6 research outputs found

    Arrow Cause of Angina Pectoris: Single Coronary Artery Anomaly in Elderly Patient

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    DergiPark: 700196tmsjAims: Coronary artery anomalies are rare diseases among the population. These anomalies, which are usually noticed by chance, can remain silent for many years without symptoms. We aimed to present a patient with a coronary artery anomaly withouthaving any symptoms for many years. Case Report: A 73-year-old female patient presented to the Department of Cardiologyof the Trakya University School of Medicine. The patient stated that she had chest pain that decreased with rest and increasedwith exercise for the last 2 months. After the cardiac examination of the patient, imaging procedures were deemed necessary.After imaging, the patient was diagnosed with a single coronary artery anomaly. The patient was recommended to have surgery,but she refused. Upon this, the patient was discharged on condition that she was kept under frequent follow-up. Conclusion:Coronary artery anomalies have reached higher rates of diagnosis thanks to increased imaging technologies in recent years. Ifthese congenital diseases that can even cause death are noticed early, there are various treatment options. First of all, medicaltreatment is preferred, and surgery is recommended in patients with no response to the medical treatment. This disease, whichis closely related to the patient's life, should be carefully evaluated by the doctors. Keywords: Coronary arteries, cardiac anomaly,angiograph

    A Case Report: a Mother With Secondary Infertility

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    DergiPark: 481902tmsjAims: Secondary infertility is a disease where women with a firstborn are not able to have a child again. In this casereport, we wanted to observe a whole process of a patient with secondary infertility and investigate the causes andwhether there are any solutions for it.Case Report:A 41-year-old female patient presented to the clinic with the complaint of not being able to get pregnant.First thoughts about the patient were focused on infertility however, she had a child before. Therefore, furtherinvestigations were needed. After the investigations, she was diagnosed with secondary infertility because no rationalreasons were able to clarify her disease.Conclusion: Nowadays, secondary infertility is still a major health problem and no medications or treatments areenough to resolve this problem. The most common theory is the H-Y antigen hypothesis, but still, there is not enoughevidence for this theory to be proven

    Torticollis Secondary to a Posterior Fossa Tumor: a Case Report

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    DergiPark: 584648tmsjAims: Torticollis secondary to a posterior fossa tumor is a rare condition that is mostly seen in pediatric patients. In this casereport, it is aimed to present a 23-month-old male patient with a posterior fossa tumor that presents the symptoms of torticollis.Case Report: A 23-month-old male patient was admitted to the hospital with a history of a restricted range of motion in hisneck and leaning to his left side while sitting. Physical examination of the patient revealed acute onset of atlantoaxial rotatorysubluxation findings therefore, the initial diagnosis was Grisel’s Syndrome. Later, a cranial magnetic resonance imaging revealeda mass which was seen in the posterior fossa. The mass was considered as the cause of the torticollis. Conclusion: This case reportshows the importance of the differential diagnosis of torticollis. Posterior fossa tumors should not be overlooked while searchingfor the cause of torticollis. Keywords: Torticollis, posterior fossa tumors, infratentorial neoplasm

    Awareness of Symptoms and Signs in Spondyloarthritis Among Family Physicians in Edirne City Center

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    DergiPark: 584645tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the knowledge of signs and symptoms of spondyloarthritis among family physiciansworking in Family Health Centers in Edirne. Methods: In this study, a questionnaire consisting of 17 questions were applied tothe family physicians working in the Family Health Centers of Edirne Province. The data were analyzed using non-parametricSpearman Correlation test and Mann-Whitney U test on IBM SPSS version 20.0. Results: The total number of subjects in thestudy was 45. All subjects’ median age was 47 years (1st quartile, 42 years; 3rd quartile, 51 years). Five of the participants werefamily medicine specialist. The median duration of medical practice was 20 years (1st quartile, 13 years; 3rd quartile, 25.5 years).Four of the participants were trained in rheumatology. The median number of patients examined by the participants was 60 perday (1st quartile, 47.5; 3rd quartile, 70). Forty-one of the participants stated that they referred patients with back pain to thehospital for further examination. The median number of referral percentage was 15 (1st quartile, 5; 3rd quartile, 25). Conclusion:Spondyloarthritis is a disease that is diagnosed too late and reduces patients’ quality of life. In this study, it was investigated whichfactors could be related to spondyloarthritis awareness of family physicians in a limited area. The most important output of this isstudy is the relation between referrals to rheumatology and awareness of spondyloarthritis. These parameters are related to eachother and the physician. Keywords: Back pain, arthritis, family physician

    The Evaluation of Musculoskeletal System Tumors and Tumor Like Lesions in Thrace Region

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    DergiPark: 478352tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the data belonging to patients who were diagnosed with benign or malignant soft tissue and bone tumors and tumor-like lesions evaluated by musculoskeletal tumor study group of Trakya University Faculty of Medicine in between January 2013 and June 2017 and the relationship between the frequency of benign, malignant bone and soft tissue tumors and tumor-like lesions, with the patients’ age and gender. Methods: The data of 687 patients who were evaluated by the musculoskeletal tumor study group of Trakya University Faculty of Medicine between January 2013- June 2017 were analyzed retrospectively. All of the data was analyzed by using SPSS. Chi-square analysis was used to obtain categorical data in order to point out the distribution of age and gender of patients with musculoskeletal system tumors and tumor-like lesions. Results: The number of patients over the period from January 2013 to June 2017 was 687. The number of patients who were evaluated by biopsy and acquired histopathologic confirmation of their condition was 341. The mean of patients’ ages was 44.3±21.4 (4-92). Among 341 patients, 106 (47.1%) patients were female and 119 (52.9%) patients were male. The mean of females’ ages was 43.7±20.4 (4-92). The mean of males’ ages was 44.7±22.4 (5-90). Conclusion: Benign bone and soft tissue tumors were more common than malignant tumors. Benign bone tumors were predominantly seen in young adults. Our results was consistent with the literature however due to some patients who did not need a pathological sampling, our sample size was smaller than intended. With better archived information, more consistent results could be obtained in further studies

    Distance Education in Medical Schools: the Experience and Opinions of Academicians and Students

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    DergiPark: 819194tmsjAims: This study aims to identify the thoughts and opinions of medical schools’ students and academicians about the distance medical education and examination system that has been rapidly applied during the COVID-19 pandemic Methods: A ques- tionnaire was prepared via Google Forms which consisted of a total of 3 sections. Informed consent was obtained in the first section and participants were directed to “student” or “academician” section. There were 28 questions for the students and 24 questions for the academicians. Categorical variables were demonstrated as numbers and percentages, whereas continuous variables were presented as minimum, maximum, and mean values. Chi-squared test was used to compare preclinic and clinic year students, and the academicians in preclinic, medical, and surgical fields. Results: A total of 321 participants completed the questionnaire. The mean participant ages were 21.4 years and 41.68 years for the students and the academicians, respectively. Only 30% of the students thought the distance education lessons were beneficial while it was 35.5% for the academicians. 25.8% of the academicians and 29.6% of the students were indecisive on the matter. When the examination process was taken into account 67.7% of the academicians and 56.9% of the students thought the online examinations were not reliable. Conclusion: It is predicted that the pandemic process will continue in the next academic years. Considering the current situation, distance education seems to be the best option to ensure that the learning process can continue while protecting the health of students and academicians. Although distance education is not sufficient by itself in medical education during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a method that should be used in almost every field of medical education, especially in the preclinical phase. Both the distance education, and online examination process require improvements and they are needed to be supported with face to face lectures and practices