with shock-wave experiments. An electronic topological transition was found at approximately 200 GPa

    Noncrystalline structures of ultrathin unsupported nanowires

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    Computer simulations suggest that ultrathin metal wires should develop exotic, non-crystalline stable atomic structures, once their diameter decreases below a critical size of the order of a few atomic spacings. The new structures, whose details depend upon the material and the wire thickness, may be dominated by icosahedral packings. Helical, spiral-structured wires with multi-atom pitches are also predicted. The phenomenon, analogous to the appearance of icosahedral and other non-crystalline shapes in small clusters, can be rationalized in terms of surface energy anisotropy and optimal packing

    Structure and stability of finite gold nanowires

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    Finite gold nanowires containing less than 1000 atoms are studied using the molecular dynamics simulation method and embedded atom potential. Nanowires with the face-centered cubic structure and the (111) oriented cross-section are prepared at T=0 K. After annealing and quenching the structure and vibrational properties of nanowires are studied at room temperature. Several of these nanowires form multi-walled structures of lasting stability. They consist of concentrical cylindrical sheets and resemble multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Vibrations are investigated by diagonalization of the dynamical matrix. It was found that several percents of vibrational modes are unstable because of uncompleted restructuring of initial fcc nanowires.Comment: 4 figures in gif forma

    Pentagonal nanowires: a first-principles study of atomic and electronic structure

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    We performed an extensive first-principles study of nanowires in various pentagonal structures by using pseudopotential plane wave method within the density functional theory. Our results show that nanowires of different types of elements, such as alkali, simple, transition and noble metals and inert gas atoms, have a stable structure made from staggered pentagons with a linear chain perpendicular to the planes of the pentagons and passing through their centers. This structure exhibits bond angles close to those in the icosahedral structure. However, silicon is found to be energetically more favorable in the eclipsed pentagonal structure. These quasi one dimensional pentagonal nanowires have higher cohesive energies than many other one dimensional structures and hence may be realized experimentally. The effect of magnetic state are examined by spin-polarized calculations. The origin of the stability are discussed by examining optimized structural parameters, charge density and electronic band structure, and by using analysis based on the empirical Lennard-Jones type interaction. Electronic band structure of pentagonal wires of different elements are discussed and their effects on quantum ballistic conductance are mentioned. It is found that the pentagonal wire of silicon exhibits metallic band structure.Comment: 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Surface-reconstructed Icosahedral Structures for Lead Clusters

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    We describe a new family of icosahedral structures for lead clusters. In general, structures in this family contain a Mackay icosahedral core with a reconstructed two-shell outer-layer. This family includes the anti-Mackay icosahedra, which have have a Mackay icosahedral core but with most of the surface atoms in hexagonal close-packed positions. Using a many-body glue potential for lead, we identify two icosahedral structures in this family which have the lowest energies of any known structure in the size range from 900 to 15000 lead atoms. We show that these structures are stabilized by a feature of the many-body glue part of the interatomic potential.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Premelting of Thin Wires

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    Recent work has raised considerable interest on the nature of thin metallic wires. We have investigated the melting behavior of thin cylindrical Pb wires with the axis along a (110) direction, using molecular dynamics and a well-tested many-body potential. We find that---in analogy with cluster melting---the melting temperature Tm(R)T_m (R) of a wire with radius RR is lower than that of a bulk solid, TmbT_m^b, by Tm(R)=Tmbc/RT_m (R) = T_m^b -c/R. Surface melting effects, with formation of a thin skin of highly diffusive atoms at the wire surface, is observed. The diffusivity is lower where the wire surface has a flat, local (111) orientation, and higher at (110) and (100) rounded areas. The possible relevance to recent results on non-rupturing thin necks between an STM tip and a warm surface is addressed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 postscript figures are appended, RevTeX, SISSA Ref. 131/94/CM/S

    Crossover from Electronic to Atomic Shell Structure in Alkali Metal Nanowires

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    After making a cold weld by pressing two clean metal surfaces together, upon gradually separating the two pieces a metallic nanowire is formed, which progressively thins down to a single atom before contact is lost. In previous experiments [1,2] we have observed that the stability of such nanowires is influenced by electronic shell filling effects, in analogy to shell effects in metal clusters [3]. For sodium and potassium at larger diameters there is a crossover to crystalline wires with shell-closings corresponding to the completion of additional atomic layers. This observation completes the analogy between shell effects observed for clusters and nanowires.Comment: 4 page

    Absence of lattice strain anomalies at the electronic topological transition in zinc at high pressure

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    High pressure structural distortions of the hexagonal close packed (hcp) element zinc have been a subject of controversy. Earlier experimental results and theory showed a large anomaly in lattice strain with compression in zinc at about 10 GPa which was explained theoretically by a change in Fermi surface topology. Later hydrostatic experiments showed no such anomaly, resulting in a discrepancy between theory and experiment. We have computed the compression and lattice strain of hcp zinc over a wide range of compressions using the linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method paying special attention to k-point convergence. We find that the behavior of the lattice strain is strongly dependent on k-point sampling, and with large k-point sets the previously computed anomaly in lattice parameters under compression disappears, in agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Magnetic phenomena in 5d transition metal nanowires

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    We have carried out fully relativistic full-potential, spin-polarized, all-electron density-functional calculations for straight, monatomic nanowires of the 5d transition and noble metals Os, Ir, Pt and Au. We find that, of these metal nanowires, Os and Pt have mean-field magnetic moments for values of the bond length at equilibrium. In the case of Au and Ir, the wires need to be slightly stretched in order to spin polarize. An analysis of the band structures of the wires indicate that the superparamagnetic state that our calculations suggest will affect the conductance through the wires -- though not by a large amount -- at least in the absence of magnetic domain walls. It should thus lead to a characteristic temperature- and field dependent conductance, and may also cause a significant spin polarization of the transmitted current.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure