11 research outputs found

    How do the events leading up to the World War I and the war itself affect the protagonist Lt. Henry and the characters close to him in the novel “Farewell to Arms” ?

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    The aim of this extended essay is to state the effects of events taking place and changing life standarts of the main character Lt. Frederic Henry and people around him especially Catherine Barkley in WWI in the novel “Farewell to Arms”. In this essay the effects of war on main character, people who are in close relationship with him and friendships after the war are examined. There are various changes in people’s lives especially the main character himself before and after the war. The situations that the main character Lt. Henry encountered with his friends both in military service and civil life took my interest to write this essay. There are many problems that the main character faced during WWI such as starvation and death of a close friend but these are only the ones that happened when he was in The Italian Army. By depicting those negative situations Ernest Hemingway critisizes war. Interrelational and psychological breakdowns that the characters face are emphasized as a reality of war in this novel. The narrator does not directly express these destructions during WWI. Instead, the narrator communicates ideas via main character Lt. Frederic Henry’s observations and experiences of war. As a person with dual nationality born in the USA, these observations are expository and declared. Thus his experiences of these realities such as feeling of loss, pain and love during WWI are highlighted. During this war, his life considerably changes as he tries to pursuit his love and relocate in order to meet his beloved again but their distress does not end although they escape from Italy to Switzerland. In army, he also gains affinity to violence by hurting people. In this way the protagonist undergoes changes and his life differentiates as well, but is it possible to confront all the problems

    Maternal serum ischemia-modified albumin as an oxidative stress biomarker in preterm pre-labor rupture of membranes

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    Objectives: To evaluate the maternal serum ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) concentration as an oxidative stress biomarker in pregnancies complicated by preterm pre-labor rupture of membranes (PPROM) without maternal clinical infection and compare these results with healthy pregnancies. Material and methods: The present cohort study included 40 pregnancies complicated by PPROM and 49 similar gestational age healthy pregnancies in the third trimester of gestation. Maternal venous blood specimens were obtained at the day of first diagnosis. Maternal serum IMA level was assayed with an Albumin Cobalt Binding test. The subjects were followed up until delivery and perinatal outcomes were recorded. Results: The maternal serum IMA concentrations were significantly higher in the study group (0.56 ± 0.05 absorbance units) as compared to controls (0.54 ± 0.03 absorbance units) (p = 0.020). The maternal serum IMA concentrations were not significantly correlated with the initial maternal white blood cell count (r: 0.118, p = 0.269) and C-reactive protein levels (r: 0.066, p = 0.541). The maternal serum IMA concentrations were negatively correlated with gestational age at delivery (r: –0.248, p = 0.019), birthweight (r: –0.247, p = 0.020) and Apgar scores (r: –0.200, p = 0.049; r: –0.245, p = 0.020). The threshold value of maternal serum IMA concentration above 0.55 absorbance units indicated the pregnancy complicated by PPROM by 57.5% sensitivity and 57.1% specificity (Area under curve 0.613, confidence interval 0.50–0.73). Conclusions: The current study supported for the first time that there is an association between increased maternal serum IMA levels and the development of PPROM in the third trimester of gestation without maternal clinical infection. Elevated maternal serum IMA levels may alert the obstetrician about poor ongoing perinatal outcomes in the early phase of PPROM before increased maternal C-reactive protein and white blood cell count

    How do the events leading up to the World War I and the war itself affect the protagonist Lt. Henry and the characters close to him in the novel “Farewell to Arms” ?

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    The aim of this extended essay is to state the effects of events taking place and changing life standarts of the main character Lt. Frederic Henry and people around him especially Catherine Barkley in WWI in the novel “Farewell to Arms”. In this essay the effects of war on main character, people who are in close relationship with him and friendships after the war are examined. There are various changes in people’s lives especially the main character himself before and after the war. The situations that the main character Lt. Henry encountered with his friends both in military service and civil life took my interest to write this essay. There are many problems that the main character faced during WWI such as starvation and death of a close friend but these are only the ones that happened when he was in The Italian Army. By depicting those negative situations Ernest Hemingway critisizes war. Interrelational and psychological breakdowns that the characters face are emphasized as a reality of war in this novel. The narrator does not directly express these destructions during WWI. Instead, the narrator communicates ideas via main character Lt. Frederic Henry’s observations and experiences of war. As a person with dual nationality born in the USA, these observations are expository and declared. Thus his experiences of these realities such as feeling of loss, pain and love during WWI are highlighted. During this war, his life considerably changes as he tries to pursuit his love and relocate in order to meet his beloved again but their distress does not end although they escape from Italy to Switzerland. In army, he also gains affinity to violence by hurting people. In this way the protagonist undergoes changes and his life differentiates as well, but is it possible to confront all the problems

    Biyoinformatik yöntemler kullanılarak keçi genomunda mikrorna'ların (miRNA) saptanması

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small (nearly 22 nucleotides) RNAs which regulate gene expression by a sort of mechanisms. They are transcribed from DNA but there is no equivalent for proteins. They are mainly located on non-coding sequences of genome and they are conserved in evolutionary process. miRNAs play an important role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression and work as small degradation molecules. Also they have roles in stem cells differentiation, apoptosis mechanism and cell to cell communication. In addition, the association between miRNAs and diseases, lactation of farm animals and meat yields are known. For example, several miRNAs have been found associated with cancers. In this study, the genetic studies to be performed later on goat genome aimed at building an infrastructure. For this purpose, the cattle (Bos taurus) miRNAs were obtained from miRBase and then these miRNA sequences were scanned in goat cDNA libraries by Blastn program to gain match sequences. As a result of this study, 35 new candidate miRNAs in goat genome were determined by computational approaches. These obtained candidate miRNAs are conserved in the evolutionary process between cattle and goat. These obtained miRNAs would be the basis on subsequently to be made genetic studies and improvement of domestic animals.MikroRNA'lar (miRNA'lar) yaklaşık 22 nükleotid uzunluğunda, gen regülasyonu mekanizmasında görev alan RNA molekülleridir. miRNA'lar genellikle DNA üzerindeki protein kodlamayan bölgelerden transkribe edilirler ve evrimsel süreçte korunmuşluk göstermektedirler. miRNA'lar gen ekspresyonunun post-transkripsyonel regülasyonunda önemli rol oynamaktadırlar ve küçük degredasyon molekülü olarak görev yaparlar. Ayrıca miRNA'lar kök hücre farklılaşmasında, programlı hücre ölümü mekanizmasında ve hücreden hücreye sinyal iletiminde görev almaktadırlar. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucu miRNA'ların birçok hastalıkla ilişkili olduğu ve çiftlik hayvanlarında et verimi, süt verimi vb. gibi konularla ilişkili olduğu saptanmıştır. Örneğin kanser tipleri ile birkaç miRNA arasında ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada biyoinformatik yöntemler kullanılarak keçi genomunda yeni miRNA'ların saptanması ve daha sonra yapılacak olan genetik çalışmalara bir alt yapı oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla evcil sığır (Bos taurus) miRNA'ları keçi (Capra hircus) cDNA kütüphanesinde Blastn programı yardımıyla taranmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucu keçi genomunda toplam 35 adet yeni aday miRNA saptanmıştır. Saptanan bu aday miRNA'lar sığır ile keçi arasında evrimsel süreçte korunmuşluk göstermektedir. Saptanan yeni aday miRNA'ların daha sonra yapılacak genetik ve evcil hayvan ıslahı çalışmalarına taban oluşturacağı düşünülmektedir

    Malign ile benign portal ven trombozunun ayrımında 3 Tesla manyetik rezonans görüntülemede difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülemenin rolü

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    Bu çalışmada malign ile benign portal ven trombozunun ayrımında 3 Tesla manyetik rezonans görüntülemede difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülemenin rolünün araştırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Gereç veYöntem: Ocak 2011 - Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında 3 Tesla manyetikrezonans görüntüleme ünitesinde elde edilmiş abdomen manyetik rezonans görüntüleme incelemeleri portal ven trombozu mevcut olgularıtespit etmek için retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Kontrastsız görüntüler ile karşılaştırıldığında arteriyel faz kontrastlı görüntülerde ?%15kontrast tutulumu gösteren portal ven trombozu malign olarak kabuledildi. Tromboz saptanan portal venin çapı ölçülüp difüzyon ağırlıklıgörüntülerde portal ven trombozu sinyal intensitesi kaydedildi. İki bağımsız gözlemci tarafından malign ve benign portal ven trombozlarınıngörünür difüzyon katsayısı değerleri ölçüldü. Bulgular: Malign portalven trombozu bulgusu olan 23 olgu [19 erkek, 4 kadın; ortanca yaş 63(52-83)] ve benign portal ven trombozu bulgusu olan 14 olgu [5 erkek,9 kadın; ortanca yaş 65 (47-82)] tespit edildi. Difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülerde malign ile benign portal ven trombozu sinyal intensitesi yönündenistatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptandı (p <0.05). Malign portal ventrombozu ortalama görünür difüzyon katsayısı değerleri benign portalven trombozundan daha düşük saptandı (p <0.05). Görünür difüzyonkatsayısı değerleri ölçümü göz önüne alındığında iki gözlemci arasındagüvenirlik yüksek olarak tespit edildi (R1: 0.948). Görünür difüzyon katsayısı değeri ?1.4 x 10–3mm2/s olduğunda malign portal ven trombozutanısında duyarlılık ve özgüllük %100 olarak saptandı. Sonuç: 3 Teslamanyetik rezonans görüntülemede difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntüler malignile benign portal ven trombozu ayrımında tanıya katkı sağlamaktadır.Portal ven trombozunun difüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülerdeki sinyal intensitesi ve görünür difüzyon katsayısı değerleri ile karakterizasyonununyapılabilmesi özellikle kontrast madde kullanımının uygun olmadığı olgularda önem taşımaktadır