1,070 research outputs found

    Colloidal glass transition: Beyond mode-coupling theory

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    A new theory for dynamics of concentrated colloidal suspensions and the colloidal glass transition is proposed. The starting point is the memory function representation of the density correlation function. The memory function can be expressed in terms of a time-dependent pair-density correlation function. An exact, formal equation of motion for this function is derived and a factorization approximation is applied to its evolution operator. In this way a closed set of equations for the density correlation function and the memory function is obtained. The theory predicts an ergodicity breaking transition similar to that predicted by the mode-coupling theory, but at a higher density.Comment: to be published in PR

    Self-Organized Criticality Below The Glass Transition

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    We obtain evidence that the dynamics of glassy systems below the glass transition is characterized by self-organized criticality. Using molecular dynamics simulations of a model glass-former we identify clusters of cooperatively jumping particles. We find string-like clusters whose size is power-law distributed not only close to T_c but for ALL temperatures below T_c, indicating self-organized criticality which we interpret as a freezing in of critical behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mode-coupling theory for structural and conformational dynamics of polymer melts

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    A mode-coupling theory for dense polymeric systems is developed which unifyingly incorporates the segmental cage effect relevant for structural slowing down and polymer chain conformational degrees of freedom. An ideal glass transition of polymer melts is predicted which becomes molecular-weight independent for large molecules. The theory provides a microscopic justification for the use of the Rouse theory in polymer melts, and the results for Rouse-mode correlators and mean-squared displacements are in good agreement with computer simulation results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Vibrational origin of the fast relaxation processes in molecular glass-formers

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    We study the interaction of the relaxation processes with the density fluctuations by molecular dynamics simulation of a flexible molecule model for o-terphenyl (oTP) in the liquid and supercooled phases. We find evidence, besides the structural relaxation, of a secondary vibrational relaxation whose characteristic time, few ps, is slightly temperature dependent. This i) confirms the result by Monaco et al. [Phys. Rev, E 62, 7595 (2000)] of the vibrational nature of the fast relaxation observed in Brillouin Light Scattering (BLS) experiments in oTP; and ii) poses a caveat on the interpretation of the BLS spectra of molecular systems in terms of a purely center of mass dynamics.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 4 eps figure

    Critical Decay at Higher-Order Glass-Transition Singularities

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    Within the mode-coupling theory for the evolution of structural relaxation in glass-forming systems, it is shown that the correlation functions for density fluctuations for states at A_3- and A_4-glass-transition singularities can be presented as an asymptotic series in increasing inverse powers of the logarithm of the time t: ϕ(t)figi(x)\phi(t)-f\propto \sum_i g_i(x), where gn(x)=pn(lnx)/xng_n(x)=p_n(\ln x)/x^n with p_n denoting some polynomial and x=ln (t/t_0). The results are demonstrated for schematic models describing the system by solely one or two correlators and also for a colloid model with a square-well-interaction potential.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of "Structural Arrest Transitions in Colloidal Systems with Short-Range Attractions", Messina, Italy, December 2003 (submitted

    Colloidal gelation and non-ergodicity transitions

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    Within the framework of the mode coupling theory (MCT) of structural relaxation, mechanisms and properties of non-ergodicity transitions in rather dilute suspensions of colloidal particles characterized by strong short-ranged attractions are studied. Results building on the virial expansion for particles with hard cores and interacting via an attractive square well potential are presented, and their relevance to colloidal gelation is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; Talk at the Conference: "Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics" ICTP Trieste, September 1999; to be published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Numerical and Theoretical Study of a Monodisperse Hard-Sphere Glass Former

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    There exists a variety of theories of the glass transition and many more numerical models. But because the models need built-in complexity to prevent crystallization, comparisons with theory can be difficult. We study the dynamics of a deeply supersaturated \emph{monodisperse} four-dimensional (4D) hard-sphere fluid, which has no such complexity, but whose strong intrinsic geometrical frustration inhibits crystallization, even when deeply supersaturated. As an application, we compare its behavior to the mode-coupling theory (MCT) of glass formation. We find MCT to describe this system better than any other structural glass formers in lower dimensions. The reduction in dynamical heterogeneity in 4D suggested by a milder violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation could explain the agreement. These results are consistent with a mean-field scenario of the glass transition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Gaussian density fluctuations, mode coupling theory, and all that

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    We consider a toy model for glassy dynamics of colloidal suspensions: a single Brownian particle diffusing among immobile obstacles. If Gaussian factorization of static density fluctuations is assumed, this model can be solved without factorization approximation for any dynamic correlation function. The solution differs from that obtained from the ideal mode coupling theory (MCT). The latter is equivalent to including only some, positive definite terms in an expression for the memory function. An approximate re-summation of the complete expression suggests that, under the assumption of Gaussian factorization of static fluctuations, mobile particle's motion is always diffusive. In contrast, MCT predicts that the mobile particle becomes localized at a high enough obstacle density. We discuss the implications of these results for models for glassy dynamics.Comment: to be published in Europhys. Let

    A mode-coupling theory for the glassy dynamics of a diatomic probe molecule immersed in a simple liquid

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    Generalizing the mode-coupling theory for ideal liquid-glass transitions, equations of motion are derived for the correlation functions describing the glassy dynamics of a diatomic probe molecule immersed in a simple glass-forming system. The molecule is described in the interaction-site representation and the equations are solved for a dumbbell molecule consisting of two fused hard spheres in a hard-sphere system. The results for the molecule's arrested position in the glass state and the reorientational correlators for angular-momentum index =1\ell = 1 and =2\ell = 2 near the glass transition are compared with those obtained previously within a theory based on a tensor-density description of the molecule in order to demonstrate that the two approaches yield equivalent results. For strongly hindered reorientational motion, the dipole-relaxation spectra for the α\alpha-process can be mapped on the dielectric-loss spectra of glycerol if a rescaling is performed according to a suggestion by Dixon et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 65}, 1108 (1990)]. It is demonstrated that the glassy dynamics is independent of the molecule's inertia parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, Phys. Rev. E, in prin

    Kinetically driven glassy transition in an exactly solvable toy model with reversible mode coupling mechanism and trivial statics

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    We propose a toy model with reversible mode coupling mechanism and with trivial Hamiltonian (and hence trivial statics). The model can be analyzed exactly without relying upon uncontrolled approximation such as the factorization approximation employed in the current MCT. We show that the model exhibits a kinetically driven transition from an ergodic phase to nonergodic phase. The nonergodic state is the nonequilibrium stationary solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for the distribution function of the modelComment: 10 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the Proceedings of the Barcelona Workshop 'Glassy Behavior of Kinetically Constrained Models'. To appear in J. Phys. Condens. Matte